Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 368: prelude

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Space fragmentation

The world is broken like a mirror.

A jet-black figure suddenly shot out from the shattered space.


Then it slammed heavily on the fence of the Dongmu Bridge, making a deep metal sound.

"Berserker?!" Kenneth stared at the fainted figure in a daze.

Berserker appears here, which means... Ling Yun won?

The jet black helmet shattered, revealing a handsome face that even women envied.

"Good risk, good risk, I was almost killed."

At this time, a voice of ‘fortunately’ sounded, and Ling Yun's figure appeared on the Dongmu Bridge.

"Oni sauce!"

When she heard the sound, Sakura ran over and plunged into Ling Yun's arms.

"Eunichan, are you okay? Are you injured?"

"Oh, no." Ling Yun smiled softly and hugged Sakura in his arms.

"But the berserker is really strong. If it wasn't for a little more energy than him in the end, I guess I would have been defeated." Ling Yun patted Sakura's back and exclaimed.

Kenneth's mouth twitched frantically when he heard this.

On one side is the berserker, who is bruised, broken armor, and beaten by you, on the other side is you who are intact and can still chat and laugh with the master.

This gap is what you call a little more energy?

Really shameless!

Kenneth spat in disdain.

"Old Ken, thank you for taking care of Sakura for me." Looking at Kenneth, Ling Yun thanked him.

After all, there are no such upright people in Dongmu City.

"Heh." Kenneth sneered, ignoring Ling Yun, but instead set his sights on Lancer who was fighting against Caster in the distance.


At the same time, the gloomy underground waterway

Shinji Ma's pupils were filled with incredulity.

"Impossible! Impossible! Why did you lose! Obviously you have liberated the treasure, and even used the last spell to forcefully increase the magic power. This is completely impossible! How could a little girl support such a terrible consumption of magic power? ?!"

Shinji Ma was puzzled. In order to support Lancelot's output, more than a dozen engraved insects died in his body. With the addition of Lingshu, he did not cause any harm to the opponent? !

The horrible magic arbitrarily shakes the flowing sewage.

He did not understand.

I carefully prepared myself, and even possessed the power of madness that surpassed other servants, but still couldn't compare to the heroic spirit summoned by Sakura's funny spell? !

The dignified "Knight on the Lake" could not be defeated even if he fell into the darkness.

"Is this guy a monster?!"

Ma Tong Shinji's pupils widened, and said in horror.

Servant is an advent ritual, and what is summoned is a clone of the hero in the seat of the hero.

If Ling Yun was just a clone, he would have such a powerful force.

Then the body...

After Ma Tong Shen's second brain made up some things, he fell silent.

Looking at the Lingshu disappearing from his hand, his face was full of gloom.

"Since I can't kill you, let me kill the people around you!"

As a participant in the last few holy grails, he knows it.

There were many enchantments in Yan Fengli's place.

"The goal has changed, Tosaka Toshimi, all this is your fault!"

Shinji Ma Tong changed his goals.

He took a deep breath and calmed down his violent heart.

"It's all because of you. If it weren't for you to transfer Sakura to my Tong's house, all my efforts would not be burned! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to fight Sakura's idea at all, and I would not summon Lingyun this terrible thing later Guy!" Ma Tong Shinji opened the scarred black eyes.

He needs to vent, being so miserable by Ling Yun, he needs an object who can vent to his heart's content.

And Tosaka Toshimi was the weakest person among all the masters.

I have to say that the power of modification in the world is so terrifying.

The originally deviated track has slowly recovered.

But before avenging his revenge on Tosaka Tokimi, he needs to get some magic spells.

A berserker with a frenzied rank is difficult to control.


"Ling Yun, what are you going to do next?"

"Should berserker leave?" Kenneth said, looking at Lancelot, who was fainted on the ground.

"Hahahaha, it seems that we have just experienced an amazing battle here!"

Suddenly, a heroic laugh came from the sky.

The thunder and dust dissipated.

Rider and Webber make their debut.

"Are you the master of rider and rider?" Kenneth looked at the two suddenly appeared, and subconsciously opened his magic costume.

"It's late, the matter has been resolved." Ling Yun glanced at the rider, not surprised by his appearance.

Not to mention that his fight with Lancelot did not hide at all.

Lancer, who was fighting against Caster in the distance, also exposed his breath.

"Don't worry, Master of Lancer, I'm not the kind of despicable villain who will attack the master." The rider glanced at Kenneth, then set his gaze on Lancelot.

"Hey, is the little girl's knight?"

Rider groped his chin and looked at Lancelot who was fainted curiously.

After returning from the shop, he naturally knew the true identity of berserker.

"It didn't disappear immediately, it means that his master probably doesn't have a curse."

"The one used in the previous battle with me should be the last one." Ling Yun nodded.

Suddenly, the rider seemed to have thought of something and said, "Now, Ling Yun, are you considering giving him to me?"

"I fell in love with Lancelot's handsome face, so my heart moved?"

Rider was startled, and then looked at Ling Yun speechlessly: "This is the legendary knight on the lake. If the great conqueror wields such a brave warrior, it will be an epic worth sending!"

"It's up to you, as long as you can resist Saber's Wind King Iron Hammer." Ling Yun spread his hands and said indifferently.

"Oh? Then I don't know if you want to come to me and wave it down?" The rider invited again.

"It's better not to have this kind of illusion. Compared to a group of men in your army, it is better to hold my family's Sakura." Ling Yun hugged the blushing Sakura tightly, and made no secret of disgusting eyes.

Isn't the sweet and sweet Sakura bad?

It's not normal for someone to get into a man's den.

Not everyone is like Weber.

"You are really too much, as always." The rider sighed.

"Moreover, why do you still hold the illusion of subduing us, since being able to become a hero must have their own pride, and wanting to subdue it is an extremely difficult thing in itself."

"So! Defeat to conquer! This is my pleasure! Hahahaha!" The rider laughed disapprovingly.

Weber on the side smiled forcefully.

This guy!

I offended so many people as soon as I came out!

The princess said that she was a little tired.


"Damn it! You **** heresy!"

While avoiding on the sea, Caster summoned tentacles to attack Lancer.

The devilish Red Rose restrained his magic to the death.

Just like that **** Ling Yun!

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