At the same time, just after these guild members downloaded the memory copy, Ye Qiu’s point list also increased by several thousand points!

“It seems that more people are beneficial, at the very least, there are more points contributed!” Seeing the points added to his point list, Ye Qiu’s face couldn’t help but put a smile on his face! In this way, 100,000 points, he will soon be able to save enough!

The user of the Evil King’s True Eye: “There are actually so many memory copies this time? And there is also a very large memory copy in it ?? It’s a little desperate to think about it, I won’t be the first person in this guild to die suddenly, right? ”

Nightmare: “Ahhhhh @屠龙者终将成为龙. ”

Nightmare: “However, Xiaoliuhua, you don’t have to fight so hard, you still have to pay more attention to your body!” ”

The dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon: “Ahem, Sansan is right, Xiaoliuhua, you have to pay attention to your body!” After all, you still have to go to school during the day and stay up late for a long time, but it’s not good for your health. ”

Bone Aotian: “It’s just a few memory copies, it won’t take much time!” It’s time to show the real technology! Watch how I finish them in one night! ”

Divine Bird Saint: “If you have the ability, don’t use immersion mode, I want to see how you finish them in one night!” ”

Bone Aotian: “…”

Bone Aotian: “No need to immerse mode? So many times, no need to immerse in mode, I don’t use water this month, directly krypton life to make up for it! I’m not stupid! ”

And just as Ye Qiu was watching the members of the guild chatting and farting, the door of his room was pushed open!

And the one who came was Raiden Bud Yi and Kiana and a strange figure!

The strange figure was holding a yellow roaring doll at the moment, wearing a slightly military-style costume, with long gray curly hair tied into a pair of electric drill-like double ponytails, and what was curious was that the gaze conveyed in her blue eyes was as calm as a pool of stagnant water, and there was no wave, and what was even more surprising was that her calves were wrapped in a layer of metal armor like an exoskeleton, extending from the ankles to the knees.

It’s just that before Ye Qiu finished looking, after seeing that Ye Qiu actually woke up, Raiden Bud Yi rushed over excitedly, and then hugged him and buried his head in his shoulder, “I’m sorry, Ye Qiu I’m sorry, it’s all because of me, if it weren’t for me being controlled by that guy, you wouldn’t have become like this!” ”

“Why save me! Why save me who is nothing without a father! If it weren’t for saving me, you wouldn’t have been in bed for so long! ”

As he spoke, Bud Yi’s tears flowed!

And seeing that Bud Yi actually hugged Ye Qiu, Kiana’s face was slightly displeased, and her little hands also subconsciously tightened, as if she wanted to crush something, but this subconscious venting behavior only made her feel more irritable, and the nameless fire in her heart could not be calmed, as if everything in this world was against her.

If it was usual, when encountering such a situation, Kiana would definitely rush forward and pull the bud clothes away, but now Kiana seems to have suffered some grievances and doesn’t want to do anything.

However, after seeing the bud Yi who threw herself into Ye Qiu’s arms crying out as she spoke, with a painful expression, the displeasure on her face quickly turned into distress.

“Bud Yi…”

“I saved you because you are Raiden Bud Yi, not because of who your father is! People don’t live for others, but for themselves, look at the guys who have been killed by the collapse and turned into the walking dead, shouldn’t you feel how precious your life is…”

“If you definitely want to find death, at least date me again.”

Hearing this, Nha Yi raised her head with some difficulty, as if wondering if she had heard it wrong, but for some reason, her pretty face was a little red: “Ye Qiu, what are you talking about!” Dating or something, don’t tease me on this kind of issue! ”

“Not really! I really want to date you bud! ”


Kiana, who ate a shot of dog food next to her, suddenly felt that she no longer had to eat… Eat dog food already full … Then while she was full, she really couldn’t stand it…

When Nha Yi hugged Ye Qiu before, she didn’t rush up, because Nha Yi was the active party, and Nha Yi’s current situation also urgently needed someone to comfort her, but she was not very good at comforting people, so she could only watch Nha Yi throw herself into Ye Qiu’s arms, but this was already the limit she could tolerate!

Now Ye Qiu actually invited Bud Yi to go on a date in front of her, this is simply digging her corner, absolutely can’t bear it!

“Ye Qiu, don’t go too far for me! Bud clothes are mine! Kiana rolled up her sleeves and wanted to pull Ye Qiu and Bud Yi away, but she was pulled by the gray curly-haired girl on the side.

“Bronia reminded the fool that based on the length of time that Sister Nha Yi and her brother, Kiana, the three of you have known each other, based on the bond between Kiana and Sister Nha Yi, I am afraid that Kiana rushing up will not help.” Bronia calmly complained on the side, “It’s the kind of useless that even if you spend your whole life pursuing Sister Bud Yi’s younger brother, you can’t do a word.” ”

“But considering that Kiana is a fool, it is understandable that there is such a self-sufficient thought, after all, the thinking thread of the paramecium cannot be measured by logic.”

She continued in an electronically calm tone: “Bronia once suspected that Kiana could not perform more than three steps of logical reasoning, but now it seems that Bronia’s calculation was wrong – Kiana can only perform associative logical reasoning with a full length of two steps at most. ”

“Bronia, are you going to fight!” Hearing this, Kiana suddenly raised her head and glared angrily at Bronia.

“Kiana, you give me quiet!” On the other side, originally because of Ye Qiu’s words, the voice of the bud clothes with a pretty face that was even redder couldn’t help but raise a little.

“Oh.” Kiana lowered her head honestly.

ps: Ask for flowers, tips, monthly passes, evaluation tickets wow, by the way, has anyone entered the skirt wow, I feel that more than a hundred people in the skirt are not lively enough! Come on, come in and discuss the plot!

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