Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 447: Masked Set Susa

   "Sincere benefit one thousand points."

After    was deducted, Ling Yun returned the black card to Zhan Ji Ling Ma.

   "Huh? Owner, how did you know I like lemonade?"

  Zhanji Lingma took a sip of the lemonade on the table, showing an expression of enjoyment.

   When he was most anxious and nervous in the experiment, he liked to drink a sip of iced lemonade to relieve him.

   "You should know that I have the ability to'foresee the future', is it difficult to know?"

   "Hehe, too." Thinking of the magic of the shop, the warlord Lingma smiled relievedly, and stopped digging into the horns.

   "Come on, the ten cans have already been taken for you, and the bottom is purple. Don't worry, you are not at a loss."

   "The shopkeeper, you should have said this to many people?" Zhanji Lingma said with a smile.

   "No, you are one of you." Ling Yun shook his head in denial.

   Fighting extremely Lingma: "..."

   I always feel that I have set up a great

   Forget it, let's open the can first.

   Looking at the jar in front of him, Zhanji Lingma stretched out his hand and picked up one.

   "With my ingenuity, luck shouldn't be too bad."

next moment


   The jar was thrown to the ground

   a white light emerges

  [A set of Minato Yaozi's suit: just taken off, the original flavor, satisfying you in hentai. ]

   Fighting extremely Lingma: "..."

   Looking at the scented suit in his hand, the corner of Zhanji Lingma's mouth twitched.

   Does he look like a pervert?


   Facing Ling Yun's weird gaze, Zhan Ji Ling Ma gave a light cough, and put the clothes into the black card.

   This kind of thing will be destroyed when he goes back!



  [Baron uniform: Street dance! juvenile! ]


  What the **** is this Baron?

   street dance? I street you dy!

   is still a teenager, I can be your dad!

   drove to white twice in a row, and he wanted to vomit blood.

"carry on!"

   The war pole that does not believe in evil, Ling Ma roared.

   immediately after

   is all white without exception.

   Zhan Ji Lingma was going crazy, his eyes flushed: "Owner, is your pot explosion rate so low?"

   "Don't talk nonsense and slander the credibility of this group. I said that all of this is based on luck. Can you blame me if you are not lucky?" Ling Yun said with a solemn expression.

   joke, although he can adjust the burst rate through the system, how can that kind of thing be known to others?

   The previous period has passed, and things don’t need to be given away.

   The current Lingyun has begun to transform into a leek harvester!

   complained to no avail, the Zhanzhi Lingma who had nowhere to complain could only smash his teeth and swallow.

   There is a bitterness, I can't tell.

   "There are three more, I don't believe it!"

   Lifting one is a heavy fall.


  The next moment, purple light blooms

   A purple ball of light flew out of the broken jar.

   "Come!" Zhanji Lingma's face was overjoyed.

   Ling Yun also cast a surprised look.

   The purple ball of light slowly landed in front of Zhanji Lingma's anticipation and Huiye's curious eyes.

  [Suzuo Nohu: This is a pair of magical kaleidoscopes, except Suzu Nohu, there are no other abilities, including illusion, etc., on the contrary, these eyes will not be blind. ]

   Ling Yun:? ? ?

   Looking at the light ball floating in the air, a bunch of question marks appeared on Ling Yun's head.

   Kamen Rider opened Susano?

   Masking set Susa?

   looks like it's okay!

   deserves to be a system, this brain hole is big.

and many more

   Ling Yun suddenly had a wonderful idea.

   If masks can be used, can Ultraman also be used?


   found a new business opportunity!

   Zhan Ji Ling Ma couldn't wait to crush the ball of light, and the ball of light turned into light into his eyes.

   At the same time, the use and abilities of Suzu were also transmitted to the brain.

   When he opened his eyes, he saw a flash of blood red, and the pitch-black windmill slowly rotated in it.

   "That's it, it's a terrible power."

   stretched out his hand, blue energy emerged, turned into a hand armor attached to his arm, turned into a glove.

   Zhanji Lingma stretched out his hand and gently stroked the Suzuo armor on his right hand, the excitement in his pupils could not be concealed at all.

   "Is it blue?"

   Ling Yun saw a strange color appearing in the pupils of Empress Susao, who was at the pole Lingma.

   Shao Lun Yan is called the eye of soul portrayal, and its patron saint ‘Suzano Nenghu’ naturally also has a role in reflecting the heart.

  The different colors of Suzuo correspond to this person's heart.

   For example, blue represents coldness and aloofness.

   This is quite in line with the battle extremely Lingma.


   Is it really good to play Susa in front of the ancestor of Chakra?

   Ling Yun glanced strangely at Hui Ye who was next to Sanwu.

   Good fellow, indifferent.

   Is it because the Otsuki clan can only roll eyes and reincarnate eyes?

   Maybe it's said that writing round eyes is the native ability of Ninja world?

   "Not at a loss, right?" Ling Yun said with a smile looking at Ling Ma who was thrown into excitement.


   Zhan Ji Ling Ma nodded heavily.

   This god-like power!


   The only pity is that it consumes a huge amount of energy. In the human state, it is physical strength, and the masked state is the energy that is locked.

   Take the previous lemon lock seed, the small Susao can last for ten minutes, but the first form of Susao can only last for three minutes.

  ‘The energy lock seed has to be developed quickly. ’

  Zhan Ji Ling Ma is the first time he has such an urgent dare.

   Sora has powerful skills but no energy to display, which makes him feel too uncomfortable, who has always been in control of everything.

   "Well, there are two more jars. I hope the purple item just now is not a guarantee." Ling Yun urged.

Next to    there is another silly Baitian who is still waiting for him to flicker.


   this kind of tension

   This is the first time!

   With a feeling of anxiety, Zhanji Lingma stretched out his hand to the last two jars.


   was crushed by Susano's hands together.

next moment

   A green and blue light emerged.


   Fighting extremely Ling Ma looked dazed.

   white, green, blue, purple, do you have to round it up for me?

   said that, he still stretched out his hand and smashed the two **** of light.


  [Magenta Camera: Maybe you can take unexpected scenery. ]

  [Shop coupons: 20% discount for premium jars]


   The shop was quiet for a while.

   "The The first one can understand, but the last one is too much!"

   Zhanji Lingma looked at the coupon in his hand and showed a big ‘#’ on his forehead.

   Isn't this deliberately not wanting to give yourself something?

   also got a half discount coupon, who is fooling you?

   A high-level pot is worth 50,000 points.

   After the 20% discount is 40,000 points, what I lack is that 10,000...

   Soon, Zhanji Lingma Cup discovered that he didn't even have ten thousand.

   Have a fart!

   "Ah this"

   Seeing the extremely angry Ling Ma who threw the ticket onto the shop counter, Ling Yun was also speechless for a while.

   He didn't expect the system to be such a dog.

   Isn’t this deliberately helping him harvest the leeks?

   "It's okay, there are so many fruits in Heim's Underworld, only fifty thousand, and you will be able to save enough soon."

   What can you say at this time?

   can only infinite matryoshka.

  Compensation is impossible to compensate, it is impossible in this life.



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