Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 624: What is the relationship between A flash and me C flash?

  Chapter 622 What is the relationship between A flash and my C flash?


  Altaïr glanced at Merlin disgustingly.

  Why is this person so unqualified and spitting?

   "This young lady who appeared suddenly, I think it is necessary to discuss the issue of vision with you." Merlin looked serious and raised her index finger and said solemnly.

  So that he forgot that he was on the way.

  Compared to human riyaki, it is vital to prove your gender!

   "Now, Jin Shining, how about let's discuss things?" Ling Yun hooked Jin Shining's shoulder with one hand.

"what's up?"

  Jin Shining looked at the leopard man who was squatting on the ground blowing the red middle finger, and replied plainly.

  "From now on I call your brother, you call me father, how about?"


   "Ling Yun! Do you want to die?!"

  After a short silence, Jin Shining slapped Ling Yun's hand.

   shouted angrily, a dense halo hovered behind him, and a dozen treasures came out.

   "Timama, help, your grandson is going to hit me."

  However, Ling Yun hid directly behind God Tiamat and pointed at Jin Shining to complain.

  For this, Tiamat’s butterfly-like eyes quietly stared at the glittering gold.

   Jin Shining who was a little flustered by Tiamat's look: "."

How to do? Was stared at by the God of Creation.

  A little flustered!


  At this time

  A shout sounded.

   Jin Gu, with a cold chest, trembled and walked in front of everyone.

  Looking at Tiamat’s pupils in front of the crowd shrank.

   "Mother, leave! They."

  But before he could finish his words, he fell to the ground.

  The red blood turns into a puddle.

  Jin Shining calmly looked at Jin Gu, who had fainted in front of her, and couldn't help shook her head.

   "What a fool."

  Although she said that, Jin Shining still supported Jin Gu with one hand.

   "The king's love?" Ling Yun said weirdly.

   "Shut up!" Jin Shining gave Ling Yun a stare.

   "Jin Gu."

  At this time, Tiamat came over gently, watching Jin Gu's pupils full of love.

   Reached out his hand and pressed it on the heart-swept chest.

  A pink light emerged.

  Jin Gu’s injury began to recover.


   Immediately afterwards, everyone heard a coughing sound.

   saw Jin Gu open his eyes again.

   "Mother, please leave quickly! I will help you block them!"

As soon as Jin Gu woke up, he stood in front of God Tiamat, watching Ling Yun and the others vigilantly.

  But the next moment

  One hand was pressed on his shoulder.


  Jin Gu turned his head and looked at Tiamat in confusion.

   Then Tiamat shook his head slightly.

   "Jingu, go follow your original wish, don't give in to me anymore."

   "Mother, my wish is to stay by your side."

   "No, you have it. I felt it while repairing your heart. That thought was suppressed by you." Tiamat shook his head gently and looked at Jin Gu gently.

   "What about you, mother?"

  Tiamat smiled: "Someone told me that I should love myself once.".

  Looking at Tiamat’s smile, Jin Gu was stunned.

  This is the first time his mother smiled in his mind.

  For a time, he felt that his whole mind was healed.

  "If this is your wish." Jin Gu bowed slightly and stepped aside.

   "Then, let's go back to Uruk."

  Looking at Tiamat who returned to his side, Ling Yun said to everyone.

  People naturally have no other opinions.

   cast a look at Xilin.


  Open imaginary space

  Everyone walked into the imaginary space.

  Unknown, a goddess secretly followed everyone into the imaginary space.

   Uruk Tower

   Just when Siduli reported Uruk’s loss to C Shan.

  The imaginary space opens suddenly

   Let Siduli have a meal.

  The captain of the guard also picked up the gun.


  C flashed a loud shout, which made everyone relax.

  C flashed at the imaginary space that suddenly appeared


  Ling Yun and his group walked out from inside.

  However, after seeing God Tiamat, C Shan's complexion changed abruptly.

   stared at the figure with big horns.

   spit out a name that shocked both Siduli and Wei.



  Xiduli exclaimed, shouting in disbelief.

   "Relax, the danger has been removed." At this time, c flashed a sentence that made the two of them bewildered.

  C flashed a glance at Tiamat and Jin Gu, and then looked at a flash and everyone.

   then looked at Ling Yun, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Really? Tiamat was subdued by you."

  As soon as the words come out

  The inside of the tower was shocked again.

   "Submit. That creator god? Just kidding." The guards were all dumbfounded.

   "Whether you believe it or not, that's the way it is, and I won't do anything to you. I will pick up my companions, and then they will leave this world." Ling Yun said calmly.

  "Leave? What about mother?" Jin Gu asked.

   "Naturally follow along." Ling Yun said.

   "Then me too"

   "Jin Gu."

  The voice of God Tiamat gave Jin Gu a meal.

   then lowered his head.

   "Let's go." A glance at Jin Gu

   Ling Yun patted her mother on the shoulder.

   and everyone walked towards the location of Sophie and others.

  On the way

  I don’t know if it’s an illusion

  Many Uruk people saw their eyes full of worship and respect.

  After Ling Yun left

  In the Uruk Tower

  C Shan looked at some idiot goddess with interest.

   "Ishtar, I didn't expect you to help Uruk."

  C rubbed Ishtar's head with a flash of smile.

  Ishtar, who was rubbing his head, snorted softly: "Humph! Don't be too happy, promise me the reward!"

   Hearing Ishtar's words, c flashed his hand for a while, and then silently retracted it.

   "What reward?"

   "Huh? Don't tell me you don't admit it!" Ishtar was taken aback, and then shouted.

   "Thirty percent! The third floor of Uruk Treasury! This is what you promised me personally!"

   Immediately, C-Shan understood, and immediately sneered and snorted: "Stupid idiot goddess, what does A-Shan's promise have to do with my C-Shan?"

   Fold your arms with both hands, showing indifference!


  Ishtar was stunned.

  Looking at the back of C Shan, the brain went down.


   "Welcome back." Sophie nodded to Ling Yun.


   Ling Yun nodded.

"came back."

   "Is this Tim Mom? So cute."

  After the crowd round, the group members temporarily released their alert state.

  After all, it is in other worlds, even if the incident of God Tiamat is resolved, they can't take it lightly.

  Sophie and others smoked around Tiamat.

  Rimuru jumped directly on Tim's head.

  This feeling of being surrounded by people

   Let Tiamat’s mind shake.

   "Hey? Why are you crying?"

   "Did we scare you?"

  The girls did not expect Tiamat to cry suddenly, UU reading www. was a little overwhelmed immediately.

   Qiong: "Come, I invite you to drink milk."

  Sophie: "I invite you to have coffee."

  Ling Yun smiled slightly when she looked at Timmother surrounded by the girls.

  Abandoned mother fetus?

  No, she is just a lonely person longing for company.


   "Matthew, come with me."

  At this time

  Lingyun looked at Fujimaru Tatsuka, who was explaining what happened to Romani, and shouted to Ma Xiu on the side.

   "Huh? Yes!"

  He was taken aback when someone called his name, Ma Xiu, but he quickly followed up when he saw that it was Ling Yun.

  Fujimaru Tatsuka was also taken aback when he saw Matthew leaving.

  (End of this chapter)

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