Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 501: Dimensional Expeditionary Force officially launched

"Are they all here?" Maitreya Yuya shook the wooden knife in his hand, and narrowed his eyes to look at Altaïr.

"No, it's one more."

A deep voice sounded.

At this moment

In the corner, an uncle with a cigarette in his mouth walked out of the darkness.

He took out the cigarette from his mouth and exhaled a layer of smoke gently.

"It's Britz Toka in "code? Babylon"!" The tool person Shui Xiaosa expressed his sense of existence too appropriately.

"There are more enemies."

Sai Leijia squeezed the long sword in his hand.

"Now, so, who is this uncle's enemy?"

Maitreya Yuya glanced around, and the corners of her mouth evoked a sense of war.



Serega and Meteora became vigilant.

The person in front of me who looks like a bad boy

"But it seems that you are weak, why don't I join you?" Yuya raised her brows and looked at Risa and others.

"You want to join me and Feng?"

"Isn't it an adult's duty to help two children?" said in a bad tone.

Risa frowned and the corners of her mouth twitched: "You really dare to say it."

"However, you naturally have your exclusive opponent."

"Exclusive opponent? You mean Bai Yaxiang?"

Risa curled his lips: "Who is that, I don't know."

Maitreya Yuya was taken aback, and then showed an interested smile: "Then I am a little looking forward to it. What kind of opponent will this little sister find for me."

"Don't worry." Risa smiled mysteriously, and then looked at the three Meteora next to him: "The three over there, if you don't want to enter this battle, just stay honestly. If something happens later, We don’t care."

When she provoked Altaïr before, this Serega and Meteora took the initiative to stand in front of them.

The character is not bad at least.

You can leave them untied afterwards.

Moreover, there is also a person from the main world who looks dull-Shui Xiaosatai.

It was quiet for a while.

Time seemed to stand still.

At this moment, an exclamation sounded.

"what is that?"

Everyone turned their heads, and the voice came from Huang Shu Mo Meixiang, that is, the magical girl.

But soon, people knew why she screamed.

A ray of dawn broke through the night and fell to the ground.

"The sun? How is it possible, why does the sun appear at night?!"

Alice Tria's pupils shrank, and she shouted in disbelief.

Even she, the Valkyrie who often licked blood on the tip of a knife, couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

Maitreya Yuya stretched out his left hand to block the light, and he looked calmly at the sun in the sky that was level with the moon.

"The land of the gods? That's it, it's really interesting!"

"The sun? Could it be that someone from the [outer world] came again?" Sai Leijia said in shock.

"No, it should be said that it is a god! It is impossible for humans to control the power of the sun!"

A trace of shock flashed through Meteora's pupils.


Unlike the others, Risa and Kaede Honjo had a flash of joy in their pupils.

Because of this sudden change

A subconscious truce between the two sides

call out!

at this time

A red light flew from a distance.

Ben Tiao Feng's pupil was overjoyed and quickly withdrew from Longhua.

Stretching out his left hand, the flying red light instantly enveloped his arm.

[Bost! 】

A heavy voice sounded,

Under everyone's subconscious gaze, under the dark green light, a gem suddenly appeared.


Accompanied by the sound of the collision and friction of the armor, a scarlet, ferocious cage hand appeared on Honjo Kaede's petite arm.

"long time no see."

Looking at the cage hand in his hand, this maple looked happy.

"Excessive, why is only Maple equipped?"

Seeing this scene, Risa pursed her mouth and turned her head in dissatisfaction.

"Sorry, because there is another one that was expropriated by me."

At this time, a smiling voice sounded, attracting everyone's attention in an instant.

Everyone's eyes converged on the past.

He saw a black-haired man with his hands in his trouser pockets and a pair of blue wings behind him walking out of the void with a smile on his mouth.


Risa looked at the pair of [White Dragon Emperor's Wings] behind Ling Yun, with a big "Envy" written in her pupils.

Not to mention the ability, but also super handsome!

"This world is very prosperous."

With white wings on his back, the man who looked like an angel walked out of the void, looking at the brightly lit city, he couldn't help but express emotion.

Perhaps, you can find your ideal here.

Milong was a little excited for a while, if he has a living planet in the future, he should develop in the direction of this world.

Of course, the premise is that he must have the power to shelter him!

"If you want, I can communicate with the official here and let you and Dia live here." Ling Yun teased.

Miron laughed blankly.

"Forget it, my ideal has not yet been realized, and I will look for a garden when I am old."

"Are you Thanos?" Ling Yun vomited.

As the sun sets, men farming and women weaving?


Mi Long was stunned, he didn't understand Ling Yun's words.

"It's nothing."

Milong: "..."

Fortunately, he does not have obsessive-compulsive disorder, or you will be forced to death sooner or later.

"Am I the last one?"

The kingship hegemony who came from the sword looked at the two people in front of him for a moment.

"No, there is one more."

"Something is coming!" Yuya and Britz, who stood on the ground, showed wary eyes.


Endless flame spread

Lotus flowers made up of flames bloom on the ground.

A tunnel of flames is formed.

Cao Yanbing stepped out of the void.

In an instant

Flame shrinks frantically

Disappeared under his feet in an instant

It seems that it has never appeared at all.

"Okay, everyone is here." Ling Yun in the sky smiled slightly.

"Mr. Yuya, please enlighten me!"

Cao Yanbing clasped his fists in both hands, he could hardly bear it anymore.

It's just one step away from the big scorching heat!

Those who are less than fifteen years old are very rare even in the spiritual realm.

"So, you kid is her opponent?"

Youye didn't underestimate Cao Yanbing.

The momentum just now made him full of fighting spirit.

"Boy, I like your character very much. What a long-winded one, you can just fight it decisively!" The corner of Yuya's mouth raised.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded.

Shenmu Heinaqimaru suddenly smashed into the air.


A purple light rose behind it.

A woman holding a naginata and wearing an ancient samurai armor slowly emerged behind it.

"Sure enough, there is a breath of guardian spirit, so..." Cao Yanbing murmured while looking at the samurai woman behind Yuya Maitreya.

Then, he shouted directly at the void Jin! "


In an instant, the burning flames erupted.

For a while, people seemed to see Cao Yanbing in a lava volcano!

Soon, a loud voice with a height of five meters, covered in cyan armor and a pattern like magma appeared behind Cao Yanbing.

Kneel on one knee.

"It will be banned at the end! See the lord!"

The vigorous and solemn voice sounded, shocking people's hearts!

"Who are you waiting?!"

High in the sky, Altaïr squinted his eyes and looked at Lingyun like an eagle.

"Us? Please call us the Dimensional Expeditionary Army."

Ling Yun smiled softly.

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