
Xiaoqing shot a star warrior into the ice with a paw.

The powerful force directly shattered the internal organs of the opponent’s body through the purple armor on this person. Its dragon tail swept away again, sweeping away a quasi-perish star warrior.

“pu… pu…”

Yang Tian silhouette flashes, constantly beheading the star warriors who appear in the eyes…

enemy Just like continuously, the battle is fierce!


At this time, an equivalent to Level 11 martial artist’s strength perished star warlord, slashed Xiao Qinglong’s body with a single knife. The powerful force made The dragon scales fell down.

The knife in this man’s hand is constantly shaking, like a chainsaw.


The little Qinglong roared in pain, turned his head fiercely, and opened his mouth moved towards the person who spewed hot flames.

However, this person had long expected Xiao Qinglong’s reaction to be mediocre, and quickly escaped.


The Perish Star King wearing a cloak seems to have ignored the battle in front of him, and the casualties of his opponents are also relatively indifferent.

After he looked at the location of Ice Snow City, his face under the mask sneered, and suddenly ordered: “All the star warriors, immediately send out, destroy the city, die The star warlord stayed with me……”

“peng peng peng……”

The death star Xingxuan gave an order to besiege Yang Tian and the Zichen clan of Xiaoqinglong The soldiers evacuated immediately. Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong are going to rise up!

During this period of time, the number of soldiers of the Zichen clan who died under Yang Tian’s violent attack with Xiao Qianlong reached a thousand!

Among them, there are more than 30 dead-star fighters who are quite good at Level 9 martial artists.

The power below the perishing star warlord is equal to the loss of one-eighth. With such a huge casualty, these star warriors who besieged Yang Tian and Xiao Kanlong are still fierce and unafraid of death. , There is no sign of shrinking.

This is because in the Zichen Empire, the hierarchical system is strict, and the fighting discipline is also extremely harsh. If in the battle, the lower level violates the upper level, or flinches in the battle. Severe punishment.

So, in the battle with Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong, even if these fighters know that they will die, they must brace oneself to rush forward.

If they die in battle, their relatives will receive generous pensions. This reward and punishment system is similar to that of the Qin Dynasty in ancient China.

This system has turned the battlefield into a killing machine, but the fear of death still exists in the hearts of these Zichen fighters, which is also human nature.

When the leader gave the order to withdraw, the perishable fighters who besieged Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong were all sighed in relief. For them, such a battle was asymmetrical.

Kill more than a thousand Zichen clan fighters, Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong did not pay the price, Yang Tian was covered with scars, and blood oozes from the messy wounds.

The scales on the surface of the Xiaoqinglong body have also lost several pieces, and its expression has also wilted a lot.

For Xiaoqinglong, the biggest damage is not on the body, but it consumes a lot of energy

After the besieging Zichen fighters dispersed, Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong also Finally sighed in relief.

But soon, Yang Tian’s heart was raised, because he discovered that thousands of Zichen clan warriors went north.

Obviously, these Zichen fighters are going to the nearest Ice Snow City……

Yang Tian eye socket cracked, the body moved will rush forward to stop.

The martial artists bullying the ordinary person category, Yang Tian is extremely disgusted, not to mention, these are Outsiders!

Suddenly, a silver shadow appeared in front of Yang Tian, ​​and at the same time a black light appeared in Yang Tian’s eyes!

In Yang Tian’s heart, Ling Ran flashed aside immediately.

It was the Death Star King who attacked Yang Tian, ​​and the speed of this guy was so fast that Yang Tian was surprised.

This kind of speed is no different from Yang Tian’s full force to urge the dragon ball.

After Yang Tian stopped, the Death Star Star King not at all shot him again.

The weapon in the hands of the Star King of Death is a black knife, no wonder what Yang Tian saw was a black line.


At this time, the perishing star star jade flicked the silver white cloak, and then tore the cloak off and put it away at will. I have to say, he The action is very handsome.

After putting aside the silver white cloak, the Death Star King actually took off his helmet, and there was a sound of’ka ka’.

Didn’t expect, the star king of the dead star actually took off his armor.

The star king is wearing thin clothes, like cotton, which looks a little tight, revealing the smooth muscle lines of the whole body.

His height is about two meters tall, which is a bit taller than Yang Tian’s. His square-faced shape, strong features, and slightly purple eyes radiate a confident light.

No wonder it would be called the Zichen Empire, it turned out to be like this… Yang Tian thought.

“I…fight you…fairly…a battle!”

Looking at Yang Tian, ​​the star king said, speaking in not fluent English.

Yang Tian is not surprised that this person can speak the language on Earth. His language information must be obtained from Yuyang Xingchen.

This is an admirable opponent, at least with a martial artist spirit.

Yang Tian nodded.

“Yang Tian…My name…Zichen Jiwei.”

The star king said again.

The opponent of the star king of death is Yang Tian, ​​and the opponent of the remaining eight star warlords is Xiaoqinglong.

At this time, the eight star warlords had already surrounded Xiaoqinglong in the middle.

In addition to these eight people, there are dozens of dead-star fighters who are equivalent to Level 9 martial artists.

Little Qinglong didn’t move at this time either, lying on the hard ice, coldly scanning the dead star warrior who surrounded him. The two dragon’s beards on its lips were swaying against the wind, and the ice clasped by its claws made a sound of’ka ka ka’.

“weng weng weng……”

The knife in Yang Tian’s hand trembled again.

Yang Tian knows that if these enemies in front of them are not resolved, it will not be possible to prevent the Zichen tribe from’cleaning up’ human beings.

He must defeat the man in front of him!

At this time, Yang Tian, ​​although full of fighting intents, is still a little worried.

He is not worried about not being able to defeat Zichen Jiwei, but about the people in Ice Snow City.

He has warned the martial artists of the whole world before, and he doesn’t know whether those martial artists are prepared…

However, even if he is prepared, he For thousands of eight-level martial artists, one hundred equivalent to Level 9 martial artists… even if you gather all the martial artists on Earth, the chance of winning is very small.

Today, the most powerhouse battle on Earth is on the verge. On the other side, at this time, Li Junyang and grandfather Li Yuan are walking in the vast snow.

“grandfather, do you know our youth class? Now my youngsters have more than a thousand people.”

Li Junyang, as the class leader, issued a group After the order, he said to grandfather with some pride.

“A group of brat, what can you do for you?” Li Yuan said with disdain.

Li Junyang is unhappy with curl one’s lip.

What Li Yuan didn’t know was that what happened next was that more than a thousand teenagers came forward to arouse the martial artist spirit that has been silent for a long time…

Earth, since then entered a new era.

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