Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 367: Sword of Oath of Victory vs Indestructible Lake

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"Since you know your destiny, you should also be clear about some things." Ling Yun glanced at Kenneth.

He was curious as to how much Kenneth knew.

On the contrary, because Kenneth didn't know the existence of the Dimensional Store, in Kenneth's cognition, Ling Yun deliberately gave him the future.

Kenneth glanced at Ling Yun and did not refute: "Unexpectedly, so many interesting things happened during the time I was not attending."

The caster's sea monster, Yanfeng Qili's master killing, Yanfeng Lizheng's spell curse, etc...

"Where is Sora?"

"I was forcibly sent back to the clock tower." Kenneth said flatly.

"Thought consciousness is quite high." Ling Yun glanced at Kenneth high.

This is a far cry from Kenneth in the original book.

"It's just a woman who uses me." Kenneth said calmly.

Kenneth changed completely by remembering the once-dead memory of the copy.

He is still crazy, but not arrogant.

Kenneth Lingyun, who was standing next to him without any movement, asked, "Aren't you going to chase Eomiya Kiriji?"

"It's just a clown. You can kill it at any time after the Holy Grail War is over." Kenneth gently stroked his magic attire-Moon Essence Liquid, and said indifferently.

Indeed, Kirishu Eomiya is a clown.

It can only show off in this Holy Grail War.

"Caster is handed over to Lancer, I will deal with berserker, no problem!" Ling Yun said, since the other party is willing to be called by him, why not do it?

Free labor is better than hired.

"Oh? What about me?" Kenneth asked curiously.

"You help me protect Sakura." Ling Yun pushed Sakura in front of Kenneth.

Kenneth was speechless for a while looking at Sakura who looked at herself with big cute eyes, "..."

"Come again? Ling Yun, I am a magician, one of the twelve monarchs of the Clock Tower, and the Patriarch of the Archibald House!" Kenneth said, holding back the anger in his heart.

"Huh? So?" Ling Yun looked at him puzzled.

"I'm a noble magician! Not a nanny! I don't know how to bring children!"

"So?" Ling Yun raised his brows.

"So even if I jump from here and drown, I will never take a child!" Kenneth walked to the edge of the Winterwood Bridge and said righteously, pointing to the rushing sea below.

"Oh." Ling Yun just responded indifferently to this.

Kenneth: "..."

Why is there a feeling of hitting cotton with all its strength.


Under a big tree

Two figures, one large and one small, were sitting on the marble under the big tree.

The small figure was full of doubts, while the big figure was expressionless, and the expression of "being unlovable" could still be vaguely seen.

These two are not others, they are Sakura and her nanny...Bah, Kenneth, one of the twelve monarchs of the Clock Tower.

"Uncle Ken, why are you so sullen?" Sakura looked at Kenneth with a'Sima face' and couldn't help but curiously asked.

"Are you hungry? I still have some snacks here, if you don't mind..." Sakura took out some biscuits, noodles and water from the black card and put them next to Kenneth.

"Nothing, I'm just a little depressed."

Hearing the delicate voice of Sakura next to him, Kenneth turned his head to meet those innocent eyes, and his heart softened.

Then he sighed heavily.

Received the food: "Thank you."

Speaking of which he was really hungry.

It was purely full of breath by Ling Yun before.

"It's okay, that's what Lingyun Ouni-chan told me. You are just like a kid if you say uncle, just coax it." Xiao Sakura said with a smile.

It's just that as soon as she finished speaking, she noticed Kenneth's movements.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you? Is the food not tasty?"

Kenneth looked bitterly at the empty Winterwood Bridge.

It's delicious, why isn't it delicious, it's so delicious that my mentality collapsed!

In the inherent barrier

Ling Yun held the Tribulation and smashed Lancelot's dark long sword in the colliding Mars.

"The sword is a good sword, but unfortunately, how much strength do you have after being mad."

Gently avoiding Lancelot's pursuit, Ling Yun said in admiration.

The indestructible lake, that is the sword of the same origin as the Sword of Oath of Victory.

It is very valuable for reproduction.

Ling Yun waved his hand.

Two golden swords fell from the void and steadily fell from behind Lancelot, setting them to the ground.


Two spears of Yakong exploded from the void behind Ling Yun, sealing his limbs.


Lancelot let out a roar of a beast, which directly shattered Lingyun's blockade.

Roaring, rushing towards Ling Yun like a mad dog.

"Is this madness? Has the pain been ignored?" After blocking the next blow, Ling Yun calmly analyzed.


Lancelot roared.

Grab two golden swords on the ground.

The golden sword was quickly filled with red lines at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was thrown out by Lancelot in an instant.

Peng! Peng!

There was an explosion in midair.

The floating cannon that had been behind Ling Yun fired two blue lasers.

Shattered the attacking golden sword.

"Berserker, I allow you to use treasures!" Shinji Makiri, who was observing through magic, gave the order.


The next moment, Lancelot let out a deafening roar.

Dangling away Lingyun, grabbed the indestructible lake and leaped towards the back.

He didn't stop until he retreated a hundred meters away.

"To liberate the treasure?"

Ling Yun saw Jian Tong's dirty inkstone at a glance.

"Alright, let me see how powerful the legendary indestructible lake light is." Ling Yun put away the robbery.

The golden brilliance condenses.

A silver long sword condensed in Ling Yun's hands.

At the moment when he saw that sword, Ling Yun clearly felt the body of Lancelot on the opposite side shook.

"There is a reaction, it does not seem to be completely irrational."

Ling Yun held the hilt with both hands and faced Lancelot.

This sword is not the one that Rick drew out of the jar, but a re-enactment of the sword of victory from the Queen of Great Britain, Via Pendragon.

Of course, its level has reached the level of A++.

Just then Lancelot suddenly roared.

The roar was deafening.

The best interpretation of what is output depends on howling.

It's a pity that he is not the protagonist...

Endless magic power condenses from the void, and finally formed a dark torrent.

Behind him can vaguely see a calm lake.

The moonlight was falling, and there was a dark dragon.

At the same time, Ling Yun's side was also illuminated by golden light.

The two divided the sky in half.

"Ar-oundight! (Indestructible lake light

"EX-calibur! (Sword of Oath of Victory

Two roars resounded throughout the inherent barrier.

The golden and black beams of light suddenly split together.

"Berserker, I ordered you to kill him in the name of Lingshu!" Shinji Matong who saw this scene didn't care about it anymore.

Used the last spell in his hand.

There is only one chance, Ling Yun, must die!


As Shinji Ma's magic spell disappeared, an incomparably terrifying magic power suddenly burst out of Berserker.

The jet-black torrent actually doubled directly.

The magic of the dark night is like a vertical eye leading to the abyss.

Facing the golden torrent on the opposite side, wave directly away.


The sound of the two touching is like ripples on the surface of a calm lake.

The next moment the earth was swept and shattered.

The sky is broken.

The earth is sunken.

In just an instant, the whole world was annihilated by the golden and black light.



Kenneth sitting under the tree moved his ear.

He stood up quickly and looked at the broken void with a twitch of his mouth.

What kind of battle is this? The inherent barrier that is known as the ultimate magic is broken.

In just two days, he saw the inherent barriers broken twice.

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 377 Sword of Oath of Victory vs. Indestructible Lake), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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