Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 542: Since ancient times, the true feelings can't be retained

Everyone returned to the shop

"Master Ling Yun, thank you for reuniting our sisters again."

Ying bowed to Ling Yun.

"Big brother, as a thank you, I don't care about things in the stigmata space." Ling snorted softly.

Obviously, he still had a grudge about Ling Yun stepping on her foot.

"Then I would like to thank you very much." Ling Yun stretched out his hand and messed up Ling's hair.

The bell that turned into the head of the chicken coop: "..."

What to do, I really want to bite him!

"Then, give you this knife by the way."

"Ice sky in the cold prison?!"

Looking at the ice skate Ling Yun took out, Ying's pupils were shocked.

"Ling Yun, you..."

Kevin and Mei were also stunned.

Especially Mei, as the maker of the Yulingdao, naturally knew that this sword had disappeared as early as 50,000 years ago.

Unexpectedly, Ling Yun could come up with exactly the same one.

"Sakura without equipment is incomplete." Ling Yun smiled.

Seeing Taito who was exactly the same as in the memory, Sakura showed a reminiscence expression.

This Taito has been with her since she became a fusion warrior.

Grow with her and... die with her.

It can be said to be the most trusted partner on the battlefield.

"Sister, it's great." Ling smiled.

"Yeah." Sakura also smiled.

"Thank you!"

Sakura bent down again.

"It's okay, these are already counted in Kevin's account." Ling Yun shook his hand. .


Kevin, who was smiling at his aunt, suddenly stiffened and looked at Ling Yun dumbfounded.

"What do you look at? Ten thousand points make up for regrets, are you willing?" Ling Yun glanced at him.

Kevin's eyes widened and looked at Ling Yun in disbelief.

Especially when I felt Sakura and Suzu's suspicious eyes, it seemed as if they were pinched by fate.

There is hardship to tell.

Mei looked at Kevin and shook his head and laughed.

Like a child.

After watching the whole resurrection scene, Lias and Karen were dizzy.


It seems that Ling Yun can save Sister Mary!

"Okay, are you okay? I'll take care of Rias's matter if it's okay."

"Shopkeeper, wait!"

As Ling Yun spoke, a rapid voice sounded.

Yaezakura quickly came to Ling Yun and looked at Ling Yun imploringly: "Please! Help Rin! I beg you!"

The woman who had been strong for more than four hundred years shed tears for the first time.

"Brother Lingyun, I think they look like." Lingqingzhu said.

"Who said no." Ling Yun shook his head.

The only difference is.

Sakura died in Ling's hands, while Rin died in Yaesakura's hands.

In the last generation, the elder sister was for the younger sister.

In this generation, the younger sister is for the older sister.

"Perhaps this is reincarnation." Ling Yun sighed.

Then looked at Yae Sakura:

"You should know that I am a businessman. I understand that you want to save your sister, but you need to pay enough points."

He is the fan of Sakura and Mei of the former civilization.

For Yae Sakura, there is not much feeling.

Karen subconsciously looked at Otto and opened his mouth to say something, but stopped.

She doesn't have points, on the contrary, she can rely on Otto to resurrect.

Otto has done enough for her, and she can't ask him too much.

At this moment, a big hand suddenly rested on her head.

Karen turned his head

It's Otto.

Looking at Karen, who was full of doubts, Otto gently leaned down, and the two foreheads touched each other.

In Karen's sluggish eyes, Otto smiled slightly: "Karen, before, I depended on you for whatever I did."

"Now, I hope you can rely on me more, don't hold back anything, I am willing to take on everything you have."

"Otto..." Karen looked at Otto blankly.

"I can't trouble you anymore."

"This is my volition. It's almost 500 years. I think about you all the time. I think about our time. I am willing to give everything for you. This is not empty talk." Otto put Kallen's hand to himself On the chest, the two looked at each other, and Otto said affectionately.

"Although I don't like the Sakura that took you away from me, ahem, Yae Sakura."

After being glanced at by Sakura and Ling, Otto hurriedly changed his words.

"But if you are happy, I am willing to give everything for you!"

"Grandpa..." Teresa had never seen such an Otto.

"Otto Apocalis..." Yaezakura stared blankly at the blond man in front of him.

The softness in my heart was touched.

"Master Bishop is really kind to Grandmother Karen." Cecilia, who was nestled in Siegfried's arms, said enviously.

"It's the same with us."

Siegfei smiled softly and took Cecilia's little hand.

"Brother Lingyun, is this the dog licking?" Seeing this scene, Xi Lin whispered quietly next to Ling Yun's ear.

Ling Yun stretched out his hand to face Xi Lin's head as a hand knife.

Then he glared at her.

Does licking a dog have anything to do with him?

Mainly there is business to do!

"Otto, I..." Hearing these words like a confession, Karen's breath stopped.

"If you have made a decision, then don't be polite with me."

Karen took a deep breath: "I see."

She had truly understood Otto's intentions.

Moreover, the current Otto, if he is not by his side, will do many terrible things.

The corner of Otto's mouth raised: "Ling Yun, swipe your card."

Ling Yun, who received the black card, said, "Chenghui has three thousand points."

"Master Otto, thank you very much!"

Yaezakura knelt down directly and leaned down towards Otto.

Otto's face was flat: "It's nothing, it's all for Karen."

Yae Sakura bit her pink lips: "I will never forget your favor. If there is something useful in the future, I will be there on call!"

"Yeah." Otto nodded.

An imperceptible light flashed in his pupils.

He is not a fool.

Anyway, after living for more than 400 years, how could he stupidly pay for others?

Otto had thought about it a long time ago. Since he can't be the number one, he should be the number one first!

As long as you control Yae Sakura, then Karen will never leave herself.

As long as Karen is by his side, there are countless opportunities.

Maybe you can buy one and get two free (Yae Sakura, Yae Rin).

Since ancient times, the true feelings can't be retained, only routines are touching!

This is Otto's summary of eight hundred years.

"I always feel that my shop is not a pot shop anymore, so I can just call the Resurrection Hall." Ling Yun sighed.

Then he pressed against the void.

The power of structure is launched, and soon

A pink figure was slowly constructed in Yae Sakura's excited eyes.

At the same time, it consumes one thousand points to let the system bring Rin's soul.

The light dissipated.

A lovely girl with two ponytails who had a seven-to-eighth similar to Yae Sakura opened her bright big eyes.


She was curious.

"Sister! You come down with me too."

Then she looked at Yaezakura with red eyes in front of her and smiled slightly.

Full of innocence in the! "

Hearing this, my sister Yae Sakura couldn't help it anymore, and rushed forward, holding Lin tightly.

"Don't cry or cry, sister, why are you still crying." Lin patted Yaezakura's back and soothed.

"It's okay, it's just too excited." Wiping away the tears, Yae Sakura looked at Rin with a happy expression.

"Thank you Lingyun-sama!" After bowing to Lingyun, Yaezakura thanked Otto.

"Master Otto! Sakura will always remember your favor!"

"It's okay, you will live with Karen in Destiny from now on." Otto smiled faintly.

Ling Yun glanced suspiciously at Otto after hearing this.

Why doesn't it feel right?

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