Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 60: Oriental Qin Lan: I want to call my brother-in-law to beat you up!

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (!

"Sorry, sorry."

Looking at the yard around him that was as bright as the day, the little golden man immediately touched his head a little embarrassed.

The light around the body began to converge.

Although it is still a unique scenery among everyone, it is much better than before.

Ling Yun and the others also all sat down.

But steward Fei, who had a big belly, became a witness.

"Welcome everyone to participate in the wedding of my royal family owner Wangquan Hegemony and Dongfang Huaizhu, the lady of the Eastern family."

"Old slave, thank you all!"

With that, Housekeeper Fei couldn't help crying.

"Is this old grandpa okay?" asked Sophie, looking at her face.

"It's okay, I think it must be because of excitement." Sophie smiled.

At this time, Housekeeper Fei also felt that he was a little gaffe, and immediately rubbed his eyes: "Sorry, I made everyone laugh, I am so happy. It is so happy to see the young master one day, ah, the owner gets married. NS."

The Patriarch of Wang Quan, who was sitting in the high hall, looked at housekeeper Fei helplessly.

It is said that people are sentimental when they are old, and Lao Fei is no exception.

But it's also true. Usually, I need to deal with things, and it's basically the housekeeper fee who is leading the hegemony.

It can be said that Steward Fei is half the father of Domination.

"Don't talk nonsense, please two newcomers!"

"The royal owner and Miss Huaizhu!"

In the eyes of everyone's blessings and expectations

Dongfang Qin Lan, wearing a bridesmaid costume, followed Dongfang Huaizhu, who was wearing a red wedding gown and a red hijab, and looked at everything around her curiously.

And behind the kingship hegemony is Yang Yitan.

This is the only one among all mask members who did not hurt his face.

Worthy of being a **** of three senses


"Second worship Gaotang!"

"Husband and wife worship!"

"Li Cheng!"

Four loud shouts sounded, and Steward Fei secretly wiped his tears while speaking.

It can be said that he is very pleased and happy to see the young master get married.

The bride was greeted back to the wedding room, but the kingship hegemony stayed.

He has to toast one by one.

Especially the group of people in Shenhuoshanzhuang would not let him go at all.

And on Lingyun's side

Except for Suzuki Satoru, Rimru, and Asachel, the others don't drink.

Either fruit juice or tea, smiling at the kingship hegemony that is being dragged to drink by many Shenhuoshanzhuang disciples.

time flies

Soon, many guests also gradually left.

The mask members all lie on the ground.

They were all pulled by the king to stop drinking.

In contrast, there are also many disciples of Shenhuochuangzhuang.

"Guyue! Tonight is a day of great rejoicing, you and I are not drunk or return!"

"You are already drunk." Dongfang Guyue said blankly.

"You guy, cheating again, refining drinks with pure Yang Yan!"

"I can't afford to lose your face."

"Haha, don't say that, you old man, you have been fighting with me for a lifetime, and you didn't become my in-laws in the end?"

With that said, the old patriarch of Wang Quan put his hand on Dongfang Guyue's shoulder, and smiled: "Don't worry, you will have no children in your life. From now on, my grandson will be called Wang Quan Dongfang!"

"Huh!" Hearing the words of the Patriarch of King Power, Dongfang Guyue's face turned black, and she directly threw away the Patriarch of King Power.

With a big wave of his hand, Pure Yangyan flew towards the many unconscious disciples, instantly evaporating the alcohol from them.

In the blank expressions of many disciples, Dongfang Guyue's indifferent voice sounded: "Shen Volcano Village, all wake me up! Huishen Volcano Village!"

Afterwards, a group of people left mightily.

"Patriarch, you are drunk." Manager Fei looked at the old owner with a wry smile.

"I'm not drunk! Happy today, Lao Fei, you accompany me to drink a few more glasses." Wang Quan's old Patriarch lay directly on Fei's body.

On the eaves, Ling Yun tilted his thighs, calmly looking at the bright moon in the sky.

"It's been a long time since I looked at the moon so peacefully."

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

Suddenly, a curious voice sounded.

Ling Yun turned his head and looked around, and saw a cute little Lolita. He couldn't help but be surprised: "Oriental Qin Lan?"

"Do you know Miss Ben?"

"I still know the famous Taoist foodie." Ling Yun smiled.

"What kind of door is the first to eat food! Who slandered my grandma's reputation indiscriminately?!" Dongfang Qin Lan showed a big ‘#’ on her forehead after hearing this.

Angrily stepped on the tiles under his feet.

"Ha ha."

Seeing the furious Dongfang Qin Lan Lingyun couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey! Who allowed you to laugh!"

"And you, sneaky, what do you want to do?!"

"Huh? Am I sneaky?" Ling Yun pointed to himself in a puzzled manner.

"I just came to admire the moon."

"Nonsense! From your perspective, you can see my sister's wedding room! You must be my sister's crush, right?"

Dongfang Qin Lan had an expression of "I have already seen it through".

"But you still have to die. King Power Hegemony is the owner of King Power Villa, and even the first person in the Taoist School. You can't compare it." Dongfang Qin Lan came to Ling Yun's side and patted him on the shoulder.

Listening to the other party's words, Ling Yun couldn't help but smile: "You are really a little ghost. I heard that the second lady of the Dongfang family is free and easy by nature, but I saw it today."

"That is!"

"But according to what you said, I have no chance for your sister. Then, Miss Dongfang Qin Lan, I don't know if you can give me this chance?" Ling Yun stood up and looked at Dongfang Qin who only reached his thigh with a smile. Orchid.

Dongfang Qin Lan, who was eating the candied haws, was taken aback, then looked at Ling Yun puzzledly: "Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean..." The corner of Ling Yun's mouth raised slightly.

He stretched out his hand and placed it on both sides of Dongfang Qin Lan’s waist,

He picked it up, Ling Yun raised his head, looked at Dongfang Qin Lan in the moonlight, and smiled teasingly: "How about I marry you?"


For a time

The whole world is quiet


The candied haws fell directly.

Dongfang Qin Lan forgot to break free and looked at Ling Yun blankly.

"You, you, what are you talking about!" Dongfang Qin Lan's face turned red as he reacted.

He slapped Ling Yun's hand away and fell aside.

He stretched out his hand and pointed at Ling Yun tremblingly: "You are perverted! You set your sights on me without marrying my sister?! Maggots, perverts, young girls!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, brother Lingyun, what have you done to make this lovely lady hate you so much?"

Flying in the void, Asachel, with twelve pairs of wings spread out, looked at Ling Yun suspiciously.

Hearing what Asathier said, Ling Yun smiled: "I didn't do anything, but it's fun to be angry, and the bulging face is just like a bun."

"You're a bun! Let's go to death!"


A scorching pure sun flame spurted out of the shameful and angry Dongfang Qin Lan's mouth.

Ling Yun stretched out his hand

I caught the flame in one hand.

"Maple! Go on!"

Called to Honjo Kaede who was chatting with Risa below, Ling Yun directly threw the pure Yangyan in his hand.


Honjo Kaede opened her mouth subconsciously and swallowed the flames.

"How is it possible! You swallowed my pure Yang Yan, who are you?!" Seeing this inhuman behavior of Feng Tiao Feng, Dongfang Qin Lan couldn't help taking a step back and looked at Ling Yun in horror.

"I, I am someone who wants to marry you." Ling Yun smiled.

Hearing this, Dongfang Qin Lan's complexion turned red and stomped angrily.

"You wait for me, I want to call my brother-in-law to beat you!"

With a ruthless word, he flew out directly.

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