Super Doctor of the Universe

Chapter 125: Fan Family Affairs

Ever since Fan Shengmei and Wang Baichuan broke up, she has been in a bad mood and always unhappy.

Andy wanted to help her, but she was not good at comforting people. At this time, Link casually said, "If you want to make her happy, it's actually very simple. Just introduce her to a few diamond bachelors."

Andy pinched Link immediately: "Don't joke, I'm serious."

Link shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not kidding either. You just need to prepare a party for her. It's best to find a cocktail party where successful people gather. If she can go, she will be so happy that she can't sleep for several days."

"It's possible." Andy thought for a while and nodded, "Old Tan has some invitations to such high-end cocktail parties. I'll ask him for a few someday."

"That's not necessary. It just so happens that Boli Auction House is going to hold an auction cocktail party these two days. They gave me an invitation before, and I didn't plan to go.

But Sister Fan and Wang Baichuan's breakup is also related to Xiao Xiao after all, so I'll take her to relax. If you like anything, I can take a picture of it for you."

"That's not necessary. There's no need to spend money indiscriminately." Andy shook his head and refused.

After receiving Link's invitation, Fan Shengmei immediately started to choose clothes, looking very happy, and the haze in her heart was swept away.

Two days later, Fan Shengmei was ready early. After Link took her to the cocktail party, he ignored her. Unexpectedly, she really met a middle-aged executive of a large company, which made her feel that her luck had turned.

When she received a call from the middle-aged executive the next day and invited her to dinner, Fan Shengmei agreed without thinking.

After several days of dating, Fan Shengmei's relationship with the middle-aged executive progressed rapidly, which made her feel particularly happy recently.

However, her good mood did not last long, and was broken by an unexpected call.

This was a call from one of her classmates. Her brother had a fight with his boss and lost his job, and angered the boss and was fired.

When Fan Shengmei heard the news, she had to apologize to the old classmate on behalf of her brother, because her brother's job was introduced by this classmate. At the same time, she also had a premonition that her sister-in-law would call her and cry soon.

It was nothing more than half of her income was gone, and she couldn't make ends meet. She was clamoring to divorce her brother, the loser, and to take her grandson to her mother's house.

Then her mother would call and beg her to think about her brother's family and find a comfortable and decent job for her brother through her classmates.

In addition to introducing the job, her mother would also ask her to pay a little more money this month to help her brother's life. Finally, her brother would also make an appearance and beg her bitterly.

Fan Shengmei knew her family too well. Similar things had happened more than once. Thinking of this, she turned off her mobile phone, but less than five minutes after turning it off, she turned it on again helplessly.

Because if she didn't turn on the phone, her father would drink in a hurry, and every time he drank too much, he would hit her mother, and her mother would find a way to cry to her, and finally she could only compromise helplessly.

Her family's affairs have always been solved in this way over the years.

Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, her sister-in-law called. Her sister-in-law said pitiful, but in fact she was fearless. The son she gave birth to was the trump card. As long as her sister-in-law mentioned the divorce, no one in the Fan family dared to neglect it.

As soon as her sister-in-law hung up the phone, her mother came on the scene immediately. Then she learned from her mother that her brother not only had to pay for the medical expenses, but also had to stay in the detention center for three days.

So her previous good mood has disappeared since then.

Detention is nothing, she wished her brother would be detained for a few more days, but medical expenses are a big problem. When Fan Shengmei was having a headache, the middle-aged executive called and said that several friends were having a party tonight, and he wanted to invite Fan Shengmei to attend. He asked Fan Shengmei where she was at the moment and he would drive over to pick her up.

Fan Shengmei was also a smart person, and she could guess at once that the other party called at this time, most likely because the original person missed the appointment, and he temporarily found someone to replace her. She, Fan Shengmei, was at most a spare tire.

But even though she felt a little embarrassed, Fan Shengmei still gritted her teeth and agreed. After all, if she didn't agree, it would be like missing the opportunity in vain, and it would be even more difficult to catch the other party in the future.

At that moment, Fan Shengmei quickly sorted out, and after finding the middle-aged executive's car, she quietly turned off her mobile phone, and then got into the car like nothing happened, and greeted the middle-aged executive.

The dinner party tonight was attended by all the celebrities, but Fan Shengmei was in a bad mood and couldn't stop drinking. With the eloquence she had practiced for several years, she also made her middle-aged executive friends drunk, and then turned around and went to the toilet to spit out all the wine.

Today, Link was walking back from a date with Guan Juer. When they arrived at the gate of the community, they saw Qu Xiaoxiao, who had returned from a business trip, getting off a car with luggage.

Seeing this, Guan Juer quickly let go of Link's hand, and was quite at a loss. What she didn't expect was that Qu Xiaoxiao actually handed the gift to Link as if nothing had happened, and then pulled her to chat affectionately.

Hearing Link say that and really confirming Qu Xiaoxiao's reaction was different, Guan Juer felt like she was dreaming at this moment. The girl who was being affectionate around her really didn't look like Qu Xiaoxiao.

Guan Juer entered the community in a daze. After a while, he heard faint crying, and then he saw Link said: "Sister Fan" and then walked towards a flower bed.

Guan Ju'er and Qu Xiaoxiao looked over, and sure enough they saw Fan Shengmei lying on the stone chair next to the flower bed, crying softly, with a strong smell of alcohol exuding from her body.

Qu Xiaoxiao curled her lips when she saw this, and said rather angrily: "How much did she drink? Is she drunk?"

"Don't say so much, let's get the people up first." After Link finished speaking, he handed the salute to Qu Xiaoxiao, then lifted Fan Shengmei from the stone chair and walked back.

Qu Xiaoxiao followed behind, dragging her luggage. Seeing Fan Shengmei being drunk and unconscious, she couldn't help complaining: "Did she get into trouble? Or was it because some man got stimulated again?"

Guan Ju'er shook his head, and Qu Xiaoxiao suddenly took out her cell phone in a playful manner and wanted to take a picture of Fan Shengmei, but was quickly stopped by Link. She took the phone back with a smile and made a face at him.

A group of people sent Fan Shengmei back to 2202. Qu Xiaoxiao smiled and said to Guan Ju'er, "Okay, we've delivered her safely. Guan Guan, would you like to come to my house with us? Don't let Sister Fan ruin the fun."

Although Guan Ju'er still didn't understand Qu Xiaoxiao's attitude, or maybe he didn't understand the situation, he shook his head and said, "No, I still have to take care of Sister Fan."

Qu Xiaoxiao immediately said to Link with a smile: "Well, it seems that I am the only one to accompany our Link tonight. What a pity."

Guan Ju'er didn't have time to think about Qu Xiaoxiao's attitude. After returning to the house, he and Qiu Yingying helped Fan Shengmei pack up, went back to bed, and sent a few messages to Link.

As a result, Qu Xiaoxiao saw him, grabbed his cell phone and replied a few messages, inviting Guan Ju'er to come with him.

Then he didn't return it to Link, and pestered him for more than an hour. Finally, Qu Xiaoxiao couldn't bear it anymore and begged for mercy. Only then did Link get the chance to get the phone back. After seeing the message above, he was a little confused about whether to laugh or cry. In the end, he had to send a few more messages. The message comforted her.

Guan Ju'er, who was lying in bed unable to sleep, saw Link's message this time. Thinking of Qu Xiaoxiao's performance at night, he fell into another kind of entanglement. It took an unknown amount of time before he fell asleep.

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