Super Doctor of the Universe

Chapter 124: Parting on bad terms

Seeing Fan Shengmei's statement, Guan Ju'er stopped trying to persuade her, and the three of them went for a walk. When dinner was served, Qu Xiaoxiao finally arrived at the resort.

After looking around, Qu Xiaoxiao did not sit down in her seat immediately. Instead, she hugged Link and complained: "Oh, I have been exhausted from running projects these days. Did I eat well or sleep well?" , It’s not easy to be liberated, I want to take a good rest.”

Fan Shengmei became extremely nervous when she saw Qu Xiaoxiao. She knew that Qu Xiaoxiao was speaking openly, and she was very worried that the fact that she lived in a group rental would be exposed.

Qu Xiaoxiao didn't pay attention to Fan Shengmei. After making a sound on Link's face, she came to the position between Andy and Guan Ju'er and said:

"We are on the 22nd floor. Sister Andy is still the best to me, and Guan Guan cares about me the most. This is the second time there are all five of us at the party, right? The first time was when Sister Andy helped me. Have dinner together after solving the project.

Speaking of which, after Link's house was renovated, Sister Andy didn't catch up with her during the celebration. How about we find a chance next time to let him cook at his house and we can have a good get-together. "

Andy said: "There's no need to go to such trouble. Let's just eat out in the future. It's too troublesome to clean up after the party at home."

"It doesn't matter, Link is usually lazy, but if he is serving beauties, he must be active. Sister Andy, you are not an outsider, so you have to give him a chance to show off.

Moreover, I have a regular hourly worker at home, so I can just ask her to go to Link's place to clean up after eating. A few days ago, when Link and I lived together, we seldom cleaned, and the hourly worker did all the cleaning. "

Hearing her words, Fan Shengmei suddenly felt something in her heart. She said before that Qu Xiaoxiao lived with Qiu Yingying and Guan Ju'er, but now that she said this, anyone who was not a fool could tell what the real situation was. thing.

She couldn't help but cast her gaze on Wang Baichuan, and as expected, Wang Baichuan was also looking at her.

What made her confused was that Wang Baichuan actually had a smile on his face.

This was a habitual smile, but Fan Shengmei, who had something in her heart, felt embarrassed and began to wonder about the intention of the other person's smile.

Before Fan Shengmei could figure out the purpose of Wang Baichuan's smile, after the food was served, she saw Wang Baichuan picking up the food for her with a smile.

Fan Shengmei thought for a moment and seemed to understand what he meant.

In the past, when she and Wang Baichuan ate together, the other party never dared to bring her food. This was the first time that Wang Baichuan had brought her food.

In Fan Shengmei's view, Wang Baichuan's smile was anything but innocent. Wang Baichuan thought that her status had plummeted and that she could be teased and ridiculed by him from now on.

In embarrassment, Fan Shengmei couldn't help but straighten her back immediately, glanced at Wang Baichuan pretending to be nonchalant and said:

"What are you doing? This is not a wedding banquet in the countryside. Everyone is scrambling for fear of not being able to get it. Besides, don't just pick up food for others, you don't pay attention to hygiene at all!"

After hearing this, Qu Xiaoxiao immediately picked up the wine glass and saluted Fan Shengmei. She rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Wow, Sister Fan, you are so fierce. I really love you to death."

Fan Shengmei said nothing, pretending to be bold and high-spirited, clinking the glasses with Qu Xiaoxiao, and drank the remaining white wine in the glass.

But Fan Shengmei obviously underestimated Qu Xiaoxiao, and then she immediately heard her say: "I can't help it. My dad borrowed a suit to meet a client. This is a borrowed suit, and the rest of the suit is also a borrowed one. Even if No matter how well-fitting his suit is, he still behaves like a country bumpkin. As a result, people will see through him very quickly, and the person who sees through him is my Queen Mother Lafayette..."

"Little song!" Andy finally stopped him. Qu Xiaoxiao's eyes flickered for a few times and then she remained silent. Naturally, she was not afraid of Fan Shengmei. There were even some who looked down on Fan Shengmei, but they still respected Andy. .

Andy originally wanted to put out the fire, but after Qu Xiaoxiao calmed down, Fan Shengmei went upwind, looked at Wang Baichuan and said with a smile:

"You can hear it, the ditty is about you. We are not stupid, but we all like to have fun. The girls finally found a target to watch. Why did you expose it so early? This is so boring, right? "

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the dinner table suddenly changed. Andy couldn't stand listening anymore. He was about to get up and say something, but Wang Baichuan got up earlier than Andy and said with a dark face: "Sorry, I Take the first step.”

After Wang Baichuan left, Link coughed lightly and smoothed things over. Then he said some more words and finally calmed down the situation. However, the atmosphere that followed was naturally not going to be too good. Everyone had their own thoughts. Ended this dinner.

After dinner, everyone had no intention of playing anything, so they all went back to their rooms. After Qu Xiaoxiao followed Link back to the room, Link pinched her nose and said, "You have had some trouble tonight. "

Qu Xiaoxiao said: "I didn't mean to make the atmosphere tense, I just couldn't stand Sister Fan's look of trying to get girls."

Qu Xiaoxiao first defended herself, and then she and Lin Ke detailed the "evidences" that Fan Shengmei was a prostitute, and pointed out that she and Wang Baichuan were not compatible at all.

Link knew that she was telling the truth, and it would be fine for the two of them to separate. Although Fan Shengmei and Wang Baichuan could objectively be said to be a good match, they just had different expectations for their other half.

Fan Shengmei is dreaming of Cinderella, and Wang Baichuan is also dreaming of the frog prince. One of them yearns to be chosen by the prince to become a phoenix, and the other yearns to be saved by the princess and become a prince.

But the reality is that Fan Shengmei is not a princess, and Wang Baichuan is not a prince.

In the original plot, Wang Baichuan brought his dog-licking nature to the extreme, and with unremitting efforts, he finally succeeded in catching Fan Shengmei.

But their relationship was not smooth. At the end of the plot, they still broke up. There is nothing wrong with breaking up earlier now.

Fan Shengmei knew that she was nearly thirty after all. If she continued to fight with Wang Baichuan, her future would be uncertain, and she couldn't afford to wait.

What she needs is a man with favorable conditions who can change her current situation and solve her dilemma of being dragged down by her family. Obviously, these are not what Wang Baichuan can do now.

And to be honest, the results of Qu Xiaoxiao's performance were actually beneficial to Link, so he did not scold her hard, but just said:

"You have lived a very good life since you were a child, and you don't know how hard other people are working."

Qu Xiaoxiao pouted and said: "There are so many beautiful girls in the world who want to be Cinderella, how can there be so many princes, not to mention those who are unmarried, even those from my father's generation, many of them are I have raised people, even my dad has had some troubles. One by one, those girls want to be in a position of power, but there are a few who succeed."

After finishing speaking, Qu Xiaoxiao changed the subject and said: "Let's not talk about this anymore. You haven't seen me in the past few days, so you won't be so obsessed with Guan Guan and Andy that you can't find anything."

Being stared at by Qu Xiaoxiao, Link didn't panic and said: "The poor monk is always tolerant and will not let go of the opportunity to conquer demons. If you want to escape from the palm of the poor monk, you goblin The moral conduct is not enough..."

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