Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

: Chapter 13: Freya·Elgrand·Geolar

With the collapse of the two fleets

The world is completely quiet.

Especially those who were clamoring, "These attacks just look strong, and they will still be cool as soon as a nuclear bomb goes down." They shut up completely.

Not to mention those ‘clouds’.

Because everyone looked dull at the huge pit in the picture that was constantly irrigating the lake.

There is no harm without contrast

This time, they had a very intuitive perception.

That is

If this thing comes in town,

will die!

Chain explosion of additional wires and gas

No matter how big your city is, it will get cold!

High-level island nation

Tojo underwear and Tufei Yuanmei mother are also stupid.

Three times as soon as I came out of the sacred toilet after wiping my butt, I only felt refreshed all over.

But the news of the destruction of the two fleets from the secretary immediately made him feel bad!

"Master Triple, where are you going?" the secretary hurriedly asked.

"My **** hasn't finished, I have to go back and do it again."

With that said, Sandou got into the sacred toilet without looking back.

I hope that the ancestors of the past can give him inspiration.

"It's worthy of being a triple-sama. The prime ministers of the past can't stand it for only fifteen minutes. Triple-sama stayed for more than an hour." The secretary said with an admiring look.

Worthy of being the greatest prime minister in the history of the island nation!

This perseverance alone is enough to go down in history!

the other side

After eliminating the two fleets, Ling Yun only felt a little lack of interest.

Suddenly I was interrupted, and I didn't have any interest in going on.

And it is obvious.

Zhang Han also had no desire to fight at this moment.

He is now very afraid that he will be arrested for murder.

After all, he is still a child.

Well, an 18-year-old kid.

But I am too sorry for the island country that just hosted him for so long.

"Before leaving, let me give the island country a big gift."

As he said, Xu Zuo dissipated, and Ling Yun's forbidden hand disappeared, leaving only a pair of light wings floating in the air.

"Big gift?" Zhang Han said in a puzzled voice.

But the next moment, he was dumbfounded.

A golden halo appeared on Ling Yun's feet.

"This is...Golden glitter?!"

Zhang Han's eyes shrank.

Immediately afterwards, his breathing stopped.

That sword is too familiar!

As long as it is a fate kitchen, it is very familiar.

People who have watched fate start to breathe sharply.

Although it is not red in cognition, the form is beyond doubt.

It even has ea, this traverser is a bit scary!

After gently holding the ea, Ling Yun pulled it out.

Looking at ea in his hand, Ling Yun looked at Mount Fuji in the distance with a smile on his mouth.

"The original narrative!"

Hold the sky high!

The moment the words sounded, the blue cylindrical blade began to rotate.

At the same time, there is the wind that tears space apart!


The ear-piercing voice sounded like Weng Ming.

Arouse vibrations in the space.

The earth began to tremble violently.

And Benalus also took Shera and Saber into the sky.

Zhang Han couldn't help but stepped back.

These winds are terrible.

Just touching it lightly, his armor felt unbearable.

"Around the mortar of the stars, the **** in the sky is the end of the eve before the creation of the world!"

"EnumaElish! (Heaven and earth deviate, pioneer star!

When the words were over, Ling Yun swung in the direction of Mount Fuji fiercely.


Scarlet rays burst out.

The light disappears

Followed by

An incomparably huge white light lit up.

The whole world fell into silence.

When the light disappeared, Mount Fuji disappeared.

Below is a huge block of magma.


Everyone watching this scene swallowed.

The hands of the top leaders of the island countries tremble directly.

who is it? !

Which **** designed such a weapon.

Before everyone had time to react.

The ground began to vibrate.

The earth is cracked!

Wow! With the shaking, all the land around Mt. Fuji began to sink!

The sea and lake flooded it.

Continuously, the island nation has started a magnitude ten earthquake!

With vibration

The tsunami has also begun.

The seas that the island nation is proud of are beginning to ‘revenge’.

But just when everyone in the island nation thought that the end of the world was coming

A clear voice sounded.

"Devil-breaking Sanctuary!"

The huge defensive barrier unfolded and withstood the tsunami.

Hope was revived in the eyes of those desperate by the sea.

"Don't worry, everyone is fine."

An extremely gentle and sweet voice sounded.

Look along with the sound. UU Reading

I saw a woman with long pink hair holding a staff, looking at and saying with a smile on her face.

It looked like it was really happy to save everyone.

But for the rest of their lives, people can't help but look weird after seeing the girl's appearance.

Isn't this woman...Freya Elgrandi Giolar? !

Being gentle on the surface is actually a bitch!

"Ling Yun, is it really okay for us to do this?"

Back at the ice cream shop, Zhang Han said nervously.

"If your character crosses, there will be no bones left to be eaten." Ling Yun said flatly.

"I, I know too, but..."

"There is nothing to sympathize with. Idealism is a must if you want to be a qualified traverser."

"That's what I said, but I still can't adapt." Zhang Han frowned.

"Then learn to adapt, I always feel that this world will not be too peaceful." Looking at Sheila, Ling Yun said silently.

"By the way, I almost forgot."

"System, how is the analysis?"

Last time I said that the analysis results were forgotten.

"Ding! Back to the host, it was detected that the dimensional wall of this world was traumatized, so that the balance between some dimensionalities was broken."

"Then you can see which dimensions are connected, or how many people have passed through the dimension wall?" Ling Yun asked.

"Ding! Back to the host, three people have been detected at this stage."

"Three? Which three? Ling Yun frowned.

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