Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 29: Reversal of the situation


Esther's shortness of breath

There was fear in his eyes watching Lihua Zhuang.

She finally understood why Ling Yun chose Lihua to not choose her.

The two are not on the same level at all!

The audience is silent

A generation of death died unjustly

I hung up without saying a word during the whole process.

"Too, it's amazing!"

"I believe many people didn't see clearly what happened just now, now turn on the photo mode!"

Heimdall stretched out his hand and immediately projected a picture above Valhalla.

Above is the picture of Lihua playing through Anubis with one blow.

It was no more than five seconds before Anubis died completely!

On the Blue Star, countless humans watching this scene couldn't help but be in an uproar.

Neither humans nor gods have ever thought of it.

Where is the weak one sent by the human camp this time? It's just out of the sky!

"The final battle, the eighth game, Lihua won!"

"By the ‘Twilight of the Gods’ rule, the score between gods and humans is 1:7!"

"Humanity won the final victory of the'Twilight of the Gods'! Mankind can continue to continue!"

"The next Valhalla meeting will be held in a thousand years!"


"Won! Great! We won!"

"Humanity does not need to be extinct!"

"Lihua played!"

"Lihua played!"

"Lihua played!"


All mankind chanted the name of Lihua played to vent the joy in their hearts.

All the gods were downcast.

"Damn it!" Ares crushed the handrail directly, his face full of unwillingness.

"Hehe, be happy, be happy a little longer, there will be no chance in the future." Zeus looked at Brunhild's mocking smile and chuckled lightly.

Just when he turned his head and wanted to leave

A voice suddenly sounded.

"Wait, I am very dissatisfied with this hasty decision made by the gods."

I don't know when, Ling Yun has appeared in the middle of the arena and directly snatched the final horn from Heimdall's hands.

"What is he going to do?"

The godly audience looked at each other.

What is this human being thinking, he has already won, why is it still not over?

Is it possible that he wants to finish thirteen games?

"Well, the human camp has already won, and there is no need to continue fighting."

Zeus paused, turned his head curiously, and looked at Ling Yun: "Heimdall, let him go on."

When Heimdall heard this, he retired decisively.

The following dialogue is not for him to interrupt.

Ling Yun gently touched Lihua's head and watched Zeus make an international greeting gesture: "Zeus, as the king of the gods, do you eat soft food?"

when--! !

As if a hammer hit the hearts of the gods suddenly.

All the gods looked at Ling Yun in horror.

Is this man crazy? !

A dark yellow eyeball emerged from Zeus's dark pupils.

Looking at Ling Yun coldly: "What did you say?!"

The green veins all over the body were exposed, and the ground one meter around directly sank and cracked!

The withered arm that had been behind his back was also put down.

At this moment, Zeus is on the verge of breaking out.

Both Hermes and Ares took a step back carefully.

At this time, none of their words are useful, and it is very likely that they will be directly crippled by Zeus.

The atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

The sweat condensed on Odin's forehead.

The two crows Fujin and Wuni on his shoulders clung to their heads and shivered.

Looking at the enraged Zeus, Ling Yun not only didn't have the slightest worry, but also smiled: "If there is a kind, just prove it."

Ling Yun stretched out his hand to the void, hooked his hand to Zeus, and made a provocative action.

"Prove to your human father that you are not worthless sons."

The tone was very plain, but it echoed in this arena.


Breeze blowing gently

The planet seemed to stop moving, and the entire Valhalla fell into dead silence!

Humans have their mouths in astonishment.

Looking at Lingyun who provoked the gods in disbelief.

are you crazy? !

This act of death is completely tantamount to declaring war on the gods!

Countless gods covered their hearts, their anger almost broke out!

The terrifying power rose to the sky.

The sky, sun, storm, thunder, heavy rain, and other different heaven and earth anomalies appear.

It seems like a trend to reset the world!

Feeling the pressure on his soul, Brunhild breathed quickly.


She really didn't expect Ling Yun to be so cruel.

This is to completely break with the heavens, no, to overthrow the gods!

For a long time, Brunhilde gave a reluctant smile: "This time... there is really no way to go back."

"Is it annoying? This happens to be your incompetent performance, brothers who shrunk eggs!"

Through the big screen, Ling Yun's scornful expression and inverted thumb were presented in the eyes of the gods.


"Do you want to die?!"

Thousands of gods stood up, countless rubble fell, and Valhalla began to collapse!

The entire Nordic God Realm began to riot.

Ling Yun's words have completely angered the gods.



Zeus smiled

Laughing wildly.

"That's right, as you said before, I ate soft rice, sir, and even smoothed my teeth!"


The majestic divine power spread in all directions.

The surrounding buildings and stones floated into the air under this powerful divine power, and then were ravaged into powder.


In the white of the jet black eyes, the dark yellow pupils were full of killing intent.

"Since humans want to die so much, I, Zeus! Perfect you!"

"Ha ha."

The laughter of disdain echoed in Valhalla, echoed in the Hall of Valor.

"why are you laughing?"

Zeus frowned and asked.

"The reason why you can call it a **** is just that you have the power to control the heaven and the earth."

"Enough to destroy your humans!" a **** roared.

Ling Yun gave a chuckle

Slowly stretch out his hand to the sky


In the next moment, the clouds receded, the rain stopped, and the wind calmed down.

The warm sun was exposed.

But this scene was extremely horrified in the eyes of all the gods.

Their theocracy... is suppressed!

Zeus also shrank his pupils and looked at Lingyun in the middle of the field in disbelief.

Not only the weak gods, but even his authority has been suppressed.

In other words, he is now just a ‘Herculus’ with only physical abilities?

"Now, do you still think you can dominate the destiny of mankind?"

Glancing at the gods who were down, Ling Yun smiled.

The laughter was crisp, but it was extremely harsh in the ears of the gods.

"Who are you!" Odin's cold voice sounded.

They were all wrong, the man in front of them was the enemy God should destroy the most!

"Me? Just an ordinary shopkeeper."

"Now, it's my turn to ask."

In the dull and glaring gazes of all human beings and gods, Ling Yun said softly: "Gods, do you want to be destroyed?"


Suddenly, all the gods and men breathed.

How is this problem so familiar?

But the gods did not dare to act rashly.

Since the other party has the ability to manipulate celestial phenomena, it naturally also has the ability to send natural disasters to them.

They who have lost their authority are nothing more than larger ants.

"Silence? How about I give you a chance to survive?"

"What do you want!" asked God.

"'Twilight of the Gods' has a total of thirteen games. The first eight games have ended human judgments, so let's use the next five games to judge the gods." Ling Yun smiled.

"We don't have any end-of-human meetings anymore. There are too many people and voting is exhausting."

"The next five games, as long as God wins one, how about I let you go?"

"Human, this is Valhalla, this is heaven!"

"I am Zeus!"

At this moment Zeus was completely angry.

It turned into a thunderous fall in front of Ling Yun.

He could no longer tolerate Ling Yun's trampling on God.

"Do you disagree?"

"There is no way, then, let the gods present die with you."

Ling Yun sighed.

Thousands of halos opened behind Lingyun.

"Hey, is this a bit too exaggerated." Seeing what appeared in the halo behind Ling Yun, Jin Shining couldn't help taking a step back.


Quante is ea!

Is this going to blow up the solar system?

"The original place~" Ling Yun slowly raised ea.


Accompanied by the scarlet wind, ea began to spin in the distance



The space explodes directly, followed by the turbulence of time and space!


A **** exclaimed, and finally was directly strangled by a turbulent flow, and the blood of the gods exploded the faces of other gods.


Zeus, pointed by ea, felt an extremely suffocating breath.

"Agree! We agree!"

At this time, Odin hurriedly shouted.

The other gods also quickly agreed.

Majesty is one thing, but fate is another.

It's not their business at all when the big guys fight.

Those who are dead are also those high-level gods, they just want to live!

Ling Yun's hand paused, then looked at Zeus with a smile: "How about you?"

Zeus lowered his head, clenched his fists, and finally weakened Panasonic: "I...agree!!!"

Looking at Zeus who had been duressed to stop, Ling Yun smiled and said, "Isn't it enough for a long time? I don't like the one who beats and kills."

Zeus: "..."

Odin: "..."

God: "..."


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