Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 74: Mermaid Princess Sophia

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (!

Aya Qingzhu: "@穹妹, sister Qiong has finally joined the group."

Sophie: "Welcome, welcome."

Qiong sister: "@绫清竹, thank you sister."

Suzuki Satoru: "Don't you think it's weird to call both sister and sister?"

Qiong Sister: "No, we have different opinions. Although Qingzhu is younger than me, he was with Lingyun first and married later, so he has to come in order."

Nishinomiya Glass: "Big Brother Ling Yun is getting married?"

Nishinomiya Glass, who watched the screen while listening to the music, was not calm for a moment.

Face code: "Big brother is getting married, congratulations."

Nakano Kazuka: "Damn it! Is my lovely Thor going to fall into the clutches?"

The Dragon Maid of Xiaoling's family: "Actually, I have already fallen into the clutches of the clutches. @凌云, honestly, did you pay attention to me the first time you saw me?"

Ling Yun: "???"

Are you sure you didn’t hit me first?

But Thor's face can't be wiped out in front of so many people.

Ling Yun: "Yes, I fell in love with you at first sight, thank you for being fooled by me."

The Dragon Maid of Xiaoling's family: "Humph~"

Ling Yun: "@西宫PT子, the boss is no longer young, and it's time to start a family."

Nishinomiya Glass: "Then...Congratulations."

Broken Queen: "@西宫 existing, if you want, you can also marry Lingyun brother."

Limru: "Fuck! Asked to pick up girls?!"

King Power Hegemony: "I admire it."

Ling Yun: "@王权霸业, I have taken a screenshot, ready to show Dongfang Qin Lan. This is her good brother-in-law, who will be in trouble as soon as she gets married."

King Power Hegemony: "???"

King Power Hegemony: "Xuan Lingyun, are you a dog?"

Nishinomiya Glass: "Really, is it really okay? Will I be like a third party?"

Obviously, Glass was excited.

Aya Kiyoshi: "...Sister, it's heartbreaking, what did I say, the third highest?"

Nishinomiya Glass: "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Sister Kiyotake, I'm sorry."

Queen Broken: "It's totally okay. It's only lively if there are more people. Sister Thor recommended Ling, and Sister Qingzhu recommended Qiong. Now I'm the one behind, and I want to recommend it too."

Ling Yun: "?? @奔坏女神, Xi Lin, are you poisonous? There is nothing comparable to this thing, right?"

Sister Qiong: "@西宮子, sister of the glass, I understand that feeling. If you really like Lingyun, you are welcome to join and let us be unanimous to the outside world."

Ling Yun: "..."

To something, to him?

Rimru: "shit, why can't the power of the demon regain Jill? I want to get married too! How can it be repaired!"

Limlu raised her little hand and hung her hands crazily on the ground. After seeing so many people getting married, she really wanted to get married!

Miron: "Gilgamesh: Are you polite?"

Suzuki Satoru: "@利姆露, don't think about it, it's impossible, but if you want to get married so much, you can make a hole in yourself."

Ling Yun: "???"

Kevin: "???"

Rick: "???"

Cao Yanbing: "???"

In an instant, the question mark representing something wrong swept over the screen.

Limru: "@铃木悟, go to hell! You skeleton, what right do you have to say about me?"

Suzuki Satoru: "Laughing to death, you don't even have any bones, a lump of mucus!"

Dagu: "Ahem, brothers, be quiet, listen to Brother's advice."

Dagu: "@利姆露@铃木悟, let's get together to live alive, slime with a skeleton, just can be a person."

Suzuki Satoru: "#¥&&&&*%"

Limru: "*&&&&¥%#@"

Kevin: "There is nothing to say, just one word ‘absolute’!"

Milong: "Honestly, my scalp is numb, @卡米拉, your husband is awesome."

Camilla: "???"

"Chuck! I'm so funny. Are these people usually so funny?" Seeing the news in the group, Qiong Sister hen barked and laughed like a trembling laugh.

Ling Yun couldn't help but smiled: "It's just the daily sand sculptures of the sand sculpture group friends."


Go back to Sixteen Nights: "Don't want to say anything, are you too active? I just want to take a quiet nap for a while."

Kevin: "Being alone."

Milong: "Being alone."

Shashengwan: "Be alone."

Go back to Sixteen Nights: "???"

Back to Sixteen Nights: "@杀生丸, Gouzi, what are you going to join in the fun?"

Shashengwan: "...dead!"

Apollo: "It's great, everyone is so happy."

Sakyamuni: "Adam has a Buddha, so it's good, happiness is the most important thing, I hate those who break the rules the most."

Grey: "Master Shakya is right!"

The thirteen Valkyrie and Sakyamuni completely settled in the world of fox monsters under the arrangement of the king's hegemony.

Accompanied by the long-lived monster race, they are not so boring.

the other side

Nishinomiya Glass and Xi Lin are chatting privately.

Nishinomiya Glass: "Does this really arouse Master Ling Yun's disgust?"

Queen of the Breakdown: "Don't worry and rush forward! If you don't try, you will never succeed."

Nishinomiya Glass: "In this case, then, I will cheer!"

Queen Broken: "I will ask you again, is your family really okay? Brother Lingyun is too bothered."

Nishinomiya Glass: "Grandma's dream is to see the day I get married. Mom, if I live happily, she will agree. And there will be Yuzuru to help me."


Ling Yun: "Next Monday's wedding, everyone is welcome to come over."

Rick: "It is estimated that the stage will be full of brides."

Xiao Meng: "Seeing that everyone is married, I want to get married too. But recently I have a new task."

Risa: "Woo, you bad silver, you know how to bully single dogs."

Ling Yun: "Don't panic, you can let Maple turn on the Gundam mode at that time, let you experience the hardness and speed!"

Risa: "???"

Honjo Kaede: "If Risa wants to experience it, I can take you to experience it."

Risa: "Fengpaga, ignore you!"

After that, Risa went offline.

This incident tells us a truth.

The simpler your friend is, the more hurt you sometimes get.

at the same time

High School World

Suzex looked at the news in the group chat and fumbled his jaw.

Are you getting married next Monday?

"It seems that we have to take the initiative!"

For the important matter of his sister's marriage, he was burning up!


"Ding! Remind the host that a creature is approaching quickly!"

Ling Yun, who was chatting in the group chat, quickly opened his eyes when he heard the system prompt.

And sister Qiong backed out together after seeing Ling Yun'dropped'.

"What's wrong?"

"Something is coming." Ling Yun opened the blue eyes of truth and looked at the sea.


next moment

A huge wave emerged.

As the waves disappeared, a beautiful woman with blond hair dressed like a wedding dress appeared in front of them.

The woman was overjoyed when she saw Ling Yun's back, and walked over quickly.

Stopped in front of Ling Yun and lifted the skirt: "Ling Yun-sir, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Qiong looked at each other curiously.

This girl, the more she saw it, the more familiar she seemed to have seen her somewhere, but she couldn't remember.

"Are you the mermaid before?"

"Yes, UU reading is courtesy of Master Ling Yun, you still remember me, my name is Sophia, and I am a princess of the mermaid clan."

"Thanks to Master Ling Yun who saved me from the evil dragon before, this time I am here to repay my gratitude."

With that said, Sophia looked at Ling Yun foolishly.

Qiong: "Stare—"

He glanced at Ling Yun complainingly: "It's so good, no girl posted it anywhere."

Ling Yun: "Uh ha ha..."

What can he say about this? Can only laugh awkwardly.

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