Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 516: Guess/Experiment

"Kyuubi, you are too strong and need to be sealed." Looking at the pinched Kyuubi, Aya Qingzhu showed a joking smile.

Nine Tails: "..."

Are you very poisonous?

The moves are almost the same. If you humiliate the fox, it's all the same. That's too much!

"Kyuubi, is this... been pinched?"

Jiuxinai said in disbelief.

As Renzhuli, no one knows the horror of Kyuubi better than her.

But is it such a monster that is so powerful that it is now being squeezed to death?

"This kind of power..." Danzo's hand trembled slightly.

This is the power he desires!

Comparable to the power of God!

Kyuubi, who was squeezed by the giant hand, grinned at Aya Kiyoshitake, "Who are you? What do you want to do?!"

The chain on this body didn't know what was going on, it was even stronger than the chain blocked by King Kong.

The moment it was tied, it couldn't mobilize a trace of Chakra at all.

"Can you verify something for me, nine lama."

Looking at the nine tails in front of him,


Kyuubi's pupils shrank.

How could this person know its name? !

But just when it was about to speak, it felt dizzy in its head.


At the moment when consciousness disappeared, it only saw the pair of scarlet kaleidoscopes.

Looking at the controlled Kyuubi, Aya Qingzhu took out a red and white Elf Ball from her arms.

Throw it at the head of Kyuubi.

The next second, Nine Tails turned into red light and entered the ball.

"Okay, let's find the next tail beast." After speaking, the imaginary space opened.

Aya Qingzhu disappeared in place.

"Where is Nine Tails? Where did Nine Tails go?"

The third generation of Hokage looked at the disappearance of Kyuubi completely panicked.

In this age, the tail beast is a shock.

A village lacks the tail beast, but it is a very serious matter.

But when the three generations of Hokage reacted, Aya Kiyoshitake had disappeared.

The next day.

All the tail beasts in the big villages disappeared.

It is said that the nine tails suddenly appeared, not only snatching the tail beast, but also destroying their village with the tail beast jade.

Konoha's 51st year was originally the year when the Watergates died in battle.

Started the fourth Ninja World War.

This time Takinin Village also joined.

Five Ninja villages attack Konoha together.

"It's all together."

Looking at the ten Elf Balls in her hand, Aya Kiyoshi smiled on her face.

Fortunately, there is Xilin's imaginary space.

Otherwise, it will take a lot of time just to hurry.

Of these ten Elf Balls, except for the nine-tailed beasts, the remaining one is the Outer Golem.

"It's time to go back." He glanced at the world without any thoughts.

Aya Qingzhu disappeared in place.

Dimensional shop


The door is opened

At this moment, there was no one in the shop and everyone left.

"Back?" Ling Yun, who was watching TV on the sofa, turned his head after hearing the sound.


Esther, who was sitting in Lingyun's arms, nodded flatly.

Icarus stood quietly holding the watermelon.

"Have you got your things?"

"It's all here." Qing Qingzhu stretched out his hand.

Ten Elf Balls emerged.

Placing the elf ball on the table at random, Ling Yun meditated: "I'm just curious about one thing."

"Since there are two Naruto worlds, it means that there are the same people in the two worlds. If one of the worlds swallows the other, will Yuan Yuan advance?"

"Double happiness?" Qingqingzhu said playfully.

"Qingzhu, you have broken your studies." Ling Yun smiled.

"It's not to add knowledge specifically for someone." Ling Yun cast a white glance and said angrily.


Ling Yun stretched out his hand and shaved.

"Okay, call Huiye to come."

"it is good."

Nodded, Qing Qingzhu went to Qunli Aite for a bit of Kaguya.


Very open

The door of the shop was opened.

Hui Ye, wearing a Taoist robe, walked in without expression.

Looking at Ling Yun, he said, "The shopkeeper, you are looking for me."

"see this."

Ling Yun picked up a wizard ball and threw it to Hui Ye.

"this is?"

Feeling the breath in the poke ball, Hui Ye was startled.

"Can it be absorbed?"

"Yes, it's very similar to the breath of the sacred tree."

Hui Ye nodded.

"So, if you absorb all of these, can you become the mother of Chakra again?"

A ray of light flashed in Huiye's eyes: "These..."

"These are a nine-tailed beast, this is an outgoing golem. It was obtained by Qingzhu from another parallel Naruto world. You can understand it as a dragon vein."

"Is this..." Hui Ye nodded.

"Then these."

"You can absorb it. After the absorption, I have something I want you to help." Ling Yun said.

This is an experiment.

Ling Yun didn't know if he would succeed.

But it doesn't hurt.

Once the shop Huiye and Parallel Huiye merge with each other, it is very likely to drive the integration of the world.

At that time, both the world level and the world origin will be promoted.

The individual's luck will also become stronger.

Make an analogy

Originally, the point of Watergate was one hundred, then after the world was promoted, the air luck increased, and the points displayed were not as simple as 1+1=2.


Can also get

Is there a pair of big hands behind the ball?

Controlling, the fusion of the heavens!

"If it succeeds, maybe you can consider putting Naruto World as a subsidiary plane on the periphery of the ball." Ling Yun said in his heart.

When Ling Yun was thinking

Hui Ye had absorbed all the tail beasts and the outer golems.

There is no cumbersome step in the infinite monthly reading in the original book.

The sacred tree was originally planted by the Datongmu clan.

Mutual integration, there is no discomfort at all.


On Hui Ye's forehead

A blood red eye with nine gouyu jade appeared on his forehead.

"Nine-gou jade reincarnation writes round eyes. And, reincarnation eye, tsk tsk, this is simply the standard equipment in the later stage of the traverser." Ling Yun teased.

you do not say.

Those who cross the road to the world of Naruto.

This configuration is basically the latter.

Either reincarnation writes the reincarnation.

The general meaning is almost the same.

"how do you feel?"

"The power... is endless."

Hui Ye paused, said.

Still expressionless.

Nothing seemed to interest her.

"By the way, how did you solve the matter of Miaomushan?"

"Chopped." Two words came out of Huiye's mouth.


"The entire psychic world was destroyed by me."

"Um, good fellow." Ling Yun gave a thumbs up.

Really kill the roots?

"Have you finished watching the story of Hokage?" Ling Yun gave a light cough and said.


Nodded flatly.

"Then I will tell you about the next thing."

It took a few Ling Yun talked about the matter with Hui Ye.

"If the world merges, then peach-style them..."

"I don't know, this is our first attempt. It is possible to coexist and merge with each other, but the timelines of the two worlds are different, and perhaps a new world may be born." Ling Yun said irresponsibly.

"It is not a problem that you can absorb Kaguya from another world. What is really difficult is the fusion of the two worlds."

After all, the inheritance of the Datongmu clan...know it all.

Ling Yun continued: "The parallel world of Naruto was created by the traverser after all. However, since the traverser Yuantian Linghen has been killed by me, it is like a lost child at this moment. You can take it home with a little guidance. ."

"It's good to be natural, and it doesn't matter if you don't. Anyway, there is nothing to lose. You can still become the mother of chakras of two worlds. Chakras of two worlds, double happiness, not fragrant?"


Hui Ye said subconsciously.

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