Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 507: Easter Island Sakisuna

"I am not dead?!"

Opened his eyes in confusion, Altaïr looked at the bright moonlight and stood up abruptly.

Look around

I was shocked to find that I had returned to the original world, and the surrounding silence was extremely quiet.

"Woke up?"

There was a flat voice, Altaïr looked over

Then they found Ling Yun and a group of people sitting on the leather sand that didn't know where it came from.

Playing games in five rows with his mobile phone.

"You take a moment to sit aside, let's talk after I finish this one."

After a casual comment, Ling Yun continued to sullen his head.

The two thumbs moved wildly on the screen.

At the next moment, Ling Yun frowned.

Altaïr's heart was bulging.

Did you accidentally touch his brow?

But the next moment, her face froze.

I saw him reprimanding the next maple:

"Maple! Although you are a tank, don't you want to be like this, okay?"

"Hey, sorry." Ben Tiao Feng smiled silly.

It's not the first time that people can tell at a glance.

"Risa, go and cut the silly shooter opposite."

"Don't worry, I'm Ake Thief Six." Risa replied without looking up.

"Saelejia, what's the matter with you? You are a fighter, but what are you doing with the opponent's tank?"

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Sai Leijia looked at the gray screen, her face slightly red.

Meteora: "It's okay, hold on, we can win."

Meteora was enthusiastic about it.

Altaïr looked at the five people in five rows dumbfounded.

Do you disrespect me so much?


In the open space not far to the right, Youye and Cao Yan were in crossed figures, their weapons kept touching each other, sparks splashing everywhere.

Sakae suddenly appeared behind Yuya and slashed.


Cao Yanbing, who was holding the Ten Temple Yama, blocked it, and avoided the knife from the side.

"The kid learns very quickly."

Yuya exclaimed.

"Thanks to Mr. Yuya for teaching well." Cao Yanbing said modestly.

On the left, Wang Qiangye and Milong are not interested, they are knocking sunflower seeds in front of a mobile phone.

And on the mobile phone, it is the large-scale anime series "Naruto"!


The red light instantly covered Lingyun's screen.

Calmly put down the phone.

Ling Yun looked at the uneasy four people in front of him blankly.



Risa and Kaede Honjo understood in a second, and obediently stretched their heads over.

Meteora and Serega were stunned.

Just like the two of them, they also stretched their heads obediently.

Ling Yun stretched out his hand, facing the four heads in front of him, it was a ‘bone connection’.





Four distinct voices.

But there were no exceptions. Everyone squatted with a headshot, clutching their heads.

"Well, it's time to deal with their business next."

After finishing the four melon waffles, Ling Yun turned his head and looked at the Altaïr people.


Altaïr was taken aback, then turned his head.

I was surprised to find

Except for her, Britz and others are all there!

Just fell into a coma.


Altaïr looked at Ling Yun in front of him and whispered softly.

"Now, if I talk to you, you shouldn't be dissatisfied anymore."

Ling Yun smiled slightly and threw the phone into the system space.

He raised Erlang's legs and leaned on the sofa, said with a smile on his mouth.

"what you up to?"

"Join us and you will understand everything."

"Several people over there, don't pretend, it's time to get up." Ling Yun shouted to the three people of Bo Feng Shui Men who pretended to be dead next to them.

"Who on earth are you?"

Bo Feng Shuimen opened his eyes and stood up blankly.

"Want to save your wife?"

Ling Yun laughed.

Bo Feng Shuimen frowned.

I didn't know what I was thinking about.

"I think you should be able to let go of your vigilance. I want to kill you at any time."

As soon as this remark comes out

Everyone just felt relieved.

Indeed, if Ling Yun wanted to kill them, there would be no resistance at all.

Even Huangshu Jasmine, who was tied to one side by Milong, calmed down.

I want to hear what Ling Yun wants to say.

"Altaïr, let me ask you a question now."

"You said."

"Want to resurrect Shima Sakisuna?"


Altaïr's dilated pupils suddenly tightened.

Raising his head violently, he rushed to Ling Yun's face.

It's just that when he wanted to take a step closer, his limbs were locked by the chains protruding from the void.

"who are you?!"

As long as it was about Shimazaki Setsuna, she couldn't control her emotions.

"There is no underworld in this world, no hell, and no reincarnation. After ordinary people die, their souls will dissipate directly, which means they will turn into particles and become dust."

Ling Yun didn't answer Altaïr's question, but just said to himself.

"What do you want to say?"

Altaïr also calmed down a bit, looking at Ling Yun with puzzled brows.

"I will help you resurrect Shimazaki Setsuna, but in exchange, join us."

Ling Yun did not know when a black card appeared in his hand.

Gently handed it to Altaïr.


The lock of the sky disappeared, and Altaïr fell to the ground again.

"If you can really resurrect the moment, I am willing to help you do anything."

Ling Yun's strange and unpredictable ability sounded, and Altaïr took the black card.


The corner of Ling Yun's mouth raised.

"In that case, I will help you fulfill your wish."

Ling Yun reached out and grabbed Altaïr's head.

The speed is so fast that Altaïr has no time to react.

"what you up to?"

"Don't panic, this is a necessary introduction."


"You will know soon." Ling Yun laughed.

Then the pupils suddenly opened.

Reach out your left hand.

The blue structural power turns into blue light bands, which are constantly interlaced and rotated in the void in a spherical posture.

"You want to stop me?"

Suddenly, Ling Yun paused with his hand, raised his head, and looked towards the sky blankly.

"Is it corrective power?"

Feeling the oppression in the space, Altaïr's face turned white.

"Don't worry, it's just a mere correction."

"Come, get it done."

Shouted to the void.

"Yes, Lord Lingyun."

Then, a calm voice sounded.

A silver-haired woman with a red hilt Taishou suddenly emerged from the void.

Squinted the golden pupils.

Then it was a stab at the void.


There was a clear cracking sound.

In an instant

The pressure on everyone disappeared.

"My ability......"

Altaïr only felt a soft voice all over, but soon she was surprised to find out.

Has his suppressed ability regained? !

"Are you..."

She glanced at the woman who had inserted the sword into the scabbard, and then looked at Ling Yun with a complex expression.

Ling Yun smiled slightly: "Just go back to the shop with me, and you will understand everything."

"And, don't you and your creator dislike this world? Then can we live in another world?"


"'t talk, she, back."

Ling Yun gently retracted his hand on Altaïr's head, and placed a quiet instruction on his lips.

At the same time, the blue light on Ling Yun's left hand disappeared.

A figure in a long skirt appeared in front of people.

Looking at the familiar figure.

For a time

Altaïr was stunned.

She stared at the familiar figure blankly.

It feels a bit untrue.


The woman in a long skirt slowly opened her eyes.

Looking at Altaïr, there was a puzzled and shocked expression in his pupils.

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