
It's another day that I haven't finished writing. I'm writing, don't worry, the number of words will not be short.


Dead quiet!

Regardless of whether it was Sekiryuutei's cage hand control or saber, people couldn't return to their senses.

People in the fantasy world have appeared in the real world.

This is undoubtedly a mess for the leaders of all countries.

But for true fans, this is an extremely exciting scene.


God finally responded to our wish!

Chef DXD and Chef Saber are crazy.

Holding his hands tightly.

For a while, this made them feel.

Hand-made money, value spent!

Lake Kawaguchi

All the tourists stared blankly at the battle on the crystal screen.

The Chiryu Emperor was hanged and beaten by the Knight King.

But even so, it looks better than any special effects!

Because this is true!


A heavy slash.

Zhang Han was forced to retreat ten meters.

Looking at the sword marks on the chest and the armor of the limbs, the face in the armor showed a wry smile.

This is a fart.

You can't get close at all.

He is strong

The ability of the Cage Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor is to double the strength of the holder every 10 seconds.

But even so

With Saber's superb sword skills, his fists couldn't get close.

Every attack will be perfectly removed by the Sword of Oath of Victory.

And the moment his fist was bounced, he would be greeted by a storm-like attack.

This is also thanks to the hardness of the armor, otherwise it will hang.

"You guy! Have the ability to fight with me?" Zhang Han gritted his teeth while looking at the leisurely Ling Yun.

"I advise you to give up this dangerous idea."

However, Saber's words on the opposite side made him dumbfounded.

"The master has the power to kill the gods, as if he really wants to fight you, this area, no, this island will sink. Of course, this is still the case when the master keeps it, so I advise you not to seek your own death. "


"Fuck, fake? Isn't this more terrifying than a hydrogen bomb?"

"Huh? Is nuclear weapons out of fashion these years?"

Zhang Han looked at Ling Yun dumbfounded.

Is this guy..... already so strong?

and many more


Zhang Han resounded. What did Ling Yun say to him yesterday?

Extracted the essence of the **** of war...the essence...

"Fuck! Gan! You are so strong?!"

Zhang Han was completely stunned by the reaction.

He thought Ling Yun was joking, but the clown was actually himself? !

"So, fight hard, it's your glory to fight Saber." Ling Yun chuckled.

Zhang Han: "..."

It turned out that it was not his pretense from beginning to end, but his embarrassment!

"Even if you are the knight king, even if you are my favorite saber, but in front of so many people, I will not lose!" Zhang Han clenched his fists and shouted.

Along with the sonic boom, he rushed towards Saber.

"? Which green onion is he? Dare to speak to my king like that?"

"He can beat your onion to death with one punch."



"The strength has grown."

After blocking the blow, Saber actually took a step back.


Even if the power becomes stronger, the poor technique is like a baby in Saber's eyes.

The left hand shrank sharply.

Magic Cohesion

Wrapped in the wind, it hit Zhang Han's abdomen with a punch.


Without any accident, Zhang Han was shot and flew out.

It didn't stop until it hit a huge ice layer.

"It's over."

Looking at Zhang Han in the distance, Saber raised the long sword in his hand.

The golden light rose to the sky.

"I'm coming!"

"The glory of the knight!"

At this moment, everyone's heart mentioned the throat.

They are about to witness.

The glory of the Knight King!

"Tsk, I don't want to leave the field so easily." Zhang Han, who crawled out of the ice, wiped his mouth.

Then began to chant the incantation.

"My, awakened as--"

The heavy voice gave people a meal.

"No, not at all." Shi Ta Yirong's complexion changed suddenly.

As a creator, he naturally knows how terrifying Tyrannosaurus is.

"Hey, this is no joke. If Tyrannosaurus comes out, the island nation will sink!"

And countries have also detected that terrorist energy comparable to the explosion of a hydrogen bomb.

"I, as the overlord of the red dragon-sink you into the red lotus purgatory!"

"JuggernautDrive (Tyrannosaurus)!!!"


The dragon's roar pierced the void, causing everyone to cover their ears.

The lake was still shaking wildly.

Mount Fuji not far away also began to come alive.


Flames exploded.

There seems to be an eruption trend!

"Tyrannosaurus?" Saber narrowed his eyes.

Although it is a form that has never been seen before.

But since it is Chilong

Then she won't lose!

"The glory of the soldiers gathers here!"


Give a loud shout.

The beam of light was like a collapsed Optimus Prime ~www.readwn.com~ and it fell straight down.

"Boost! Boost! Boost!..."

The light disappeared, and a hundred-meter-high red dragon fell heavily on the ice.

The heavy voice kept ringing.

The dragon's mouth faced Altria.


Dark green light burst out.


The endless white light drowned everything.

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~

In an instant, all electronic devices briefly failed.

Then in the horrified eyes of people,


Earth shakes

The ice on the lake is broken

Countless water waves rolled.

The Mount Fuji in the distance exploded directly under this terrifying energy fluctuation.

The flame like a meteor fell from the sky and landed in the lake.


The island government, who has been watching here, has a fierce heartbeat.

The most worrying thing happened!

"Hurry up and evacuate the people!"

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