Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 366: Eimiya Kiritugu

"You two old coins have joined forces? Is this the legendary meeting with the right person, no matter how bitter life will become sweet?"

Looking at the caster behind him and the erserker in front of him, Ling Yun sneered.

"Haha, clever teeth, to deal with you, the old man naturally needs to be more cautious." A tender voice came from all directions.

Ling Yun couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

The voice is a little immature, it should be possessed by a certain child.

Tsk, poor baby, since the old bugs dove occupy the magpie's nest, it is no longer saved. In my heart, I sympathized with an unknown poor baby for a second.

"What? Just let the heroic spirits come out, don't you dare to appear in front of me? Old bug?" Ling Yun's mocking voice came out, causing erserker to let out a roar like a beast.

"It's always a good thing to be cautious, don't you?" Jian Tong dirty Yan Yan's abusive voice came from around.

After learning the previous lesson, Jian Tong's dirty inkstone was deeply impressed by Gou Zhidao.

Let the dangerous things be left to the heroic spirits, anyway, they are all dead, and there is no need to worry about anything.

"Onie sauce."

Although the voice of the old insect changed, the horrible tone made Sakura recognize his identity, and recalled the insect cellar full of imprinted insects, Sakura's face was pale, without a trace of blood.

Feeling the cold little hand in his hand, Ling Yun tightened slightly: "It's okay, there is a brother, he can't do anything to you, we will burn him just like before!"

"Yeah!" Because of Ling Yun, Sakura was no longer afraid, and nodded heavily.

Ling Yun smiled softly at Sakura, then raised his head and looked at the corner of the erserker's mouth in front of him with a smile: "For a bug, it seems not easy to find a nest with a similar smell."

"But... do you really think that combining a trash can defeat me?"

The scarlet eyes narrowed, and the blue key of truth quickly stood in the void.

The icy muzzle was aimed at Lancelot and Caster.

"You **** heresy! You dare to contempt me Gil De Ray!" Caster exclaimed angrily.

No matter how good-tempered people are, they can't bear to hear others call him rubbish!

The demonic energy riots around.

Especially the man in front of him not only played with him before, but also insulted his pure and holy girl!

"I swear by the name of Gil de Ray that I will plunge you into an eternal hell!"

"I want to re-bind my treasure with your human skin!"


At this moment, the explosion sounded.

In the endless dust, a man in a tattered suit rushed out of the dust.

After taking a look at Ling Yun and the others, he hurriedly ran away, clutching his arms.

Red blood stains were also left on the ground.

Ling Yun looked at the man's back and was a little surprised: "Eimiya Kirisu?"

Also full of curiosity.

what happened?

The only battles between Kenneth and Yonho Kirei were the only two battles of the original drama finale, and the other times were diving, fishing, and smooth sailing.

There should be no danger.

However, so embarrassed, are you being chased by someone?

Soon, Ling Yun's question was answered.


Suddenly a yellow short gun burst out from the distant sky, breaking through the dust and space.

A fierce bombardment hit the ground.

A hole was punched out of the concrete floor behind Kirito Eomiya.

Eimiya Kirishu didn't dare to look back, applied an acceleration magic to his foot, and rushed towards the forest without looking back.

"Tsk, did the shot miss?"

Lancer's figure fell from the sky, drew the yellow short spear from the ground, and looked at the back of Eomiya Kiritsugu disappearing into the jungle and smacked his tongue.

"Um, are you doing any large-scale live broadcast?" Lingyun couldn't help raising his hand while watching Lancer.

"Ling Yun?" Lancer, who heard the voice, looked at Ling Yun in surprise.

"What are you?"

However, from this look, it was discovered that Ling Yun was being sandwiched between erserker and caster.

Ling Yun asked in a daze: "What's your situation? How do you chase Wei Gong Qisi?"

Kenneth hunts down Eimiya Kirishu?

This is not right. Shouldn't the battle between the two only started in the castle of Einzbern?

Could it be because of the butterfly effect caused by him?

"Thank you for your jar about this, Master Ling Yun."

Lancer's sudden honorific speech made Ling Yun stunned.

"The jar?"

"Yes, I didn't expect you to possess such a powerful force, allowing us to see our future."

Ling Yun was stunned: "???"


Wait, Lancer means that they know their future from the jar?

Wouldn't it be the same as Xiao Xilin's comic that broke down for the second time?

"Well, I can already guess the general situation." Ling Yun shook his head and laughed.

It's very simple. Uemiya Kirishu, who didn't know the plot, went to sneak attack on two people who knew the plot. Obviously, he was beaten by routine.

It is not difficult to explain why Eimiya Kirishu was hunted down.

"Master Lingyun, here you are..." Lancer glanced at Caster vaguely.

He felt a very uncomfortable breath on Caster's body.

"It's okay, just two clowns, you can just continue your business." Ling Yun counted casually.

When the two were talking, Caster also reacted.

Hearing Ling Yun scolding himself for the clown, his already gloomy expression became even more serious.

"Lancer, how did you stop? Huh? Lingyun? Are you here too?" At this moment, Kenneth, who was behind, also chased up and fell to Lancer's side.

Looking at the two heroes except Ling Yun, he was taken aback.


The moment he noticed Gil De Lei, his eyes narrowed slightly ~ Now, apart from the two illegal summons of Ling Yun and Gabriel, the seven major ranks of the Holy Grail War have been gathered.

"Old Ken, I'm great, I don't need to be in a wheelchair again this time." Ling Yun looked at the Kenneth who appeared, his eyes lit up, and he patted him on the shoulder, revealing a teasing smile.

Kenneth: "..."

Director Ken snorted, and said proudly, "Guwei Miyakiji! If it weren't for my care, how could something like that happen?"

"Don't swell, be careful that he will give you a chill!" Ling Yun patted his shoulder.

"Don't forget, Kirisu Eomiya is the true master of Saer."

"Saer's master turned out to be a villain who attacked behind him. I really feel unfair for Saer!" Lancer said.

It is extremely unfortunate that the dignified knight king will stand on this kind of master.

"My business, you don't need to care about it yet."

"Do you need help?"

Kenneth glanced at Caster and erserker and asked Ling Yun.

The jar thing can be said to have saved Kenneth's life.

So the attitude towards Ling Yun in his heart also changed subtly.

If Ling Yun needs it, he can stay with Lancer to deal with caster and erserker together.

In the gloomy smelly ditch

Shinji Ma's brows frowned: "This guy has been approved by Master Lancer in such a short period of time, it's troublesome."

Although he did not put the spearmen in his eyes.

But Ling Yun itself is extremely difficult to deal with, if one of them is pinned down again, then this battle will be meaningless at all!

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