Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 30: Celine vs Susano

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (!

"Now that you agree, go back to your seat."

Ling Yun smiled.

Zeus glanced at Ling Yun tightly.

Use other gods to threaten him? !

He wrote down this grudge!

Afterwards, Zeus turned around and walked slowly towards the auditorium.

"Ha ha."

Looking at Zeus's back, Ling Yun smiled.


Rebuilt the final horn in his hand and threw it to Heimdall.

"The battle continues."

When the words were over, Ling Yun returned to the auditorium with Lihua Musical Instruments.

After Ling Yun left, Heimdall took a cautious look at the direction of Ling Yun and others, and then slowly raised the horn: "Well, that, some small situation just happened, in short, the final battle continues!"

The gods were silent one by one.

Humans are also worried.

There is still a fear of God.

I don't know if Ling Yun's move just now was good or bad.

"and many more!"

At this moment, Zeus suddenly interrupted.

"Want to regret it?"

"Humph! Since I agreed, I won't regret it."

"Next, your human camp will play first."

The gods are widely known, and they are too familiar.

Humans are likely to send restrained people to play.

In his heart, Zeus had already given Ling Yun twelve points of spirit.

"Oh? Isn't the arrogant **** disdainful? Even cares about such small things?" Ling Yun couldn't help but smile.

"Don't you dare?" Zeus sneered.

"No, of course, Celine, you will be in this game."

Ling Yun faced Xi Lindao next to him.

"No problem, I've been waiting for a long time." Xilin opened her pupils, one gold and one gray.

Imaginary space open


Xilin appeared in the center of the arena.

"The ability to manipulate space?"

"His words should be fine."

Thinking about it, Zeus returned to his seat.

"Below, are the gods from the side of the gods who are fighting!"

"The **** from the little RB!"

"He is one of the three devils born of Izanagi!"

"It is also called the Lord of the Horse Head, the Male Venerable Su Nian, the Venerable Su Zhan Ming, the King Niu Tau, etc.!"

"Zeng killed the food **** and surrendered Yaqi Orochi!"

"He is Susano!"

With the introduction of Heimdall

A middle-aged man, full of scumbags and extremely sloppy, walked out of the tunnel slowly wearing wooden clogs.

"Huh? Is it the ninth turn? In other words, didn't humans win the previous game?"

Susanoo, who smelled of alcohol all over, burped.

"Grass! Where's the drunkard?"

"This Nima is really the King of Bull Head?! Why do you send such a trash to the court?!"

The gods were angry before human beings spoke.

Susanoo is famous in that one-third of acre.

But this is a battle that determines the fate of the entire heaven, so send a drunkard to play.

Is it too late for them to die?

"Get off to the god! Stupid!"

The gods manipulated their powers and created countless wine bottles

At this time, a very nice voice sounded.

"You guys, can you give me some face next? Anyway, as the **** of war of my island country, Susano must have a certain amount of strength."

The island’s supreme **** Amaterasu said.

"what happened?"

However, Susanoo seemed to know nothing, and looked around with a dazed expression.

When Amaterasu said so, the other gods also became quiet.

No matter how

This woman Amaterasu is still very good in social relations.

Basically every **** has received care.

"Sequel, you have to go all out for this one!" After receiving the response from the gods, Amaterasu looked at Susanoo seriously.

And Susanoo's drunkenness also disappeared for the most part.

Seeing that his sister was so serious, he didn't dare to disobey the slightest.

"Yes, I understand."

This piece

The divine power evaporates, pushing the alcohol out of the body.

The water vapor was so strong that the pants were all wet.

The human laughed directly.

The **** Suzhan Mingzun is better called Niutou Tianwang.

"Little girl, although the **** doesn't know what happened, since you have met me, you should be ready to kill the fragrant jade."

Susano looked at Xi Lin and chuckled.

"Did you finish?"

Xilin frowned, looking at Susanoo as if looking at a wriggling maggot.

"Then go to death!"

Words fall

Xilin raised her little hand lightly.


In an instant, before Susano could react, the ground actually bulged directly.

Rocks fly out from left to right

Smashing Susanoo fiercely inside!

The two spears of Akong turned into a belt of Akong and split the stone into two in an instant!


Along with huge explosions and brilliant flames, an embarrassed figure flew out of the flames fiercely.

"Yah yah yah, the little girl is really irritable."

But he hasn't spoken

Suddenly rows of horizontal lines appeared in his abdomen.


Susanoo was taken aback


The imaginary space opened sharply

Seeing that Susano was about to be torn apart by the imaginary space, a sword appeared in his hand for some time.

Then he slammed into the abdomen space.

In an instant, the space that was to be torn apart also bought time for Susanoo to escape.


Xilin raised her brows.

He actually avoided it.

"Appeared! Susano's ten-punch sword at this time! It is the sword of the gods in the Japanese gods. According to legend, many gods in Japan were born from this sword!"

"More than that, the ten-fist sword also has the ability to seal, and it is one of Japan's supreme artifacts!"

Heimdall exclaimed excitedly.

After hearing this, the gods were also a little bit energetic.

The sword of the gods, even if Susano was scrapped, he should be able to succeed with this artifact.


Xilin snorted.

Raise his hand to the void

Then there was a fierce wave.


A breeze blowing

Nothing happened.

But just when Susanoo was stunned

There was a buzzing sound in the sky.


Susano raised his head and was immediately taken aback.

An extremely huge meteorite is falling towards Valhalla!

"Welcome to the trial, ants!"

Celine hovering in the sky

Like a queen of extinction

The pupils are full of indifference and indifference. UU Reading www.uukā

"Damn it! It's a foul to manipulate a meteorite!"

Susano gritted his teeth and looked at the falling meteorite, holding his right hand to the void.


A silver long sword emerged.

Its name is-Tian Cong Yun Jian!

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