Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 503: King power makes people cry

"No, I'm a handsome guy." Ling Yun smiled slightly.

Risa: "Bah!"

This is not ashamed.

Ling Yun: "......"

This child is owed, it must be owed!

"Owner, what do you mean?"

"Want to know? How about defeating me?"

The right hand was taken out of his trouser pocket and hooked to Altaïr.

Altaïr looked at him calmly, and then.

There was a nice arc at the corner of the mouth.

"In that case, then I will satisfy you!"

call out!

Next moment

Altaïr disappeared in place.

"Without the suppression of the world, you can already use the power of the void?" The scarlet pupils glanced around.

Mind moved.

Next second

Two halos opened behind Ling Yun.

One layer of gold, one layer of black.

call out!

In an instant

The treasure and the spear of Yakong burst into the void at the same time.

But what was strange was that the Spear of Yakong suddenly disappeared into the air when it was halfway through the flight.


The metal collision sounded.

Altaïr's figure withdrew from the void.

Looking at his trembling blade, his eyes flickered slightly.

"You really are..."

Altaïr's words were not finished yet, the next moment, the spear of Yakong appeared, Altaïr's pupils shrank, and the subconscious general knife was placed in front of him.


A huge explosion sounded.

Boom directly.


Altaïr, who fell to the ground, directly blew up a pit in the ground.


A bit of blood was coughed up from his mouth.

But soon, the green light flashed across his body, and Altaïr, who was still embarrassed, was instantly renewed.

She raised her head and looked at the corner of Ling Yun's mouth high in the sky: "Your biggest mistake is that I have gained all the strength!"

Immediately afterwards, a pale golden light appeared all over his body.

"Invincible mode?"

Ling Yun's pupils flashed.

In many secondary creations, the invincible mode is not uncommon.

"This world is really ironic. You, who are empowered by everyone, have to take revenge like [the gods]," Ling Yun said.

"Really? I don't think so."

Suddenly, Altaïr gave a chuckle.

Wave of hand

Suddenly, countless sabers rushed towards Lingyun.

Behind Ling Yun, countless halos opened.

The densely packed treasures burst out

Directly blast some army knives.

"go with!"

Wave of hand

A chain invaded, piercing the space and flew towards Altaïr.


Sparks flashed by

The saber flew like a lock of the sky.


Just as the chain rushed towards Altaïr again, the space suddenly exploded.

Flew the lock of the sky back.

Looking at the Lock of Heaven returning to the treasure of the king, Ling Yun narrowed his eyes.

far away

Altaïr stopped suddenly.

The pupil suddenly became a diamond-shaped posture.

"This time is omniscient and omnipotent?" Ling Yun saw everything through the eyes of truth.

However, this so-called omniscience and omnipotence will not affect the members of Lingyun and other shops.


"It always feels like we are playing." Risa pulled the trigger.


Wipe out the bullets flying on the opposite side.

"Little girl, your ability is also very troublesome."

Brutz gave a headache.

"Don't say that, I am very happy, you are much more interesting than the people in the game." Risa smiled.

The figure suddenly flashed.


Suddenly, a bullet hit the ground, causing the ground to sink more than ten centimeters one meter in diameter.


Risa questioned.

"You have special abilities, you can't make me unable to have it." Brutz pinched the cigarette **** out of his hand.


Risa smiled.

"Then sir, I'm on it!"


Thunder flashes

Risa disappeared in place.

"I'm only in my forties this year, don't shout so old." Britz said silently, but his pupils were full of vigilance.


A purple long sword suddenly slashed.

Britz was alert, turned quickly, and stretched out the pistol in his hand.


The pistol blocked the slash perfectly.

"Boy, your weapon is strange," Yuya said.

"Moreover, your undead is not the same as what I perceive."

"That is my guardian spirit, my friend!" said Cao Yanbing, who blocked Youye's attack.

Yuya was taken aback for a moment: "Friend? It's a familiar word. But my friend didn't know what was going on, so suddenly he kept fighting with me."

"Although I am very happy, I always feel that something is not right. Is that guy too hard?" Yuya said in confusion, but the movements in his hand were not slow.

It was difficult for Cao Yanbing to resist.

"Maybe there was some misunderstanding or something? Uncle, you said before that you are the ultimate boss of your world? Is it because of someone who has framed it."

Yama of the Ten Temples fired a burst of **** fire.

Yuya's pupils flashed.

Exploding back for a certain distance, the wooden knife in his hand smashed the fireball into pieces.

"You mean, someone framed me?"

"Uncle, although your personality is a bit irritable, I can feel that you are not a bad person." Cao Yanbing nodded.

Fumbling for her chin, Yuya showed a thoughtful expression: "This is a bit complicated."

Cao Yanbing also stopped his attack.

"There is a flaw!"

At this moment, Yu Ye narrowed his pupils and shot at Cao Yanbing.

"Fuck, uncle, you mean!" Cao Yanbing was shocked.

"Ahahaha, kid, you are still too tender."

the other side


King Power took out a bench from Heikari, sat down in front of Alice Tria and knocked the seeds.

The shell of the melon seed that was thrown away fell on one knee in front of Alice Tlia's golden hair, her hands clasped together.

"I must kill you!"

Alice Tria looked at the little white face in front of her with red eyes.

I can't wait to tear him up!

Since she was born, she has never been so insulted!

"Don't say that, you have such a hot temper, I guess you must be single."


"I'm not single, what does it have to do with you?!" Alice Tria angered.

It is not very harmful and extremely insulting!

"Do you know why I like to play games?"


Is it my business for you to play games?

The kingship hegemony said on its own: "Because games like games can best exercise your patience, people, don't be too mad, and don't be too irritable."

"Look, you are the price now."

"That's what you used despicable means!" Alicetriya retorted.

"Children, people must know how to self-review, and don't always put their mistakes on others. Only by constantly reflecting on their own mistakes can we do better."

As he said, stretched out his hand and touched Alice Teria's head.

"Hair care is good, is there a secret recipe? Teach me?"

Alice Tria was panting, she was going crazy.

Where did this second product come from!

"Don't look at me like that, I'm helping you, people, you must know how to be humble, and a calm mind is easier to think, to help you see the problem in some desperate situations, eat?" Melon seeds handed them to Alice Tlia and asked ~ ~ Alice Tlia gritted her teeth and asked: "What the **** are you doing?!"

"Oh, I'm practicing. I'm thinking about what method should I use to educate my future son. If the child has a bad temper, how should I teach him. As a prospective father, I am also very distressed." Wang Quan Ba Ye rubbed his temples with happy pupils.


Are you special! You want to educate your future son, why are you looking for me? !

Alice Tria was about to cry.

How did she meet this disgusting guy.

and many more!

This is not the point.

The point is, this vicious guy actually has a girlfriend? !

And she doesn't even have a boyfriend? !

For a time, Alice Tria only felt that life was gloomy.

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