Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 506: Cut the world!

But the next moment

His body became stiff.

For a moment, he felt that the whole world was squeezing him out, gathering all the pressure on him!

The whole body became dull.

This fearless man showed an expression of fear for the first time.

"Uncle Yuya, what are you doing in a daze, go! You will die!"

Cao Yanbing looked at You Ye who was stunned and shouted.

Cao Yanbing's words shocked Yuya, who was still in a daze, and quickly recovered.

"it is good!"

Without hesitation, he summoned Ban E and rushed to the auditorium with Cao Yanbing.

King Power Hegemony looked at the situation in the distance, and showed a playful smile at the corner of Alice Tria's mouth.

"Your boss is getting cold."

"If you don't want to die, just go with me."

Alice Tria didn't speak, her whole body seemed to be stupid, and she knelt on the spot in a daze.

Even if the king's hegemony puts away the long sword, it's the same.

"Aren't you leaving?" King Power Hegemony asked curiously.

Who knows, at this question, Alice Tria seemed to be stimulated and shook her head frantically.

"Please, please let me go back!"

The tone was a little pleading.

This world is terrible.

Not only shattered all her pride, even her spirit was almost destroyed.

Is this the God who can create the world?

too frightening!

Regardless of strength or language, these creatures of them simply cannot resist!


Looking at her, Wang Qiang stroked his nose.

In other words... Isn't this kid going to be broken?

Does he do anything?

Obviously, I just told her some common truths. Is it necessary to be so scared?

But he didn't know that at this moment, he was like a devil in Alice's eyes.

It is more terrifying than the origin of war.

Miron, who was fighting Watergate in the distance, looked at the blue glass tube in the distance.

He immediately disappeared in the same place, and before leaving, he took away the Huangshu Jasmine Fragrance by the way.

This magical girl, he still wants to study for a while.

The opponent disappeared, and Bo Feng Shui Men was stunned.


"What's wrong with them?"

Shui Xiaosa in the audience looked at the people flying towards him with a dazed expression.

Obviously, he played back and forth a second before, but now they are all running towards him.

It's strange.

"Huhu, rushed back, great, no need to die once."

Risa, who ran back, sat down on the chair, panting.

Showing the expression of the rest of his life.

" something wrong?" Shui Xiaosa asked weakly.

"You know it by looking at it." Risa glanced at him and said.

"Ah, I almost thought I was going to die."

Honjo Kaede fell from the sky and patted her chest with nothing.

Behind him were still confused Cereja and Meteora.

"Why did Ling Yun suddenly use Ea? Just hit Altaïr under an oath." Risa asked suspiciously.

"Perhaps the newly emerged world filled him with interest." Milong suddenly appeared.

Risa turned her head for a moment, then looked at the Huangshu Jasmine Xiang who was hugged by him in a weird manner: "Aren't you afraid that Dia would know?"

"Let go of me, you bastard, what do you want to do to me?!" Huangshu Jasmine Xiang kept struggling.

"Oh, it's just more interesting."

Mi Long glanced at the jasmine fragrance in his hand, stretched out his hand, and knocked out.

"The interest of men is really strange, and the interest of otaku is even stranger." He glanced at Mi Long and curled his lips.

"Um..." Shui Xiaosa smiled awkwardly.

In fact, the otaku's interest is not surprising.

It's just that there are some greasy and fat homes that have misled others' perceptions of home men.

They are more loyal than anyone!

They know how to save/make money better than anyone!

They have a better vision than anyone!

They treat their girlfriends better than anyone!

They will choose more than anyone!


If you don't choose the otaku with so many advantages, you have to choose those scumbags.

Modern people don’t understand.

Shui Xiaosa wanted to rectify the name of the otaku too much, but when she thought of Risa's power, she was shocked.

"Take out all your abilities, otherwise you will really die." Ling Yun chuckled lightly.

Hold the hilt with both hands.


The blue gang wind began to cut the space quickly.

"Let's tell the original story!"

"EnumaElish! (Heaven and Earth leave Pizhixing

With a loud shout, he suddenly swung the long sword in his hand at Altaïr.

"Apollon! (Apollon!

A weapon that can destroy a small country!

"UranusSystem! (Pluto System

A light cannon that can shoot through the void.

Both are the top weapons in the world of Heaven's Falling Thing!

at the same time

Altaïr did not reserve the ability to release himself.

Countless sabers emerged, turning into various strange things and shooting away at Ling Yun.

There is even a rule-like power of causal change.

But unfortunately, none of these are useful to Ling Yun.

next moment

The people in the audience saw a scene of great horror.


Altaïr's pupils also shrank.

When her attacks were halfway through the flight, the space suddenly broke!

The dark void was revealed, and her attack was directly swallowed!

Boom boom boom!

The earth began to collapse.

The ground began to sink like quicksand.

The sky is shattered like a mirror, and the fragments of the sky and the earth fall into the abyss like a torrent!

During this period, people could even see the blue sky and floating clouds in the debris!

Kneeling on the ground, Alicetriya looked at the earth that was constantly collapsing towards her, her face pale for a while.

She tremblingly stretched out her hand: "Is this the power of gods? The humble I actually wanted to challenge the gods..."

When the words fell, the whole person was wiped out by a blast of wind.

"I didn't expect my ending to be like this." Looking at the broken space in front of him, Bo Feng Shuimen closed his eyes.

"Is this the so-called god?" Britz put down his pistol.

In the face of this mighty force, all resistance is futile.

Altaïr stared blankly at the extinction scene before him.

Meteora and others in the audience were all stupid.

Looks sluggish.

It is estimated that everyone will never forget this picture in this life!

"That, monster!"

Yuya was shaking slightly with the wooden sword, looking at the dark abyss outside the auditorium barrier, her pupils were filled with fear.

Death is not terrible.

The scary thing is that you don't know how you died!

From now on, the young and frivolous Maitreya Yuya is estimated to bow down to be a humble and beautiful man.

"Every time I look at it, it's so shocking, it's worthy of Ea, it really cuts the world." Honjo Feng clapped his hands.

The effect was not so obvious when I saw it before, and only now did she really realize that this sword can really cut the world.

"Yeah, but this time it really cut a world apart. Lingyun should have kept his hands before." The shock in Risa's pupils has not disappeared.

She was like this, not to mention the first time Meteora and others met.


Sai Leijia sat down on the ground.

Looking at the void world around him in fear.

Teeth White lips: "No, everything is gone!"

It is hard to imagine that before this, it was a lush plain.

Compared with this kind of person, her so-called villains are nothing but ass.

People are upset, and the planet is gone directly for you.

Looking at Altaïr who was annihilated by the torrent, Ling Yun put down Ea in his hand.

The hilt stopped spinning, but the surrounding space did not stop shattering.

"It's time to go back."

"System, restore the dimensional battlefield."

"Ding! Recovering..."

The sound of the system fell.

The space stopped shattering.

Some of the sky fragments and earth fragments that had fallen into the void were all miraculously restored as time went back.

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