Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 502: Chance of the gun brother, take the lead of the younger brother


The faces of a group of people were filled with doubts.

"Go ahead and tell you frankly, maybe you don't believe me at all." Ling Yun smiled.

Alice Tria's pupils constricted: "Are you looking down on us?!"

Ling Yun gave her a flat look.

Then he looked at Altaïr.

As if she didn't take her to heart at all.

"Damn it!" Alice Tria's face turned black.

"To tease me so!"

Raise the spear in his hand.


The roaring horse under the crotch

"You are too self-righteous."

Ling Yun glanced at her speechlessly.

How come you are so affectionate, I didn't even look at you at all, okay.

Raise your hand slowly

Facing the flying Alice Tria lightly, she was in the void.

Next second


An orange thunderbolt fell from the sky.

In Ling Yun's eyes, only Altaïr could see him in the presence.



Alice Tria was knocked to the ground by the thunder, splashing dust.

"Alice Tria!"

Lily and Jasmine screamed in exclamation and flew down quickly.


Altaïr suddenly smiled.

"So, that sun is also your masterpiece, right?"

As soon as this remark comes out

Everyone looked at him.

Ling Yun chuckled, "It's just a way to make the sight better."

"It's only for this reason..." Meteora's hand couldn't help but tremble.

Looking at Ling Yun incredulously.

For this reason, summon the sun?

Who is this new man sacred? !

"This place can't be used. How about a different place?" Ling Yun chuckled.

I haven't waited for everyone to react

Just feel a whirl of heaven and earth.

It appeared in a grassland where the stars could be clearly seen.

"Come! Finally, it's still comfortable on the Dimensional Battlefield!" Risa felt the familiar world, showing an expression of enjoyment.

"Risa, go on."

Ling Yun flicked at Risa.

Watching the silver flashes flying in.

Risa's pupils flashed and disappeared instantly.

"this is......"

After seeing what was in his hand, a hint of surprise flashed in Risa's pupils.

"Silver Harp!"

"Assassin, it's better to use something silent." Ling Yun smiled.

"Thank you." Risa said gratefully.

Although there is a Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment, this silver arrow is more in line with Risa's idea than in terms of function.

"Impossible, turned the world in an instant! Is he a god?"

Different from group members here

Meteora looked at the world around him in a daze.

As a great magician, you naturally know how powerful the rules of the world are.

But you can open up a world on your own.

This is simply unheard of!

At least, in Meteora's cognition, this is a realm that only gods can reach.

Britz and others and Mizusasa Tai and others were also horrified.

Altaïr's eyes were flat and he held his saber tightly.

Her heart is the most restless.

In this world, all of her moves in the world have been solved! It seems that there is no corrective obstruction.

"The unrelated personnel go there." Ling Yun glanced at Shui Xiaosatai.

Looking along the place that Ling Yun pointed to, he found that there was a rest station there.

"There is a defensive barrier there. In this dimensional battlefield, there is the safest place." Risa explained, facing Mizusasa's too suspicious eyes.

"Go, you will only be a hindrance if you stay." Sai Leijia also gave him a push.

Shui Xiaosa Tai: "...Okay."

In the end, Shui Xiaosa sat in the auditorium too lonely.

"Next, let's talk about heart-wrenching things." Ling Yun looked at Altaïr and smiled.

Altaïr: "..."

After receiving so many secondary creations, I naturally know what Ling Yun means.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"Geez von Berlichge!"

"At the call of my armbands! Donathurag Dess Jaegers!"

At this moment, a roar sounded.

People look away.

I saw Alice Tria raising her right hand to the sky, grasping the void violently.

Soon, under the trembling of purple thunder, it turned into a purple thunder spear.

"Now here!"

After finishing speaking, Alice Tria suddenly shot at Ling Yun in mid-air.

Ling Yun frowned.

Why is this woman so annoying?

A blue floating turret emerged from behind.

The blue laser burst out, easily offsetting the opponent's attack.


Alice Tria was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Lingyun intact in disbelief.

"This young lady, your opponent is me, can you please don't underestimate me?" King Power Hegemony flew to Alice Tria with the King Power Sword, with a faint smile on her face.

"Go away, little white face!"

The temperamental Alice Tria said immediately.

Against the king's hegemony, it was a blast of gunfire.

"Little white face? Haha."

The corners of his mouth twitched, and this was the first time he was scolded by Xiao Bailian.

Reach out your left hand

A silver long sword emerged.

The golden sword energy was cut out.

Directly split the rushing gun gas into two and dissipate the air.

"Today I will teach you a truth, don't underestimate anyone, the world's water is deeper than you think!" Looking at the astonished Alice Tria, the power hegemony said profoundly.

The next moment, holding the sword and slashed at the void at 45°.

In an instant, before Alice Tria could react, she was already kneeling on the ground, her hands folded on her chest.


Alicetriya was still sluggish until she knelt down.

who am I? where am I? What am I doing?

"What did you do?!" Jasmine Xiang asked loudly.

The magic wand in his hand appeared.

A red heart hits the king's hegemony.

The face of the king's hegemony remained unchanged, and he didn't even look at it.

Just when everyone thought it was about to hit.

The love suddenly disappeared.


In the distance, a huge explosion sounded.

The speed is so fast that it only occurs between the electric light and flint.

"Your opponent is me."

Mi Long's figure appeared beside Wang Quan Hegye, staring at Huangshu Jasmine with plain eyes.

After seeing this trick, Bofeng Shuimen, who was paddling silently, couldn't help it immediately, and quickly appeared in front of Milong.

I asked: "Flying Thunder God Guiding Thunder?! Who are you!"

"Want to know? How about defeating me?"

After speaking, Milong's figure disappeared in an instant.

Bo Feng Shuimen did not hesitate, and disappeared together.


"Not bad, kid! You are very strong!"

Maitreya Yuya, who was single-player pk with Cao Yan, said with a look of excitement.

"Uncle you too." Cao Yanbing also looked excited.

Shiden Yama, who waved his hand, collided with Yuya's Kuronagimaru.

Behind him.

Yu Jin's three-pointed two-edged sword and the forehead Naginata slashed together, making a harsh rubbing sound.

"Uncle? Hey, I'm an 18-year-old enthusiastic young man. I'm calling Uncle too old, right?" Yuya curled his lips.

Ling Yun, who noticed the movement here, was stunned when he saw the weapon in Cao Yanbing's hand.

group chat

Ling Yun: "@曹焱兵, didn't you say that you left the Ten Temple Yama to your brother?"

Cao Yanbing: "I thought about it carefully, as long as I'm strong enough, isn't it good for my brother to grow up happily? Why should he continue to bear the original Ling Yun: "So what do you mean Yes, you want to grab your brother's chance, marry your brother's wife, and take your brother's leading role? "

King Power Hegemony: "Uh...I didn't see anything."

Limru: "I didn't expect you to be such a baby."

Kevin: "We should have understood when Cao Yanbing took Xiaorou to the Lingqingzhu adult ceremony together."

Cao Yanbing: "..."

He looked at Ling Yun dumbfounded.

He just wanted to protect his brother, he didn't think so much!

"You dare to be distracted when fighting with me? Little devil, you have to practice more!"

Yuya's pupils flashed.

Directly forced Cao Yan soldiers back.

Risa, who saw the news in the group, was taken aback and couldn't help but explode: "Fuck! Owner, are you Xiuer?"

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