Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 448: The biggest conspirator in the Ninja World-Toad Immortal Toad Pill!

   Fighting extremely Lingma: "..."

   You are right, but I was speechless.

   "No matter what, Suzuo has already earned blood, kid, you have to know how to get enough."

   Zhan Ji Ling Ma's mouth twitched.


   I can be your uncle.

   "It's okay, it's okay, when you're done, change one, and let a girl wait by the side for so long, do you have the heart?"

   Fighting extremely Lingma: "???"

   good fellow!

   Throw away when squeezed dry.

   This shop is really dark.

   "If you want to go back, just open the door yourself, and the door of the store will automatically connect to the world you are in."

   Ling Yun said flatly.

   "I don't want to go back yet." Zhanji Lingma smiled.

   sat down on the sofa without hesitation, picked up the lemon juice Thor prepared and drank it.

   He wanted to see if this woman whose face was paler than him was European.


   glanced at Ling Yun and set his sights on

   "Do you want to open the jar?"

   "My points may not be enough, can you see this?"

   Huiye was silent for a while, and then took out a red seed from his sleeve.

"this is?"

   Ling Yun lost an appraisal.

  [Sacred Tree Seed: The seed stolen from the peach-style by Datongmu Huiye can absorb the life force of the planet to give birth to power, and bear the fruit of Chakra. Value: 10,000 points]

   Ling Yun: "???"

   One seed, ten thousand?

   Good stuff, this.

   "Are you sure you want to replace this kind of sub?" Ling Yun looked at Huiye and made the final confirmation.

   Otsuki Teruya nodded: "Yes, but I don't need to open the can, I just want to know what my future will be like."

   "Just a piece of news?" Ling Yun was shocked.

   local tyrant.

   "Well. In terms of strength, I have come to a world where the fruits of the sacred tree are ready to be picked at any time. I want to know the trail of peach style more than this."

   "Are you afraid of him?"


   Huiye nodded, a sad look appeared in his pupils.

   "Since you know the future, you must know the way the Datongmu clan inherits power."

   In response, Ling Yun nodded.

   Indeed, facing the pure peach style of Kaguya who ate the chakra fruit, there is no need to worry at all, the main reason is that the power of inheritance makes her afraid.

   Improve combat effectiveness by eating companions.

   "Well, there is nothing to hide about this."

   "Look at this for yourself."

Ding! Administrator Ling Yun invites you to join a fantasy group chat


   Hui Ye raised his head blankly.

   Until I saw Ling Yun nodding

   She just clicked to accept.

   "Ding! The mother of Chakra joined the group chat."

   Risa: "Welcome to the newcomer, eh? Mother of Chakra, I'll go, shouldn't it be that one?"

   Lingyun: "Curious, @理沙, I know quite a lot."

   Risa: "No, it's just that a hot manga suddenly appeared recently, called Naruto."

   Lingyun: "??? Kishimoto crossed it?"

   Risa: "What Kishimoto, the pen name of the person who updated this manga is: Linghen Futenten"

   Ling Yun: "??? What the hell, the traverser?"

   King Power Hegemony: "Passing through? Where is it?"

   Limlou: "@王权霸业, do you still have empty water groups? Move bricks for me!"

   King Power Hegemony: "You are squeezing labor!"

   Limru: "I'll add a hundred points to you, get out and work, and there are a bunch of bricks waiting to be delivered with your swordsmanship."

   King Power Hegemony: "Okay, brother, you have money, you are a big brother!"

   Kevin: "It's so fragrant."

  Sophie: "It's so fragrant."

  This maple: "It's really fragrant."

   Nishinomiya Glass: "It's really fragrant."

   Mother of Chakra: "..."

   Lingyun: "Yujianshu dress up, @王权霸业, if your father knows, he will definitely be **** to death."

   King Power Hegemony: "...What can I do, the King Power sword is broken, I can only earn points and earn money."

   Lingyun: "[Curious] Didn’t you make a lot of money when you carve up the artifact?"

King Power Hegemony: "Not enough. I read the black card's prompt. It takes 5,000 points to repair the King Power Sword, but the number of points needed to strengthen the sword is multiplied. The external enhancement failed... poor. !"

   Cao Yanbing: "Workers, working workers, and working people are all human beings! Come on, I'm also a part-time waiter now."

   Ling Yun: "Child labor?"

   Cao Yanbing: "..."

   Suzuki Satoru: "Watson, you found a blind spot."

Cao Yanbing: "Actually, the process was a bit embarrassing, but when I was buying food in the human world, I happened to encounter the boss being held hostage, and he rescued him. Afterwards, he wanted to thank me and gave me a card. One hundred thousand yuan."

   Cao Yanbing: "But I am embarrassed to take the money. There is a shop under the other party, so I went to help."

   Nishinomiya Glass: "Good boy."

   Face code: "Brother Cao Yanbing is great."

  Mother of Chakra: "@凌云, my business."

   Lingyun: "Oh, I almost forgot."

   I don’t know if it’s an illusion

   Ling Yun feels Huiye glanced at herself bitterly?

Ding! Administrator Ling Yun uploaded a copy of the memory: [Naruto]

   Risa: "??? Spoiler dog! You are poisonous!"

   Ling Yun: "?"

   Because it is a memory copy

   So at the moment of acceptance, the plot inside will turn into memory and enter people’s minds.

   Isn't this better than rote memorization?

   Suzuki Satoru: "A thousand-year-old dutiful son, he never saved his mother?"

Risa: "It turns out that the Nagato Gate was killed by the soil. The Ninja is really a wonderful world. The killing of the masters is a routine operation? The Osaki Maru kills the Sarutobi, and the Nagato kills the Ziraya. , It's really a filial piety."

   Aya Kiyoshi: "Suzano... Lingyun's Suzano comes from this world, right."

  Kevin: "Brothers, don’t you have a wave of reincarnation eyes? There are so many white eyes, which are worth a lot of points."

  Mother of Chakra: "..."

   Are you trying to sell the eyes of my offspring in front of me?

   King Power Hegemony: "!!!"

   The kingship hegemony is excited.

   What he lacks most is points.

   Mother of Chakra: "...Toad pill!"

  The green veins were exposed, and Huiye rolled his eyes directly.

  The horrible momentum climbed in the shop, but it quickly disappeared because of the shop's rules.

   She can understand.

   It turns out that the ugly toad is the main agent behind this scene!

   even persuaded her son to seal himself?

   must die!

  Kevin: "Huiye did the right thing. He kept the reserve of combat power with a small amount of sacrifice, and protected the earth and her children against the enemy. It's a pity that the toad from the toad pill urged her son to turn against each other."

   He agrees with Hui Ye's approach.

  Because he is also a kind of person.

   The stigmata plan is similar to Kaguya's Baijue plan.

   is to sacrifice a few people to save the world.

Risa: "In the last scene where Naruto and Sasuke were sealed, the water was released too only for the reincarnation of Indra and Asura, which shows Kaguya's love for Hayi and Hamura. How deep is it."

   Lingyun: "Correct a little, it's the sea."

   Oko: "It's like Uchiha Itachi puts the sea two pillars?"

   Limru: "Second-pillars are pretending to be a must-have face!"

   Lingyun: "Looking at the overall situation, the toad immortal Toad Maru is an old conspirator. He has a dream, saying that he predicts the future and urges Yui and Kaguya to be enemies! To put it bluntly, he is afraid of the six **** things."

   Risa: "Danzo can wash, but the toad can't."

  Milong: "That son of prophecy also has a problem. He said one, and it ended up with two. I think he is just talking nonsense."

   Lingyun: "Tell a joke, in fact, I am also the son of prophecy. Expression: Funny"

Ling Yun quit the group chat, and looked at Hui Ye in front of him and smiled slightly: "You know? The peach style eats pill, but you have eaten all the original fruits. Don't do that Bai Jue plan. Don't panic. Those guys are just trash."

   To give an analogy, is it great to eat the whole Ganoderma lucidum, or to grind part of the Ganoderma lucidum into balls?

   Otsuki Teruya: "Yeah."

   Huiye nodded.



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