Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 374: Jin Shining: cat like a girl

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Ling Yun did not stop, continuing to tell about Gilgamesh.

"But the two became friends with each other afterwards. In order to protect Uruk, Gilgamel decided to defeat the sacred beast "Fen Baba."

"Goddess Ishtar (Ishtar) asked you to marry me. But you accused her of being sloppy and cruelly rejected her. Enraged, Ishtar, crying to his father Anu, praying for revenge, and the strongest beast "Heaven The bull "lays on the ground."

"Finally, you and Enkidu joined forces to repel the bull, so that Uruk survived the fate of extinction. The matter should have been over, but after the failure, Ishtar petitioned the gods to kill the two beasts. One, so Enkidu, who could not defy the gods, became weak and died."

"I told you to shut up! Miscellaneous repair!" Gilgamesh's expression changed drastically.

He finally knew what he was passing by.

It is divine! His divinity was sealed by Ling Yun's words!

Although he and the shameless gods often use miscellaneous repairs to conceal the fact that he is a miscellaneous repair.

But he had to admit that divinity gave a lot of convenience at certain times.

"I'm helping you. Go back to the Hall of Valor earlier, wouldn't it be better to solve the singularity earlier?" Ling Yun smiled slightly, saying what Lancer and others didn't understand but made Gilgamesh's pupils shrink.

"You guy! Who the **** is that?! It's at least thirty years before that thing started!"

"You don't need to worry about this kind of thing, so let's leave the field with peace of mind." Ling Yun smiled slightly and raised the Demon Demon Sword in his hand.

"It's a terrifying ability. Although I don't know the meaning of this, I know it is terrible by looking at Jin Shining's expression." The rider smacked his tongue.

"Yes, but even a powerful hero like Gilgamesh is planted. It is even more difficult for us to win the Holy Grail." Lancer also sighed.

Other than that, just with this ability, he couldn't get close to Lingyun's body at all.

"Huh? I don't want the Holy Grail anymore." The rider gave Lancer a puzzled look.

"Huh?" Lancer was taken aback, looking at him dumbfounded.

Don't want the Holy Grail, what do you mean?

As a result, the rider began to explain to Lancer that the Holy Grail had been contaminated.

"Exit, Gilgamesh!"


Ling Yun Jian pointed to Gilgamesh's calm opening.

In the next moment, countless Demon Demon Swords suspended in mid-air pointed the tips of their swords at the glittering gold.

"Do you want this king to disappear in embarrassment?! Stop dreaming!" The golden glittering anger that saw this scene reached the extreme.

Not only did he make him humble to resist the attack, but now he wants him to exit in such an embarrassing manner? !

"Don't be kidding! This king must kill you, a miscellaneous repairman!"

The golden shining bear's red pupils are full of brutality.

The golden halo in the sky opened, densely packed, and the light of the stars was eclipsed in front of it.

Countless treasures seem to be shot out without money.

Countless treasures collided with the clone of the Demon Sword.

Countless ruined swords fell.

Tosaka Toshimi, who was on the ground in the distance, woke up abruptly and vomited blood.


Frantically rolling on the ground in the wailing sound.

The spirit is tortured by engraving insects, and the body is tortured by taking time out of magic.

Shichen was really miserable.

But Ling Yun didn't care after just taking a look.

Blame it for yourself.

Ling Yun raised his left hand and began to shout for Yan Ling.

"For victory, come to me! The undead sun, please grant me a shining steed..."

"——Lightning. Lightning! Lightning! I am a conqueror who can win hundreds of thousands, thousands of thousands, and tens of thousands..."

Ling Yun Honghuang's voice resounded throughout the dimensional battlefield.

The horse entwined in flames stepped into the air from the golden stars.

The roaring thunder smashed even meteorites into powder.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a holy sword emerged.

This is not a copy of Via, but a real sword of victory.

There are thirteen forbidden old swords.

"Ex-calibur! (Sword of Oath of Victory

After the golden beam of light was swung, a jet black long sword appeared in his hand.

"Ar-oundight (indestructible lake light.

"The robbery is gone!"

The robbery was also taken out by Ling Yun, waving a hot flame.

"Canglong breaks!"


The blue thunder dragon flies across the sky.


Ling Yun used almost all of his weapons.

Jin Shining looked at so many skills blasting towards her, her face finally changed.

There was a burst of mmp in my heart.

But I still try my best to deal with it.

"EnumaElish!!! (Heaven and Earth leave Pizhixing

Gilgamesh yelled, unlocking the real name of Deviance Sword.

The endless magic wind tears the world.

Rider and Lancer can't breathe under the strong magic power.

Saber and Lancelot, who were fighting on the side, stopped when they heard the name of their treasure.

I don't know this, but I was shocked at first glance.

Of those attacks in the sky, which one cannot blow up an asteroid? (Except Canglong Po, this is a pretense.)


Rider, Lancer, and Caster were completely dumbfounded.

Especially Caster, there was a sea monster who was very arrogant, but he looked at Mantian's skills completely.

How to fight this is completely killing.

As for Lancer and rider, it was even more daunting.

This treasure, this magic power, is completely the kind that doesn't require money.

They can be regarded as a real doggie.

"Star of Eden! Zero rated power!"

"Core liberation!"

Scarlet and blue rays bloom.

Covered the entire dimensional battlefield in an instant

And Ling Yun also opened the group chat video appropriately

How can there be no audience at such a moment of pretense?

Limru: "Fuck! What's the situation?"

Risa: "I used to think I was very strong, but I didn't expect the clown to be myself."

Milong: "Silent a moment of silence for the brother opposite."

"I'm a good boy, how much ability does he still have!!!"

When the light disappeared, people like rider who had been accustomed to big winds and waves were completely stunned.

He looked at the fleet emerging behind Ling Yun in horror.

Those walking on the ground and those flying in space.

In addition, a huge laser satellite is constantly absorbing power from the surrounding stars.

"Golden Shining, this is the first time I have used so many abilities, you have to pick it up for me!"

"My attacks can destroy a few planets at most. Don't let me down, your treasure Ea, which claims to destroy the world!"

Ling Yun laughed.

Jin Shining: "......"

A cat like a He is just a clone, and his magic power is provided by Tosaka Tokimi. The inherent barrier is still good, but it is impossible to truly destroy the world.

But soon, a flood of magic power emerged from him.

He turned his head and found that Tosaka Tokichen had consumed all three Lingshu.

"Good job, Shichen!" Jin Shining praised him.

However, his complexion changed in the next moment.

Because the relationship between him and Tosaka Tokimi was cut off unilaterally by the other party.

"Are you trying to die?! Tosaka Toshimi!"

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 384 Golden Shining: Like a Girl's Cat), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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