Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 61: Successfully invested in the new book

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (!

"Have you heard, you made the sister-in-law Wangquan anxious and want to call her brother-in-law to beat you." Sophie called to Ling Yun.

"Is there? I don't think so." Ling Yun smiled.

Turned around and looked at the bright moon in the sky again.

the other side

Wang Quan was accompanying his father at the door to see off the guests.


A petite figure, in the posture of a rocket head mallet, directly flew out the king hegemony who was smiling and seeing off the guests!


Wang Quan's hometown shook his hand, and his wine was a little bit less.


In the dust

The kingship hegemony coughed violently.

But before he could react, a cry sounded in his arms.

"Oh! Brother-in-law, someone is bullying me!"

Dust off

King Power Hegemony and the crowd saw that the second lady of the Dongfang family was kneeling in front of King Power Hegemony and crying.

Those who don't know thought they were crying...

"Why, what's wrong? Who bullied you?"

As the saying goes, his wife's younger sister is his own sister. King Power Hegemony saw his sister-in-law cry so sad, and his heart was extremely angry.

"Yes Yes......"

Dongfang Qin Lan, who pretended to cry, was stunned.

Yeah, what's that guy's name?

Under the gaze of all the elders, Eastern Qin Lan began to hesitate.

"Although I don't know what that guy's name is, he is in the villa!"

Dongfang Qin Lan stood up, grabbed the sleeve of the king's hegemony, and walked towards the villa.

Being led by Eastern Qin Lan, the kingship hegemony felt bad in his heart.

Apart from the disciples of the royal family, there are only Ling Yun and others in the courtyard, right?

Shouldn't it be Ling Yun who can molest his sister-in-law? !

As for the other guests who were planning to leave, seeing this scene, the fire of ‘gossip’ was blazing.

"Brother Wang Quan, I think I can have another drink."

With that said, regardless of the bewildered face, the old Patriarch of King Power once again stepped into the King Power Villa.

The others also clasped their fists and entered the yard.

"Quickly, go and see!"

At this moment, the old Patriarch Wang Quan also reacted and hurriedly walked towards the village.

"it's him!"

But as soon as he entered, Dongfang Qin Lan pointed towards Ling Yun.


A huge breaking wind sounded.

In the middle of the original yard

A girl wrapped in orange and blue armor was blasting against a man in yellow sportswear.

"Master, come on!"

Cheng Lixue, who took a sip of a bottle of wine, shouted staggeringly.

"We won't lose!"

Dia waved the flag and shouted.

"You're not bad, I've wanted to have a good fight with you since before."

"Both the explosive power and the speed are extremely strong, and the body controls the power perfectly, but under all the light, it conceals the hidden danger of your unreal skills."

The two fisted with both hands, leaped towards the back, and landed steadily on the ground.

Fu Hua pinned one hand behind his waist and raised one hand to the front: "Come again."


Words fall

Milong disappeared directly in place, and a long tunnel appeared on the ground.

"Cun Jin·Hundred Crack Fist!"

"Bajitian, collapse!"

Bang bang bang!

The earth quaked, thunder light flickered, and endless dust rose on the ground.


The Eastern Qin Lan people who came back with the king's hegemony are stupid.

Are these people so strong?

"Ah, it turned out to be in pk, how about adding me?" Wang Quan showed a daze.

Sure enough, it was Ling Yun and others who molested their sister-in-law.

"Ye'er, this is!" The old royal family owner, mask members and all the guests who rushed over looked at the royal hegemony with a dazed expression.

"It's nothing, this can be considered drinking entertainment." Wang Quan laughed.

The rest of them looked at each other, looking at each other.

Is this entertainment?

The abilities that those two people are fighting against are even more terrifying than them!

"Now that I'm interested, do you think about a melee?" At this time, Ling Yun jumped off the eaves and smiled at everyone.

"Melee? Yes, it just happened that I hadn't been addicted to fighting before destroying the gods." Kevin said.

"That's right, that **** is too rubbish, and I was killed by my sister directly." Limlu said with a lack of interest.

The kingship also echoed: "It just so happens that I also want to try my newly acquired kingship sword intent."

"Father, uncles, and brothers, please don't be surprised what happens next." Wang Quan said to the old Wang Quan Patriarch who was full of black question marks.

"Brother-in-law, are you trying to avenge it?" Dongfang Qin Lan blinked, looking expectantly at the power hegemony.

Listening to this, the king gave a wry smile.

Don't mention revenge, I don't know who was beaten by that time.

"Qin Lan is obedient, and just watch it carefully." King Power Hegemony patted Qin Lan's head gently.

"Owner, let's start."

Seeing everyone's warlike expressions, Ling Yun raised his hand to the sky: "Then, Dimensional Battlefield, open it!"


Breeze blowing

The disciples of the royal family disappeared into the villa with the head of the family.

When everyone raised their heads, they were taken aback by the scenery in front of them.

"This, here it is!"

The endless plains, the vast stars visible to the naked eye!

"In this battlefield, no matter how many injuries are suffered, nothing will happen, so please rest assured."

With that, the king's power shook the void.


The King Power Sword appeared in his hand instantly.

"Ye'er, what are they!" Wang Quan's Patriarch couldn't help but tremblingly asked.

Switching between heaven and earth in an instant, is this a god? !

"All my friends. Father, you can go to the spectator stand over there and wait."

After Wang Quan said something, he walked towards Ling Yun and the others with the sword of Wang Quan in his hand.

"Next, it's going to be on!"

"Already ready!" Suzuki Satoru.

"This time only group members are allowed to go on, and those guardians are not allowed to go on anything." Limru reminded.

"Don't worry! This is the battle I'm waiting for, and they are also here to deliver food."

"I think you too."

Suzuki Satoru: "......"

You feel uncomfortable if you don't play against me, right?

"First of all, everyone, let me give you a good start."

Ling Yun in the sky smiled at the group members below.


The space tore apart, revealing the vast starry sky inside.

"It's too much, just open it up!"

The members of the group cursed.

Everyone summoned their weapons, ready to take the move.

But those who are not members of the group looked silly.

Especially Dongfang Qin Lan, who was clamoring to make Ling Yun look good, had already fallen into a state of downtime at the moment.

"Don't worry, this is not the same as [Salary of the Mountain Shocking Star]." Looking at the vigilant group members, Ling Yun smiled slightly.

Pressing both hands against the void, immediately, the huge magic circle opened below Lingyun.

"Test the sky and open the sky, summon the stars, shine brightly, and show up in front of you!"

"Four Books! I am the ruler of the stars!"


Eighty-eight different planets appeared in the sky.

"Is it a new move again?!" Risa who was eating melon in the audience was surprised.

Suzuki Satoru who opened the superposition magic raised his head, and Lingyun who looked at the sky shouted: "Let the horse come here!"

"That's it!" Ling Yun laughed.

"Open the door of desolation in all directions."

"88 stars all day—!"

"Be bright, Star Atlas History!"


The moment the words fall

Originally, the eighty-eight stars in the sky began to fall toward the lower hair like a meteorite!

"Damn it? Was it a direct hit this time?!"

"Is it enough to hit them all back?"

The flames of the great sword spread, and Xiao Xilin is holding the great sword of flame.

"Indeed, just hit it back!" Wang Quan's eyes snapped.

The golden sword intent rose to the sky and turned into a golden giant sword, smashing against the falling stars in the sky!

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