Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 543: Eight-folded cherry tree loyal to Otto

Yae Sakura was also startled after hearing it.

Then he looked at Otto complicatedly.

Although it was the first time we met, Otto felt really good for her.

Not only helped her save her sister, but now she also provides them with a place to stay.

I thought that I still wanted to rob his woman.

Yae Sakura felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

It is a sense of guilt.

He treats herself so well, then she can't be an ungrateful person.

From now on, I will serve him wholeheartedly.

Yae Sakura, who had figured it out, must have inserted the pink spirit knife in his hand into the ground, and knelt down on one knee in front of Otto under everyone's surprised eyes.

"Master Otto, if you don't dislike it, I am willing to be your guardian ninja from today!"


Karen was startled, then a faint resentment spread from her pupils.

Sakura never said this to herself.

(Yae Sakura: I said that, do you still remember the coldness at the time? That knife engraved me in your heart forever.)


Aside, Ling Yun, who was wiping the jar, shook his hand.

He finally understood what was wrong.

Take a deep look at Otto.

Good guy, what a deep scheming!

Seemingly passive, in fact, the whole process stands on the active point.

As expected of you, Lvtuo!

He, Ling Yun feels ashamed!

Looking at Yaezakura who was kneeling in front of him, Otto also appeared a little surprised.

He thought that Yae Sakura would return home, but he didn't expect it to be effective so soon.

"Then, I beg you." Otto chuckled lightly and lifted Yae Sakura up.

Rin opened Shui Lingling's big eyes wide.

Looking at Otto curiously.

I don't know why, he always feels that this blond uncle is black, the kind that is darker than her.

"Okay, the matter is over. If you want to go back, just open the door directly. If you don't want to go back, say in advance, I don't care about it."

"Don't worry, we brought our own ingredients." Kevin said, then took out the black card in Ling Yun's puzzled eyes and handed it to Fu Hua.

"Hua, leave it to you."

Kevin laughed.

Fu Hua was silent for a while, then took the black card: "Li Xue, let's go."

"Good master."

Cheng Lixue obediently followed.

"I'll help too." Cecilia said and followed Fu Hua.

Ling Yun: "???"

Looking at the three people walking into the kitchen, a black question mark appeared.

"what's the situation?"

After thinking of something, he looked at Kevin with a look of astonishment.

"Are you going to eat with me?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

Kevin did not know when he had already sat on the sofa.

Turn on the TV and watch it with Mei.

Sakura and Ling, who hadn't watched TV for a long time, also sat on the sofa.

Ling Yun: "..."

It's not at all polite that you learned this from anyone.

"Forget it, let's talk about you."

Ling Yun rubbed his temples and put his gaze on Lias.


Lias was still in shock for Ling Yun to resurrect others.

React quickly.

"That's the case, I want to ask the owner if you come from the same world as me."

Lias looked at Ling Yun and said seriously.

As soon as this remark comes out

The whole shop is quiet.

Kevin's hand holding the remote control also stopped.

Turned his head and looked at Lias.

Ling Yun's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled slightly: "Why do you say that?"

"Is it because of the gods?"

"Yes." Lias nodded.

"But it's a pity that you are wrong. I don't come from your world, and if I have a god-destroying device, I must belong to your world? I don't only have a god-destroying device."

Ling Yun smiled slightly, and then a halo appeared in the void.

"I still have the Sword of Oath of Victory, the indestructible lake, the lock of the sky, the Sword of Hegni, Durandal..."

As Ling Yun spoke, he took out handfuls of treasures from the halo.

Lias was stunned for a moment.

With so many artifacts, why have you ransacked the entire **** system?

Little Karen was immediately stunned.

His eyes were dull, he looked stupidly at the handful of scary treasures on the counter, and swallowed.

None of these are comparable to the treasures of the Vatican!

What a rich family background.

After two minutes, Ling Yun stopped and looked at the full weapons on the counter with a satisfied expression.

Unknowingly, the wealth of the family is already so solid.

"It's easy for you to go back. I can help you, but I need you to show me the demon pieces."

"So simple?"

Rias asked in confusion after returning to her senses.

"It's that simple, but I want to look at the mutant pieces."

"Yes." Lias nodded.

Reach out

The red magic circle opened.

Four variant chess pieces emerged.

It's not a big deal just to take a look.

As long as you can go back, it doesn't matter if you give the chess piece to Ling Yun.

"These are the only four mutant chess pieces I have left." Lias said.

"A soldier?" Ling Yun's pupils flashed.

This should be used to convert four of the eight Hyoto Issei.

The Eye of Truth emerged and scanned it quickly.

"That's it, I get it."

Ling Yun said to himself, and quickly analyzed the mutated chess piece in Lias's hand.

The power of structure flashed in Lilias's puzzled eyes.


A group of shining blue light, crystal clear chessmen emerged.

King, queen, chariot, everything is available.

"This... how is this possible!"

Lias stared at the chessmen on the counter blankly, showing an expression of disbelief.

Especially after feeling that the chess piece contains the same power as the mutated chess piece in his hand, it is even more daunting.

"Should I say that it is something made by a transcendant? It can be regarded as a purple item. It took me two seconds."

Lias: "..."

Is he pretending to be x?

Correct! He must be pretending to be x!

In the past, she came to Versailles, but she didn't expect that she would be Versailles.

"Send a set to Rick. I haven't thanked him for giving me the canon."

Speaking to himself, Ling Yun opened the group chat and sent this group of chess red hair to Rick.

"Thanks, take the chess piece back, take this one."


Rias took the black card, but the next second she touched it, she was stunned.

Countless unfamiliar information suddenly got into her mind.


Rias returned to her senses, and a look of horror appeared in her pupils.

In the independent dimension, isn't it at the same level as the great red?

Regardless of the number of transcenders in the world, the gap with the two dragon gods in the first and second place is far apart.

Even if all the transcendents in the top ten are added together, it is not enough for the second infinite dragon **** to fight with one hand.

"After you get the black card, you are a guest of the store, and the store has separated a passage to your world for you. You can leave as long as you open the door."

Ling Yun pointed to the door and said.

"Of course, you can also choose to open the jar."

Rias glanced at the black card in her hand.

A trace of surprise flashed through his pupils.

She turned out to be one thousand and two? !

"What's the matter? Why do I have so many initial points? Could it be because of my sister of the Demon King? Taking up my brother's luck?"

Through the information transmitted through the black card, she also knew that the initial points represented the attention of their respective world, but she was shocked by this.

Because she was just an ordinary girl.

Except for the status of Demon King's sister, it is not so outstanding.

"I choose to open the jar!"

After thinking about it, Rias returned the original sound to her brother who inherited the name of Lucifer.

After understanding the horror of the shop.

She felt that she might also be a magician!

Just like her cousin!

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