Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

: Chapter Twelve: Suzuo Nenghu

   "What Ling Yun is doing is making such a big movement."

In front of the gate of    County Senior High School

   Feeling the fluctuation, Zhang Linyuan turned his head and muttered in confusion looking at the direction of the island country.

   Even in the Great Dragon Kingdom, she could feel the gradual expansion of energy in the air.

   "Forget it, no matter what, do my business first."

   Zhang Linyuan raised his head and watched the high school in front of him walk straight in.

   And the guard on the side seemed to have seen nothing.

   "I miss it." Looking at the familiar teaching building and playground, Zhang Linyuan couldn't help sighing.

   then walked towards the class in memory.


   "If it's just like this, I can't force me to use Tyrannosaurus."

   Ling Yun in the forbidden state, the white dragon claw pressed one hand against Zhang Han's fist and smiled.

   "I must show you a good look, even if you are a supporting role, you can counterattack as the protagonist!"

   Zhang Han yelled, and the huge dragon fist began to wave, continuously blasting towards Lingyun.

   "Eula Eula Eula Eula!"

   But how could Ling Yun, who had strengthened his body through the Octopus Sky, be hit in terms of speed?

   Every attack from the opponent was resolved by Ling Yun one by one.

   This fist is comparable to the speed of sound, everyone can only see a vague afterimage.

   "Look at my blow, Pegasus Meteor Fist!"

   Suddenly, Zhang Han took a halt and shouted loudly.

   The treasure on his chest burst out with endless light.


   covered with green light, like a comet, it hit the Lingyun heavily.

   Looking at the oncoming fist, even twice as large as the others, Ling Yun gently raised his hand.

   then shrank sharply to the waist, making a fist.

   just blasted out fiercely.

   "Cun Jin·kaitian!"


   Two fists collide, one big and one small.


  The ice on the lake surface was broken.

   Along with the terrifying air waves, the lake water and ice are blown away.

   far away

   The icebreakers are sneaking slowly.

   "Baga! Can't you hurry up?!"

   "Your Excellency Mei Dai, this ice is too hard, and the current speed is the limit." A navy officer smiled bitterly.

   "How can it be repaired! Are we going to watch the other side show off on our territory?!" Mei Daitao roared.

   The officer was silent, but rolled his eyes in his heart.

   So anxious, you have the ability to be an airdrop.

   Fast speed and complete equipment.


   The sound of shattering armor sounded.

   Ling Yun looked at his shattered armor and unscathed arms, showing a trace of thought.

   Sure enough, compared with Tyrannosaurus, the hand is much weaker.

  Pay attention: The light wings of the White Dragon Emperor here were made temporarily by Ling Yun, and the level is the same as Zhang Han's cage hand level.

   "How about, Ling Yun, is my Pegasus Meteor Fist good?"

   Seeing Ling Yun's armor with half his arm broken, Zhang Han's triumphant voice came.

   "Well, it's great, so I'm going to do my best and take it."

   Ling Yun opened his scarlet pupils.

   A scarlet energy burst into the sky.

   In the blink of an eye, a 100-meter-high red Suzano can stand in the sky and the earth!


   "It's not just Collapse, even Hokage has it in High School? Is he the protagonist of the series?"

   "Gan! This product has passed through, this must be a traverser!"

   "It's not fake, it's all true, there are really traversers in my Great Dragon Kingdom! The first traverser in history who successfully traversed back!"

   "ohmygod! What did I see? Susano! Or Itachi **** red!"

   Domestic and foreign netizens are all exploding at the moment.

  High School of the Devil may not be well known.

   Fate may only have a certain impact.

   But Hokage is familiar to all otaku!

   Even if I haven't watched it, are there still few dancing videos of Lord Madara on Douyin?

   Even if you haven’t watched Master Ban’s Fog, haven’t you watched the video of him marrying Da Zhuzi?

   Beside Bella, Sheila looked at Suzuo Nenghu who was flush with Tyrannosaurus with a dazed expression, and her brain buzzed.

   Is this what you said last night?

   This is definitely not a battle of the world's top combat power?

   "Good fellow, there is even Suzuo Nenghu!" Zhang Han was dumbfounded.

   is a big explosion!

   "Don't worry, it's not over yet!" Ling Yun smiled softly.


   immediately after

   Three thunders of purple, blue, and yellow struck Susano from the sky.

   The huge Suzuo began to absorb the energy of the three kinds of thunder, and finally turned into a new posture.

   "Look at the **** I understand, Suzuo Nenghu!" Ling Yun spread his hands and looked down at Zhang Han below like a god.

   A huge typhoon whirled overhead, under four different kinds of thunder.

  Suzano stands in the center of heaven and earth!

   Zhang Han: "......"

   Anything **** is about to cry.

   turned his head and shouted to Bella: "I'm reporting, this product is open!"

   Benalus was silent for a while, and said, "I can't beat it."

   Zhang Han: "......"

   What a desperate sentence.

   hit the nail on the head.

   "Come on, let me see your aura!" From high in the sky, Ling Yun's playful voice came.

   "I am angry with you mmp!" Zhang Han cried with a headache.


   is purely bullying!

   This must be revenge!

   Three kinds of thunder and black flames converge.

   The golden end sword longbow was erected.

   aimed at Zhang Han.

   "Master spelled it!"

   Looking at the bow and arrow facing him, Zhang Han gritted his teeth.

   The green light of the precious jade all over the body lit up.

   But just when the two sides were preparing to attack.

   Both have a meal.

  Because there are several missiles rushing towards them in the distance.

   Ling Yun's eyes flashed with blue light.

   Those missiles disintegrated directly in the air!

   then fell directly to the ground.

   Looking in the direction of the missile, Ling Yun's eyes were cold: "The army of the island nation!"

   "Here, those people in the island country are not crazy, right?"

  The leaders of the countries looked at each other.

   This kind of power comparable to destroying the world, you will provoke if you don't win over.

   is really strong enough.

   controlled Suzuo, turned the direction, and pulled the bowstring to the distance.

   "Hey, Ling Yun, what are you doing?" Zhang Han was taken aback.

   "What are you doing? Of course you killed them." Ling Yun said flatly.

   "This...this is not so good." Zhang Han hesitated.

   To be reasonable, he is just a high school student who has just gained strength, so where is Ling Yun so decisive.

   "So I didn't let you do it either, but you are now a strong man with enough power. If there are clutters to disrupt your battle, of course you need to kill!"

   Talking, Ling Yun slowly opened the bowstring.


   next second

   Bows and arrows of four colors burst out.

  Mei Daitao, the leader of the two fleets sailing in the distance, did not have the slightest consciousness at this moment.

   "What if you have extraordinary power? Under the territory of my big island country, the dragon will also hold it for me!"

   Just when Mei Daitao thought about how he would be praised by the commander in the bright light in the sky lit up.

   "What is that? Amaterasu?"

   Mei Daitao narrowed her eyes.

   next second


   The sword of Indra plunged into the center of the two fleets.

   set off a huge wave.

   A chain of explosions blasted all the warships into the sky.

   There are no complete parts, all turned into fragments.

   The powerful explosion even caused a piece of wreckage to penetrate directly into Mount Fuji!

   less than a second

  The third and fourth fleets of the island nation are all destroyed!

   There was even a huge pothole on the lake surface, and countless lake water filled up, and it never filled up for a while.

   look at this scene

   Everyone is silent

   Although the fleet of island nations is not very good for large nations.

   But after all, the fleet, which was ranked fifth or even seventh in the world, was killed so easily.

   This is a bit difficult for everyone to accept.

   Could it be said that technology is a slightly larger iron bump in front of mysterious power?

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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