Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

: Chapter 1: The original home

  Chapter 624 Chapter 1: Initial Home

  After one day disappeared from the singular point

  There is a new member in the shop

  That is Tiamat

  I don’t know if it is because of the mother of all things, Scarlett accepted the opponent after seeing the **** Tiamat, and likes to be crooked in his arms.

   Kiss even more than Esther's mother.

   But of course, Esther didn't have the slightest jealousy.

  Without Scarlet's annoyance, she can dominate Lingyun better.

  You don’t need to take care of your children, you can stay in Lingyun anytime and anywhere.

  And Tiamat is also enjoying it.

  For taking care of Scarlett, not only did she not have the slightest discomfort, but she was also very happy.

  Having a child willing to be close to her is the best reward for a "mother".

  So that, Tiamat favors Scarlett more than anyone else.

  But the problem of two days of contact also came out.

  Tiamat seems to be a road idiot, and is extremely uncomfortable with modern tools.

  Eating a meal is all controlled by supernatural power, and the meal is directly fed into the mouth.

   "Brother Lingyun, this one."

  At this moment, Qingzhu suddenly took out a red invitation card.

   "When you went to Singularity, Zhou Nan sent it over." Qingqingzhu explained.

  Ling Yun looked at the red invitation card, and Ling Yun was stunned.

   "Yes, tomorrow is that guy's wedding."

  Speaking, Ling Yun was stunned.

  As the "mother family", they forgot such an important thing?

   "Forget it, it's too late to prepare now, just choose a better gift." Ling Yun thought, now it is obviously too late to help with the arrangement.

   can only make up for it in other ways.

   "Xilin, contact Rick and his wife." Ling Yun shouted to Xilin who was sitting on the bed in the bedroom.

"Got it."

  On the bed, Xilin thumped her little feet and replied.

  It’s just that, soon, Xilin looked strange.

   shouted to the outside: "Brother Lingyun."

  "What's wrong?" Ling Yun asked curiously, who was typing the code.

   "Well, Wang Quan said, he will get married tomorrow."


  Ling Yun paused with his hands, revealing a surprised expression.

   "This is a coincidence."

  On the sofa, Thor raised his head and said in surprise.

  It is very rare that such a coincidence can happen in two worlds.

   "Wedding, is it important?"

  Ti Ma asked suspiciously.

   "Well, it is an extremely important thing in life." Ling Yun said with a smile.

  Ti Ma shook her head

  She doesn't understand this too much.

  "Which side shall we go?" Putting down the fruit plate, Thor asked curiously.

   "It's really difficult to choose." After eating a piece of cantaloupe, Ling Yun fumbled his chin.

  On one side is the ‘maiden’s family’ and on the other is the wedding of the group members.

  It's really hard to choose.

  "System, can the time flow rate be adjusted?"

   "Ding! It costs 10,000 points."

  "???? Isn't it a bit too much?" Ling Yun frowned.

   "Ding! Anyway, the host is also placed, it is better to promote the development of the point economy."

   Ling Yun: "."

  I also learned economics.

  The system is getting more and more advanced.

   "Alright, adjust it, and extend the time in the fox demon world a bit, and finally postpone it until the day after tomorrow."

   "Ding! Time proofreading is complete!"

   "Okay, the matter is solved."


   Despite doubts

  But a few people did not ask again.

  It can be solved, why bother to go for it.

  Night is coming

  Ester turned into light and entered Lingyun's arm, and God Tiamat hugged Scarlet to sleep.

  Just after Lingyun fell asleep

  The light ball in his mind burst out with a white light.

   Then, a white light bloomed, and Ling Yun disappeared into the room.

  And at the moment when Lingyun disappeared

Both Xilin and Thor really opened their eyes in an instant.

  On the subway track

  A blue train is speeding along.

  The noon sun shines through the glass and shines into the faces of people in the train.

  Even with air conditioning, it is difficult to adjust the heat caused by the extreme heat.

  Feeling the dazzling sunlight, a young man with short sleeves panting and a schoolbag in his arms frowned.

  Subconsciously said: "Ika, help me draw up the curtains."

  But after a long time, the sun is still dazzling.

  This made Ling Yun rubbed his sleepy eyes.

   opened his eyes in a daze.

   But soon, he was stunned.

  He is not in a familiar bedroom here

  But in a carriage full of passengers

The passengers around    all looked at him with weird eyes.

  I can still hear vaguely: Is this child sleeping stupid?

  And after a brief astonishment, Ling Yun stood up subconsciously: "Subway?"


   Then, the sound of something falling attracted him.

   immediately lowered his head.

  I saw a backpack falling on the ground.

  There is a familiar yellow hook on the backpack.

  If I remember correctly, this is the schoolbag he used to go to school in high school, right?

   But, isn’t this something from his previous life?

"and many more"

   Suddenly, Ling Yun's expression changed, as if thinking of something, he picked up his backpack, sat down, and quickly fell into his mind.

  The surrounding passengers could not help but shook their heads when they saw this scene.

   is another man driven crazy by his studies.

  But Ling Yun didn't care about their gaze, he had more important things to confirm.

   "System, are you there?"

   "Ding! Yes, host."

  Hearing the familiar voice, Ling Yun let out a sigh of relief.

  Xin Hao is not a dream.

  Dalong Kingdom likes to joke with people.

  He was afraid that everything he experienced would be a dream.

   Ling Yun calmly asked, "What's the matter? Am I back to the original world?"

   "Ding! Yes, the system sent you back after feeling the host's will, but there was a slight deviation in the middle, and it passed through the time period of the third year of high school."

   Ling Yun: "???"

  What the hell?

  He sighed, but why did you send me back without saying hello?

  Now Xiao Xilin and the others should be anxious.

  Dimensional shop

  Xilin and others should eat and drink, not in a hurry.

  It is very common for Ling Yun to disappear anyway.

   will be back in a while.



at this time

  There was a sudden violent turbulence in the Mercedes-Benz train.

  People in the car grabbed the surrounding handrails.

   "What's the matter? Can you drive!"

  Many people who were frightened began to complain.

   "Ling Yun-sama, are you there?"


   Just when Ling Yun was about to look at it with the Eye of Truth, a familiar voice suddenly sounded, making him stop.

"Yes it is."

"where are you?"

   "In the bag."


  Ling Yun looked at the schoolbag in his slowly opened the zipper, revealing a Beberon doll.

  At this moment, the eyes of the Beberon doll are glowing blue.

   looks weird.

   Ling Yun: "..."

   "System, how come Bella is here? Could it be that I was not the only one who was teleported back?"

   "Ding! Back to the host, you happened to be holding Bella in your arms at the time, and you were in a doll state. The energy that you need to consume is not too much, so this system will transmit it at the same time.

   "Okay." Ling Yun was speechless about this.


  At this moment, the train made a huge vibration again.

  With a woman's exclamation.

  A huge dent appeared above the Lingyun carriage.

  At first glance, something fell on the top of the carriage from a high altitude.

  (End of this chapter)

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