Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

: Chapter 2: Elf Girl

  Chapter 625 Chapter 2: Elf Girl

  The collision caused a sudden shock to the entire train body.

  Dazzling sparks appeared in the orbit.

  And the raised part of the carriage also surprised everyone.

  Several passengers under the raised ground were directly frightened and sat down.

  The subway was already more crowded, because one person was so scared that it caused other people to fall to the ground along with it.

  The people on both sides of the carriages next to them looked at the men and women lying on the ground with weird faces.

   "Let go! You are a pervert!"

  Slaps and kicks constantly.

  Because of the summer, girls rarely wear it.

  And this fall, many men touched the place where they shouldn't be, and performed for Ling Yun on the spot what is the beast under the group.

  Ling Yun couldn't help but shook his head looking at this scene.

  I would be envious if I was before, but now I don’t have the slightest disturbance in my heart.

  A basin of water is full of ghosts.

  One bite down, two hundred yuan.

  It's boring.

Of course

  Since Ling Yun grabbed his seat, he did not participate in this large-scale ‘whipping oil’.


  Ling Yun raised his head and narrowed his eyes while looking at the raised ground.

  The infrastructure of the Great Dragon Kingdom can be said to be very complete. With regular warranty, there will be no steel falling off.

  So, why was it smashed into a pit?

Thinking about it, Ling Yun glanced at the men and women who were gradually getting up on the ground, picked up their schoolbags, and slowly stood up.

  When most of the people fell and the rest were sitting, Ling Yun suddenly stood up very abruptly.

  Under the curious eyes of other people, Ling Yun walked to the entrance of the subway.

  Pressed the subway door with one hand.

  The scarlet light flashed.


  The unlocking sound sounds.

   Then Ling Yun pulled it gently.


  The door of the train was opened directly, and strong wind continued to blow in.


  The current train is still moving rapidly.

   "Hey! What are you doing?!"

  Ling Yun didn't care, but this scene frightened everyone.

  A man shouted.

  "If you don't want to die, don't move." Ling Yun rolled his head, his scarlet pupils narrowed.

  Instinctively, the man's neck shrank, and he took a step back subconsciously.

   Perceived the weird gazes of the people around him, his face flushed: "Wear, wear a cosmetic contact lens to scare anyone!"

  Ling Yun didn't care about him, but threw the schoolbag in his hand directly.

  Then the whole person also rushed outside.



  Some courageous women screamed when they saw this scene.

  That person is also stupid.

what's going on.

  Open the door to commit suicide?

  Not so much!

  But right after

  Everyone in the train is quiet.

  I saw it outside the high-speed train

  Ice blue light rose to the sky.

  A huge silver dragon stirred the azure wings of light, gradually flying from below the train, flying at the same speed as the train.

  And Ling Yun is standing at the leading with a schoolbag in one hand.

  If it weren't for the moving scenery around, everyone in the carriage would think it was a dream.

   "I'm a mother!"

  The man who said that Ling Yun was a cosmetic contact lens was completely stunned.

   Kneeling on the ground, staring blankly at the Lingyun standing on Benales.

  At this moment, his three views collapsed!

  The carriage also fell into dead silence.

   "Bella, go up a little bit."

  Incited by Dragon Wing, Bella flew upward.

  Benalus's faucet

  Ling Yun frowned as he looked at the figure on the carriage.

   A slightly suspicious voice sounded: "Elf?"

  It is not the kind of elves of Pokémon, but the pure kind of western elves.

  He is quite familiar with the spirit of the elves.

  After all, I only saw one not long ago.

  Long golden hair, pointed ears and green clothes.

  A well-performed Mori Jing sister.

   "No, this fairy, how come you look so familiar?"

   Ling Yun groped his chin.

  The more I look at it, the more familiar it becomes, but I can’t remember it for a while.

   "Forget it, take it back and study it slowly."

   Stretched out his hand, a red light emerged from the elf's body, and finally flew slowly, and finally landed on Benales's back.

   "Bella, let's go."

   Glancing at the people who took out their phones to take pictures, Ling Yun stretched out his hand and lightly grasped the void.

  A dark imaginary space emerges.


  The dragon chant sounded, and with a strong wind, Benalus rushed into the imaginary space.

  Waiting for Lingyun and Benalus to leave, the people in the train could not be calm for a long time.

  If not for the opened trains and the photos in their hands.

   "It turns out that this world is really mysterious!"

  Some young men and women said excitedly.

  People who love to read novels are all excited.


  There are more people in the world who are called neuroses by society.

  In the imaginary space

  Benales travels in the imaginary space

   "Master Lingyun, where are you going next?"

   Bella’s questioning voice came.

"Come back home."

   Feeling the specific position, Ling Yun lightly pressed against the void.

  The imaginary door opened, and the view of a modern living room was revealed on the opposite side.

   "Bella, change back to human form."

   Ling Yun stretched out and grabbed the elf, and jumped off Bella’s head.

  After Ling Yun landed, with the white light, Bella also changed back to a human posture.

  Following Lingyun, they came out of the world of imaginary numbers.

   "Okay, I haven't come back."

  Ling Yun looked at the familiar living room with a look of nostalgia.

  I have been to another world for several months.

  I really didn’t expect to have a chance to come back.

  Go back to the bedroom

   Ling Yun directly threw the elf he was holding onto the bed.

   "Seriously, the more I look at it, the more familiar it becomes."

   "Ling Yun-sama, don't you look familiar with women?" Bella said next to her.

   Ling Yun: "."

   "I just happened to know each other, but I really can't remember this."

   "Forget it, I didn't suffer any injuries anyway. I just smashed a bag in my head. I guess I will wake up after a while."

  "Come, come, come back once, see if I will copy all your data!"

   walked to the side of the computer chair and sat down, constructing a mobile phone that fits this era.

  Connect to wife and open the app store

  It broke down directly.

   "Bella, don't stand, just be your own home." Ling Yun patted the bed.

  "Ling Yun-sama, this world" Bella glanced around and asked with some confusion.

   Very strange, she didn't feel any energy in this world.

  And the connection between her and the Queen was also severed.

  If it weren't for Ling Yun, she would have gone violently now.

  "This is my original world."

   "Come on, Bella, I will let you play with Celine."

  Looking at the downloaded Benghuai III on the phone, Ling Yun entered the account number and handed the phone to Bella.

   "Kiana Kaslana?"

  Bella looked at Xilin in the state of Luhuana on the game page, and frowned slightly.

   is obviously the appearance of others, but has the same eyes and abilities as the Queen.

  Involved, Bella’s curiosity was aroused.


  The two began to play the copy online.

  Time goes slowly

I do not know how long it has been


   A faint voice sounded.

   Let Bella and Ling Yun have a meal, and look aside.

   "Hey hey."

   Immediately afterwards, there was a smirk.

   "Stop eating, I can't eat anymore."


  Cooperating She made a protest in her stomach.

   Ling Yun: "."

  Bella: "."

  The two were silent for a while.

  Ling Yun silently looked at the elf who was lying on the bed and couldn't eat, but his stomach was protesting.

  This child, is the brain's neural mechanism wrong?


  Ling Yun looked at the giant cat who was bigger than Thor.

  I have to say that development is quite good.

  Ling Yun raised his brows as he looked at the child who was still smiling and drooling.

  You know, this is his bed.

  You dare to drool? !

   Reached out his hand expressionlessly, and formed two golden hoops, one for each.


   aimed at the top of the elf girl's head, reunited.


  (End of this chapter)

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