Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 517: Zero. zero

"Brother Lingyun, I think Sister Huiye will be led by you too."

After Kaguya left the shop, Aya Kiyoshi couldn't help saying.

"I think she is already black." Ling Yun smiled softly.

"Really?" Aya Qingzhu thought, tilting her head curiously, looking at the door.

"Think about Heijue."

"I need to go out if I have something to do. During that time, if Thor and Xilin come back, you can talk to them." Ling Yun said suddenly.

Qingzhu nodded obediently: "Okay."

"By the way, do you want to participate in that freshman competition?"


Qingqingzhu was taken aback, and then pointed to herself with some uncertainty: "Am I going too?"

Ling Yun thought: "After experiencing the last time, Xilin and Thor were probably suspended. Only Esther can participate. But just to see how boring the group of guys are, if you want to go, I will Wouldn't it be fun to get Icarus up?"


Ayaqing Zhusan smiled and didn't know how to answer the conversation.

To be honest, torturing dishes is really meaningless.

"If Ling Yun wants to, I can try."

"Okay, that's it, Ika, let's go."

Ling Yun's pupils lit up, he rubbed his neatly combed head, and left with Ika.

Before leaving, Esther turned into a ray of light and flew into the back of Ling Yun's hand.


Looking at the closed door, Aya Qingzhu pursed her mouth and touched her messy hair.

"Forget it."

Take off the transparent lotus ornament on your hair.

Qingzhu closed his eyes and shook his head, three thousand green silk slipped off.

"Brother Ling Yun won't be back in a short time, go to Sister Thor and the others."

Picking up the phone, making a call, and then walking out of the shop with a cheerful pace.

Qingzhu, whose hair fell, was a little more pure and lovely than usual.


the other side

Ling Yun with light wings on his back and Ika who fluttered his wings quickly flew towards Kyoto.

The speed is so fast that people below can feel a gust of wind blowing.

Whole journey

Icarus didn't say a word, and followed Ling Yun quietly.


Ling Yun looked at Beijing University

All the students and passers-by fell from a height in the surprised eyes.

"What is that? Longguo's newly researched flight equipment?"

"It seems to be Ling Yun, but I have never seen him use it."

"Is that kind of light wing sold? It's so handsome!"

"Just think about it, that kind of big-name thing, whether it's performance or appearance, is unique."


Ignoring the eyes of the people around, Ling Yun picked up the phone and dialed a number.


A flat voice came from inside.

"Me, Ling Yun."


The opposite was obviously taken aback.

Then a voice of disbelief came: "Ling Yun? How do you know my mobile phone number."

"It's not that you don't know that the satellite has been scanned by me. It's just a mobile phone number. I even know your blood type." Ling Yun said.


The other party was obviously silent.

Then some curious voice came: "Then, what can you do with me?"

"I'm at the gate of your school, come out to pick it up, I have something to find you and your grandpa."

"Huh? At the school gate?"

"Is there any problem?" Ling Yun asked.

"No, no, you stand there and don't move, I will come now."

There was a rushing voice on the phone, and then the phone was hung up.

Ling Yun, who put down his phone, felt the sight from the surrounding area, frowning: "It feels a bit like an ornament to be looked at like this."

Reach out


A white circle unfolded.

[Cognitive Impossibility] and [Driving Enchantment]

One can block others’ cognition, and the other is to disperse passersby.

They are all for the purpose of performing magic tricks that are not accessible to ordinary people.

Commonly known as the Holy Grail War!

As soon as this magic came out, everyone around showed a confused expression.

Saying things like "Why did I stop?" they left one after another.


A flat voice sounded, a white light lit up, and Esther flew out of the nick on the back of Ling Yun's hand.

The cold little hand held Ling Yun's big hand.

"It's not too famous to be too famous these years." Ling Yun smiled and touched Esther's head.

"Ling Yun?"

A surprised voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Turning his head curiously, he found a familiar face.

"It's you?"

A blue hair, this person Lingyun knows, the person who was beaten up by Guligaro and Diya Luka before-Blue River.

Then he looked at him suspiciously: "I should have set up an exorcism barrier and cognitive barriers. How can you still find me?"

"Because of it."


Along with the orange flame, the fire-breathing dragon fell from the sky to the side of Blue River.

"Cognitive hindrance doesn't mean smell, and the enchantment cannot be aimed at animals? Good guy, this loophole is okay." Ling Yun said suddenly.

"Thanks a lot for the mega evolution stone thing!" Lan He said.

"It has significantly improved the level of me and the fire-breathing dragon."

"It's okay, it wasn't a big deal at all. By the way, have you become the number one in the sky list during this period of time?" Ling Yun asked.

"Uh, I'm sorry to say that I am second." Lan He scratched his head a little embarrassed.

"Why is it second?"

Ling Yun asked in surprise.

With the mega evolution stone, Blue River should be unmatched in the school.

"The first is Zhou Xile, because she was recognized by Guyoka."

Blue River complained a little.

Originally, people had already envied many people.

Now it has been directly recognized by the super mythical beast, Gaioka, so it's a fart!

"Guoka? That salted fish?" Ling Yun said in surprise.

Unexpectedly, she won the recognition of Gayoka.

After that, didn't she make the sea water overflow?


At this time, a violent cough sounded behind Ling Yun.

I saw Zhou Xile appeared behind Ling Yun and the others at some unknown time.

He was looking at him with a bitter expression on his face.

"Um, I'm sorry, but it went smoothly."

"It's okay."

Although she said so, the color in Zhou Xile's pupils did not fade in the slightest.

"Master Ling Yun, don't know if you are looking for me?"

"I ask you, is your team full?"

"Time is a bit rush, Yu Qiling and others are still hospitalized because of the last incident, so they haven't yet..."

With that, Zhou Xile paused.

He suddenly asked what is this kind of thing?

"Master Ling Yun, I don't know what you want..."

"I want to arrange for two people to go Ling Yun's expression is solemn.

Zhou Xile: "..."

Blue River was dumbfounded.

Feelings said, this is the case when my brother's quota was squeezed out before?

"Master Lingyun, these places are actually for others..."

Before she could finish her words, Ling Yun interrupted her.

"I don't care, your grandfather cheated me, I naturally find it back!"

Zhou Xile couldn't laugh or cry.

Are you a kid?

"I can't do this kind of thing, and it's related to the entire Beijing University ranking system. Grandpa can only make the decision."

"Don't worry, he will agree. I know that the phone call must not be clear in person, so I came." Ling Yunrao gave her a deep look.

Zhou Xile: "..."

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