Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 625: There are flowers in the underworld, only this one

  Chapter 623 There are flowers in the underworld, but this one

   "Senior, I don’t know what is wrong with you calling me?"

  Ma Xiu stood in front of Ling Yun a little hesitantly.

  Although this senior looks very kind, in the final analysis, he is still a ruthless man who can subdue the God of Tiamat.

  Ma Xiu is still a bit restrained subconsciously.

  Fujimaru Tachika also leaned behind the stone pillar secretly.

  Listen to the conversation between the two with the Chaldeans.

   "Don't worry, don't be nervous, I won't treat you well, speaking of which I like you very much." Ling Yun chuckled lightly.

  There are not many pure pink hairs like Matthew and Icarus this year.


  But it scared Matthew.

  The people of Chaldea were also bewildered.

  You abducted God Tiamat, but it’s not enough. You still want our abducted Matthew?

  Fufu, who stood at Fujimaru Tatsuka’s feet, showed a dangerous expression.

   seems to rush out at any time.

   "Then that, senior, sorry, me."

  Ma Xiu hesitated a bit.

  It was the first time she saw this situation, and she didn't know how to refuse.

  Ling Yun stretched out his hand, the power of structure emerged, and a smart phone equipped with the latest Hongmeng system appeared in his hand.

   But he changed hands and handed it to Matthew.

   Still thinking about how to refuse, Matthew had a meal, and looked at the mobile phone handed over curiously: "This is?"

  But right after

  What Ling Yun took out made her bewildered.

  "Two-dimensional code?"

  Ma Xiu was confused.

What does it mean?

  Add WeChat?

  But it’s not right. There is no portrait in the middle of the QR code.

   "Want to get a healthy body? Just like ordinary human beings."

   "Senior, what did you just say?!"

  Ma Xiu's breathing was stagnant, and she stared at Ling Yun for fear that the other party was joking.

  The Chaldeans who secretly eavesdropped also quieted down.

  Fufu's paw that had stepped in the air also stopped.

   "Health code, no matter what kind of body you have, you can get the healthiest body by just scanning it. Even if you can only live to 18 years old, you can have the same life span as a normal person." Ling Yun said with a smile.

   "You, are you true?" Matthew said in shock.

  "Do you think it is necessary for me to lie to you, a little subordinate?" Ling Yun shook the health code in his hand and lightly nodded Matthew's forehead.

  Immediately, Matthew's face blushed.

  Yes, I really don’t have anything that can make the other party cheat.

  The women surrounding Lingyun are much better than her in terms of appearance and strength.

   "Yes, but why do you want to help me?"

   "Why? Maybe it's because of interest. You still have many stories to come. If you missed this wonderful scenery because of your body, it would be a shame."

  Ling Yun looked at Uruk below, Ling Yun said with a slight recollection.

  His mother always wanted to visit a place before she died.

  Unfortunately, there has been no chance because of physical reasons.

"Besides, I'm the master of Altria Pendragon, do you want me to watch her'daughter' die without saving?" Ling Yun shook the Ling Shu in his hand and smiled. .

  Although I transferred one to Ai Li, the real master of Saber is himself.


  Ma Xiu was taken aback.

  Is there Altria here?

   "Oh, sorry, you guys should know Altria the Gunner. I am a swordsman. Different ranks have different personalities."

  Matthew: "???"

  I don’t know too much, but it’s really amazing!

  Ma Xiu bowed solemnly.

   "No matter what, I will always remember your kindness!"

   "Don't be kind, let's scan it first." Ling Yun waved his hand.

  Ma Xiu turned on the phone camera silently

   Gently scanned the QR code.


  With a voice, the QR code in Ling Yun's hand dissipated.

   And a white light appeared on Ma Xiu's body.

  Athena, who was closing her eyes and rested, opened her eyes.

   "So strong recovery power."

  Ling Yun narrowed his eyes.

  What kind of person are you?

  Obviously, he has the strength to destroy the heavens and the earth, but he is a corner.

  This makes her little head really puzzled.

  Behind the stone pillar

  Fujimaru Tatsuka and Fufu looked at them quietly, reaching their heads.

  Wait until the light disappears.

  Ma Xiu opened his eyes again.

"how are you feeling?"

   "A little bit relaxed."

   "Well, you can go back to Chaldea for a full-body examination." Ling Yun nodded.

   "Senior, this..."

  Ma Xiu looked at the QR code that had disappeared in Ling Yun's hand, a little panicked.

  She really did not expect this thing to be a one-off.

   "It's okay, it was originally used." Ling Yun didn't care, touched Ma Xiu's head, smiled, and then walked towards everyone.


  Ma Xiu stared at Ling Yun's back and squeezed the smartphone in his hand.

  If you have a chance, you must repay your seniors.


  Romani and Leonardo were somewhat silent.

  Perhaps, this Ling Yun is a good person by accident?

   "Wait for Matthew to come back for a full body test."

  Ma Xiu’s body can heal nature is the best.



   Shaking the goblet, Suzuki Satoru walked over.

  "Are you afraid of leakage?"

  Looking at Suzuki Satoru drinking, Ling Yun was taken aback for a moment, and asked weirdly.

   "Just add a small storage magic." Suzuki Satoru pointed to the red jade in the ribs.

   Ling Yun: "..."

   Give it a thumbs up.


   look away

  You can see the women chatting with Timm very happily.

  Although everyone is asking, Timm is answering.

  But not only is Timm not bored at all, but the more we talk, the happier.

  For a time, Ling Yun found that his decision was still correct.

  Caring for the empty-nest elderly, start with me.

   "Okay, the matter has been resolved, we should go back." Looking at everyone, Ling Yun said suddenly.

  There are not many surprises for others.

  "Will you go shopping after you go back? Sister Thor, your world has a lot of novel styles."

   "No problem, it just so happens that I also need to help Tiamat choose some suitable clothes."

  Space channel open

  A few people walked into the space channel while chatting.

  After everyone walks in

  Just after saying hello to Matthew and the others, when he was about to leave.

  Suddenly stopped, and then as if thinking of something, he said flatly to the system: "System, do me a favor."


  Looking at the prosperous Uruk on the ground through the magic mirror, UU reading www. uukahnshu. com and everyone’s laughter.

   Ai Lei expressed a bit of envy.

   can be in the next second

   Ai Lei's expression was abruptly startled.

  The dark underworld turned out to shine.

  White flowers bloom one after another!

  In a short while, the deadly underworld turned into a sea of ​​flowers.

   In the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, Ai Lei smelled the tangy fragrance, her expression dull.

   "My underworld is full of flowers..."

   Immediately afterwards, countless petals floated up to form a sentence.

  【The only flower for the underworld】

  For a while, Ai Lei couldn't help covering her mouth with her hands, and tears couldn't help but slip from the corners of her eyes.

   Reached out his hand, touched it gently, and the petals fell, like a goddess scattered flowers, falling from the sky.

  (End of this chapter)

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