Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong were able to rise up. I don’t know when, a tall purple-clad man dressed in silver white cloak stood aside.

“My lord, at this moment, Yang Tian and this star beast have killed more than five hundred of us.” At this moment, a star warlord standing beside this person said with frowning .

The more than 10,000 Zichen Empire warriors who came here, although their armors were all purple, were somewhat different.

Ordinary quasi-death star warriors, the purple of the armor is lighter, and there are no that many patterns on the surface. At the same time, there is only a diamond-shaped protrusion on the shoulders of the armor.

And the star warrior, the armor color is also much thicker, the surface of the armor is more decorated, the whole armor is set off more beautifully, there are two protruding diamond marks on the shoulders of each side.

Go up, the star warlord, the star king, their armor will be more exquisite.

This perish star king wearing silver white cloak has a unique helmet.

Looking at the star-five star star who is constantly killing his soldiers, frowned, raised his hand, opened his arm armor, and a blue light projected out, showing the 3D graphics of Earth .

There is a green dot on it, which represents where he is now.

After zooming in on the location, the Star King of Death saw a huge human city near the South Pole.

This city is called Ice Snow City, located in the south of the Argentine border.

After the YS virus outbreak, the safest city will be Ice Snow City.

Due to climate change, Ice Snow City is in the World of Ice and Snow for twelve months a year, at least eight months, and the climate is cold.

Under such climatic conditions, compared with other places, there are a lot fewer alien animals.

Ice Snow City is not very big, similar to Heavenly Hero City, but due to insufficient resources, the population is only about two million. At the same time, due to natural conditions, although it is safe, it has not been able to become the most prosperous Safety Sector in the world.

Another reason is that Diado, the ruler of Ice Snow City, is extremely exclusive. It is difficult for martial artists in other cities to get the right to live in the city, except for senior level 7 and above. martial artists.

Senior martial artists above level seven are extremely popular no matter which city they are in. Their arrival means that the city is safer.

Diado is also a Level 9 martial artist, who has been famous for a long time, and is a figure of the same era as Qin Zhengyang.

The warning message sent by Yang Tian has been received by martial artists who have martial artist assistants around the world.

At this time, the manager organizations and rulers of each city immediately summoned their staff and held tight meetings.

The martial artists of Ice Snow City are of course no exception. Senior martial artists are all called up to discuss countermeasures.

In the Conference Hall, a large screen is playing high-definition timely images from satellites.

“The battle is very fierce! Yang Tian and his beast pet face so many enemies…”

“But it seems that Yang Tian is more certain of winning. These extraterrestrial martial artists are not very difficult to deal with!”

“They are crowded, in case a part is moved towards our Ice Snow City, what should we do?”

“This should be impossible, those people just have an enemy with Yang Tian, ​​how can they care about us? We just want to watch the show.”

“I think we still have to provide help, one person, one head beast pets, no matter how powerful they are, they are impossible to defeat more than 10,000 enemies. You must know the message sent back by Yang Tian, ​​among them, there are two hundred level 9 martial artists, eleven people surpassing level 9 martial artists, and all others It is an eighth-level martial artist. This is a very powerful force, a force that can occupy Earth. In case Yang Tian fails and is killed, it will be our turn next.”

“Heh! I see these information, Yang Tian deliberately exaggerated, he married a foreigner, Old Xing, offended others, what does it matter to us?”


Conference Hall Among them, it is impossible to unify opinions, and most people hold conservative opinions.

These people have been in Ice Snow City for a long time, and their hearts have become numb.

Diado thought for a while, made a decision, and said, “Then take another look, but the martial artists in the city must be prepared for battle. Called back.”

The owner of the city took an idea, and dozens of martial artists in the Conference Hall had nothing to say.

As a seventh-level martial artist from the East who is resident in the city, although Li Yuan is a little dissatisfied with Diado’s decision, he can’t oppose it.

This city is definitely in danger!

Li Yuan felt it faintly.

When he came out of the Conference Hall, he quickly walked out of Diado’s large villa and started the car.

It was the end of October, and it was the coldest period in Ice Snow City. The wide streets in the city looked cold and cheerless, with few pedestrians. Li Yuan drove the car as fast as possible.

When he arrived at the villa area in the city, Li Yuan opened the door.

“grandfather! You are back! How about it, are you going to kill aliens?”

As soon as the door was opened, a 17-18 years old boy laughed and jumped When he came out, he asked Li Yuan excitedly.

This is the grandson adopted by Li Yuan, named Li Junyang.

Although he is only 17 years old, Li Junyang is already a Level 4 martial artist. In such a cold weather, he still wears a white T-shirt.

“Junyang, pack things, let’s leave Ice Snow City immediately. We can’t accompany those idiots to death. You are not qualified to kill aliens.” Looking at grandson, Li Yuan frowned Frowned.

“grandfather, do we do this, aren’t we deserters?” Li Junyang scratched his head.

“pa!” Li Yuan slapped grandson’s forehead, “You know what a shit! With our current strength, we can’t even beat an alien martial artist, so why don’t we escape? If the City Lord has that ambition, go to support Yang Tian, ​​Lao Tzu is worthy of being a cannon fodder, but…a group of cowards!”

“Uh~” Li Junyang opened his mouth helplessly when he heard it.

Soon, the two packed up their things and drove to the city gate.

As soon as they left the city, martial law was announced in the city.

Out of the city, Li Yuan led Li Junyang to the north, away from the Antarctic continent and Ice Snow City.

While walking, Li Junyang operates the martial artist assist device on his wrist. At this time, he was contacting a group of brothers.

Since Yang Tian became famous, young martial artists in their teens have regarded Yang Tian as their idols. These young martial artists have also established an organization on the Internet.

This kind of organization is called’Juvenile Class’. It takes the martial artist spirit advocated by Yang Tian as its belief, and also learns Yang Tian, ​​and when there is time, it will team up to go out for practice.

Yang Tian never thought that the martial artist spirit he advocated first bloomed in the middle of the youngster, and perhaps soon, it will become a mature fruit.

Li Junyang is the’master’ of the Junior Class.

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