Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 73: Kasuga Yeqiu joins the group chat

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (!

One more person to marry?

Who to add?

Ling Yun looked at the bell in front of him.


"Big brother? What's wrong with you?" Ling shook her white arm in front of Ling Yun's eyes.

"No, I just didn't turn around a bit."

"Is it because I'm not used to this way?"

As soon as Ling's voice fell, a circle of scarlet fox fire appeared around it.

Suddenly, the original bell of a meter and a half became Feiyu Maru, which was only about 80 centimeters high.

"Hey, brother, do you still get used to it like this?"

In Ling Yun's dull gaze, Fei Yu Wan stretched out the four scarlet fox tails behind him and sat on Ling Yun's shoulders.

His head tilted.


The cool little face was attached to Ling Yun's face.

"It's been a long time since I saw you become like this." After feeling the coolness of his face, Ling Yun couldn't help reaching out and poking Fei Yuwan's pink cheek.

"Hehe, does Big Brother prefer this look?" Fei Yuwan hugged Ling Yun's index finger with both hands and smiled stupidly.

"It's okay, it's good to be a mascot."

As he said, withdrawing his hand, Ling Yun hugged Fei Yu Wan, rubbed the other party's fluffy tail, and patted the other party's head.

Especially when he was patted on the head, Feitamawan shrank his small neck.

Looks dumb and cute.

Fei Yu Wan, who was so comfortably slumped by Ling Yun, said subconsciously, "Does the big brother like me?"

Ling Yun was startled, and the hand stroking Fei Yuwan's head paused, looking at the other party with a somewhat complicated expression: "Are you serious?"

"Of course! It was the elder brother who liberated me from endless reincarnation, and I can meet my sister again." Speaking of this, Feiyu Maru became energetic.

"Big Brother is the most important person to me!"

Freed from the two clutches, he floated in front of Ling Yun, his pink eyes filled with determination.

"You don't feel confident anymore."

"What are you not confident about?"

"I'm not confident in my vision, when is it so bad, I can't even see you around me." Ling Yun said very scumbag.

Then he hugged Feiyu Maru again and held it up high.

A red light flashed.

Feitamaru became a bell again.

The bell in midair fell involuntarily toward the lower hair due to gravity.

But Ling didn't feel nervous at all, instead stretched out her hands.

In this way, the two embraced together.

When Thor, who was brushing Xiaopozhan, heard the sound, he turned his head to see this scene and smiled.

【Love what you love, think about what you think. 】

After showing each other, Ling Yun brought his exclusive cherry blossom ring to the bell.

After that, Ling was like a happy child, with a smile at the corner of her mouth, and she had to look at the ring on her left hand from time to time.

At noon

Ling Yun and everyone happily had lunch

The space of the two worlds is connected through the gate.

After that, the shop was expanded again to arrange a place for Ling and Delisa.


"There is one last thing in the next."

Outside the door of the shop, Ling Yun looked at the white ring in his hand that looked like a jasmine flower.

Hold it in your hand

Turned around and came to the spring milk tea shop next door

But when he came to the door, he was stunned.

Because at the moment the store door is hanging [Suspended].

"Is the dome out?"

Close your eyes

Consciousness connection satellite

Soon, Ling Yun opened his eyes.

When the imaginary space opened, Ling Yun disappeared directly in place.


Sea breeze blowing

On a reef with fewer people

A pure white figure sits quietly on the reef, watching the water that is constantly beating on the coast in the distance.

"Why do you want to see the sea today?" Ling Yun's voice sounded from behind.

Qiong looked back subconsciously, and when he found a familiar figure, he couldn't help pouting: "I thought you wouldn't be coming."

Even though he said that, the corners of his mouth slightly raised unconsciously still revealed the other party's heart.

Ling Yun came to Qiong's side, sat down with her, and laughed: "It's okay to come out and relax. It will be moldy if you are bored in the store all day."

"Now, Ling Yun, do you know where this is?" Qiong couldn't help asking as he looked at the sea in front of him.

However, before Ling Yun could speak, Qiong said to himself: "This is the place where you took me out to play for the first time."

"I know, and it was also the first time I came to the beach." Ling Yun raised his head and looked at the blue sky.

Qiong looked at the endless sea, calmly: "At that time, although I was not forgiving, I was actually very happy."

"That was the first time someone took me out to play."

"Because of my physique, I have never been to any other place except the hospital as far as I can remember." Qiong's pupils showed a trace of bleakness.

"It wasn't until last year that my parents died in a traffic accident that I came to Longguo with the desire to see the world..."

Ling Yun did not speak, but listened quietly.

"Although you are still the lo*ic*n in my heart, you are perverted."

"Uh, there is no need to talk about this kind of thing." Hearing this, Ling Yun couldn't help it.

He is not okay at all, is he?

"No, I just want to say that you are like that in my heart! Slightly." Qiong said proudly, and then provocatively stuck out his tongue at Ling Yun.

"However, I also started to like you a little from that time, and then you admitted our relationship."

"But what makes me very unhappy is that you won't even take me to play afterwards!" As he said, Qiong showed a faint expression of resentment.

"I also want to see the scenery of a different world. I also want to go to the event with you, but you interrupted me mercilessly."

"Um, sorry." Ling Yun said too.

Speaking of it, he did promise Qiong to take the other person to other worlds, but in the end he forgot.

Suddenly, Qiong said, "But, I think it's not too late."

"Hey?" Ling Yun raised his head suspiciously.

"I'll just ask you one question, dare you not take me away if there are activities in the future?"

Seeing the **** Qiong like a child, Ling Yun let out a laugh.

But then, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "It's not impossible to let me take you out to play, but you have to be my person first."

After Ling Yun took the silver ring out of his arms, he smiled.


Looking at the ring in Ling Yun's hand, Qiong's little heart jumped unsuspectingly.

But the mouth is still so stiff: "Wh...what! I can go to Sophie if I want to play, I don't need you at all."

"And, because of this kind of thing, you want me to marry you, doesn't it seem like I'm too casual?"

"That's a shame. This is exclusively customized with the store's black card. It only fits your style and size ring." Ling Yun sighed.

"If you don't want it, I can only throw it away."

With that, Ling Yun stood up and raised the ring in his hand.

"Ohhhhh? Don't throw it!" Qiong hurriedly stood up and pressed Lingyun's raised hand.

Faced with Ling Yun's playful smile, the pretty face that was originally white and tender blushed slightly and put down Ling Yun's hand.

Snorted softly: "This girl has a lot of adults, and I am willing to give you another chance!"

With that, UU Reading Qiong stretched out his left hand.

"Don't worry, I won't break my promise anymore." Ling Yun also promised.

Then he put a ring on the dome.

"It's really cheap for you."

Although the mouth is not forgiving, but he can't put it down at all.

【Ding! The administrator "Ling Yun" invites you to join the fantasy group chat! agree or not? 】

Qiong was stunned when he heard the sound, and then said directly without even thinking about it.


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