Seeing this scene, Ye Qiu couldn’t help but sigh, Kiana, you also have today! My bud clothes are really domineering!

However, after being so beaten by Kiana, Nha Yi finally noticed that she was now in Ye Qiu’s arms, and when she thought of the intimacy between the two of them now, Nha Yi couldn’t help but feel a little hot on her cheeks, and quickly pushed Ye Qiu away.

Suddenly pushed away by the bud clothes, Ye Qiu was a little stunned.

Just before he could ask Bud Yi how to push him away well, he saw Bud Yi come to Bronia’s side, “By the way, Ye Qiu, let me introduce you, this is Bronia!” ”

“Well, hello Bronia, I’m Ye Qiu!” Although I was a little curious about why Bronia appeared at this time, Ye Qiu was too lazy to pursue it, after all, the time of the arrival of the collapse has changed, what is there to be surprised about Bronia appearing at this time! This world of collapse had already completely collapsed the moment he came!

And after introducing the two people to know each other and learning that Ye Qiu’s body was no longer hindered, the bud clothes that grew a breath in his heart also explained to Ye Qiu why Bronia was here, and everything that happened after he fainted!

But after Ye Qiu fainted, the helpless Kiana took on the burden of carrying the two off the rooftop!

And after carrying the two off the rooftop, even the fool Ruqiana knew that Changkong City could not stay at this moment!

So she took the two of them and began their journey to escape Changkong City!

It’s a pity that she alone carries the burden of two comas, even with Kiana’s ability, it is impossible to kill those Honkai beasts who stand in the way without taking care of the two of them, so he quickly fell into the siege of Honkai Beasts!

Fortunately, at this time, Raiden Bud Yi woke up, and she finally had an extra helper! And a powerful helper! With the help of Raiden Bud Yi, they not only successfully broke through the encirclement of those Honkai beasts, but also killed more than a dozen Honkai Beasts during the breakout!

And the reason why Raiden Bud Yi has become so strong is because she is the person chosen by the third Honkai consciousness, she carries the will of Honkai and the highest Honkai energy adaptability, and will eventually destroy human beings as the ultimate goal, and is called the lawyer in [God Incarnation]!

Of course, Raiden Bud Yi is not the kind of lawyer in the conventional sense!

Because she was interrupted by Ye Qiu when she evolved into a lawyer, and her body transformation at that time had not yet been completed, so now lightning bud clothes are only part of the characteristics of the lawyer, and even the strength is far inferior to the real lawyer, if the real lawyer can call the wind and rain, destroy the existence of a city with a wave of his hand, the current lightning bud clothes can only fire electromagnetic cannons and use particle hedges to produce pseudo-thunder and lightning similar to falling thunder. Moreover, the will of Honkai in the bud body does not disappear, but temporarily exists in the form of a seal, although it is very weak, but the person of the Collapsed Will is there, and the will of Collapse will not dissipate.

But it can also be regarded as a blessing in disguise, after all, the previous thunder and lightning bud clothes are just an ordinary person, at most a little swordsmanship, physical strength is a little more than ordinary people, and now, because of this matter, not only has a very high collapse energy to adapt to the physique, but also mastered the ability to control lightning, so that the ability has greatly increased, but also finally has the power to protect itself in this world where collapse comes!

And this degree of law is called a lawyer, that is, a semi-finished product that will become a lawyer.

Then, after becoming stronger, Raiden Bud Yi and Kiana met Bronia, a girl with a huge mechanical weapon suspended by her side, on the way to escape from Changkong City!

Bronia Zajček, ostensibly the identity is the adopted daughter of the chairman of Russian Luos Heavy Industries, but in reality her identity is a humanoid weapon of another behemoth [Anti-Entropy] hostile to the Mandate of Heaven Organization, her personality is suppressed by the self-discipline combat system, and she is a cold-blooded machine soldier without self!

And the reason why she appeared in Changkong City this time was that the reverse entropy ordered her to capture the third lawyer born in this collapse: Raiden Bud Yi.

It’s just that what she didn’t expect was that after Leidian Bud Yi and Kiana, who became a quasi-lawyer, teamed up, they were actually so strong, she was not an opponent at all, and she was directly defeated!

After Bronia was defeated by Raiden Bud Yi and Kiana, the self-discipline combat system in her body temporarily failed, Bronia’s personality temporarily woke up, and Bronia, who was confused, was broken by Kiana’s words to break the psychological defense, coupled with the considerate care of Bud Yi, Bronia became dependent on Bud Yi.

And this is also the reason why she appeared here with Kiana and Bud Yi! Of course, the three of them did not escape from Changkong City now, because of Ye Qiu’s injury, so they first found a hospital to live in!

After hearing all this, Ye Qiu couldn’t help but sigh, he originally thought that his arrival could already change the direction of the plot, after all, even the collapse three came in advance, but what he didn’t expect was that Bronia was still with Raiden Bud Yi, should it be said that the plot correction is invincible?

And when Ye Qiu sighed, Nha Yi saw that Kiana’s face on the side was a little not very good, obviously still angry about the previous matter!

Noticing that Kiana’s face was a little wrong, Raiden Bud Yi sighed softly, and then secretly pulled Kiana aside, while pointing at Ye Qiu, while bringing her little head close to Kiana’s ear and whispering, and Kiana’s originally not very good face also became more and more soothing with Bud Yi’s words, and even finally began to laugh slyly, smiling and looking at Ye Qiu.

Hearing Kiana’s demonic laughter and that strange look, the corners of Ye Qiu’s mouth twitched slightly, and for some reason he suddenly had a bad premonition!

Could it be that the two of them were going to do some prank? No, Kiana is okay, Bud Yi can’t be the kind of person who does mischief! She is so gentle and considerate, how could it be? Ah, I wonder what the hell is that idiot of Nha Yi and Kiana talking about!

Thinking like this, Ye Qiu decided to take the initiative!

But before he could speak, the two people over there took the initiative to stop talking, and then Kiana began to push Ye Qiu out the door!

Say what makes him go out for a walk first, wait an hour and come back, when they have a surprise for him!

Hearing this, Ye Qiu was stunned! Going out for a walk? But there is a large group of Broken Beasts outside? Are you serious? And surprises? Are you sure it’s not a fright?

Ye Qiu wanted to refuse on the spot, but seeing that Bud Yi also said this to him with an apologetic face, Ye Qiu sighed helplessly, and finally agreed!

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