Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 373: Epic of Gilgamesh, Sword of Words

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Fuyuki Bridge

A man covered in armor and exuding black gas slowly climbed up from the ground.

The silver hair is spilt.

Showing his handsome and hideous face.

Feeling the familiar breath, he turned his head and looked at Altria's pupils, who were fighting with the sea monster in the distance, suddenly sunken.

Heartbreaking yelled: "Arthur!"

Altria, who was resisting the sea monster's attack, was taken aback when she heard this sound.

Lancelot broke the pillars of the Winterwood Bridge.

The treasure that the knight does not die with his bare hands works.

The pillar was quickly eroded by red cracks.

Towards the saber in the distance, he threw away.


Looking at the pillar that burst, Saber's complexion remained unchanged, holding swords in both hands, accompanied by a ray of light, the pillar fell into two halves and fell into the sea.

"Berserker?" Lancer turned his head.

I saw a dark knight stepping on the sea and rushing towards him in the distance, holding a dark long sword in his hand.

The moment he saw the sword, Saber's complexion changed.

"It can't be wrong, it is an indestructible lake!"

"Lancelot! You really are Lancelot!" Saber looked at Lancelot excitedly.

But at this moment Lancelot doesn't care about that much at all. When he comes to Saber, he raises the treasure in his hand.


The sound of metal collision sounded.

"Lancelot, what are you doing?" Saber asked after blocking Lancelot's blow.

"Arthur! Arthur! Arthur!"

But Lancelot had been drained of reason at this moment.

Although he doesn't know who the person in front of him is, his instinct tells him that destruction is right!

"Really? It seems that you already have the answer." Saber's face sank.

Because in her opinion, everything Lancelot did was to deny her.

This made Saber, who had blessed a glimmer of hope, instantly despaired, and even the dull hair on his head fell.

"Do I hate you like this? I don't hesitate to fall so far, but I will punish the incompetent king..." Saber looked at Lancelot's handsome and distorted face and said softly.

Rider had a weird face.

His own knight hates the king or something.

In his opinion, it is impossible to understand.

"Because of the maddening spell?" Ling Yun asked in his heart, looking at the berserker who was fighting with Saber in full swing.

Lancelot shouted so loudly, Ling Yun and others naturally heard it.

In the original book, Jian Tong's dirty inkstone added a few more paragraphs of text when Jian Tong Yan Ye summoned the servant, which was exactly a crazy spell.

Lancelot's original purpose was to make the king punish himself, but he didn't expect that because of the madness, the obsession in his heart would turn him to deal with Saber.

But this thing is also very simple to break, just cut off contact with the master.

"Do you dare to be distracted when fighting with me?! Don't look down on people, miscellaneous repair!" Jin Shining stretched out several treasures in anger.

"You're all boring after going back and forth like this." Ling Yun said speechlessly.

Several lasers were fired to destroy the golden treasure.

He doesn't bother himself because he is tired of playing.

"It's better to let you leave the game directly."

"Don't be ashamed!"

Jin Shining stood up from the throne.

Take out a golden key from the city of gold.

"Fortunately, I can see this with my own eyes!"


"You know." Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes.

"It's okay." Ling Yun chuckled, "Since you have used your strongest weapon, how can I respond to you?"

"It's not very suitable for fighting here. Why don't you change the place?"

"For the reason that you once took over the King's Ending Sword, I allow you to choose a place of burial that you like!"

"So, let's change the venue together!"

Ling Yun shouted.

In an instant, the world turned over

When everyone came back to their senses, they had already appeared in a strange wasteland.

Even came here with the sea monster caster.

For a while, several people who were fighting were stunned.

Looking at the strange world around him blankly.

"Intrinsic barrier?" Lancer looked at the huge stars slowly moving in the distance in disbelief.

"No, it's not an inherent barrier, everything here is extremely true, it should be a place where it really exists." The rider shook his head.

He has a say in the inherent barrier, but there is no magic aura here at all.

On the contrary, even the space is extremely strong.

"The place where it really exists, that is to say!" Lancer looked at the rider in shock.

"Ah, we are in the universe now." The rider said with a complex expression looking at the celestial body moving in the distance.

"Interesting, is this the tomb you chose for yourself? It is indeed a good place."

"The matter is not at the end, it is better not to say too much." Ling Yun tossed the crystal chess piece in his hand.

"Heh, don't worry, you let this king see such an interesting thing, this king will let you die without pain." Gilgamesh grabbed the handle of the key of the Golden City and turned it lightly.

In an instant, countless red transparent crystals stretched and spread towards the sky.

Ling Yun knew he was analyzing the world, but Ling Yun didn't stop it.

Dimensional battlefield

It is a place for everyone to fight as hard as they can.

Therefore, Ea's analytical world is nothing but a mere appearance, and it can't destroy the dimensional battlefield at all.

Soon, the crystal shrank back, and a golden halo opened.

Jin Shining took out a long sword that looked like a sword but not a sword, with a cylindrical shape.

"That sword is dangerous!" A drop of sweat dripped from Lancer's forehead.

Caster decisively chose a truce.

He also noticed the deviated sword in Jin Shining's hand.

As for Saber and Lancelot, they kept hacking at each other from a distance.

"Sa, hurry up and take out your weapon!"

Jin Shining lifted Ea and pointed at Ling Yun.

"My weapons are ready. Don't believe me, look up."


Jin Shining was taken aback.

Then I saw a blue laser burst from the sky violently.

Jin Shining raised the deviance sword subconsciously.

The three columns that make up the sword's body quickly rotated, and the red wind quickly blocked the bursting laser.


At the moment when Ling Yun called his real name, a silver long sword appeared in his hand instantly.

At the next moment, Ling Yun watched Gilgamesh who was resisting the Starkiller and spoke lightly:

"You are Gilgamesh, the half-man and half-god king of Uruk in the ancient Sumerian city-state."

"It was the ancient gods who combined the human royal family and the goddess in order to suppress the growth of power after the excessive reproduction of mankind, and created the "heaven's contract" where the gods restrict mankind. "Two-thirds are gods and one-third are humans." His extremely high godhead and the perspectives of both gods and human beings."

"You are a cold-blooded tyrant, a hero who seeks all the treasures, all the pleasures, and delights with it. At the same time, you don’t listen to other people’s opinions, and you only regard your own standards as absolute, and will not affect the thoughts and existence of others. Resonant tyrant."

"To shut up!"

Gilgamesh yelled violently I don't know why, but he felt very flustered, as if something was being sealed.

"In order to prevent you from failing to perform your duty of suppressing humans, the gods created Enkidu as a "lock of heaven" when you were a child, that is, the warrior who came to fight against you-Enkidu."

"I told you to shut up!" Gilgamesh roared angrily.

Dozens of treasures burst into Lingyun.

But they were all offset by the densely packed Demon Demon Sword that hovered in mid-air.

It was also at this time that Gilgamesh discovered that the surrounding area turned into a sea of ​​swords.

For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Collection" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 383 Gilgamesh Epic, Sword of Words), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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