With Yang Tian’s current strength, if it weren’t for the assistance of spirit strength, it would be impossible to cut such a mysterious sword.

Because once the energy is out of the body and out of the control range, it will dissipate, and the impossible concentration will cause some damage to the target.

The huge opening on the surface of the wind-excepting beast’s body has also formed a ravine on the ground. Starting from the several meters in front of Yang Tian, ​​it extends straight to the two giant beasts. A beast, the deeper this gully.

Seeing this suddenly have a thought, this blade created, Yang Tian was stunned for a while.

When Yang Tian was stunned, the opening on the wind beast began to close slowly, and it only took more than ten seconds for the opening on its body to disappear.

When the wound was closed, Feng Beast’s body faced Yang Tian’s side, and suddenly there appeared dense tubular jets.

Seeing such a situation, Yang Tian wakes up in an instant, turns around and ran.

“hong hong hong Bang…”

Dozens of thick blue pillars of fire moved towards Yang Tian sprayed out.

Like just now, Yang Tian dodged quickly, and after a few seconds, he got out of the attack range of the wind beast.

“This…How did you do this blade?” Qu Yan Guying came to Yang Tian’s side, looked at Yang Tian with worshiping eyes and asked.

“The knife just now…” Yang Tian scratched his head, thinking about it.


When Yang Tian returned, Xiao Qinglong didn’t want the wind beast to have a chance to adjust, so he dived down from in the sky again, and shot A flash of lightning.

Faced with the attack of Xiaoqinglong, Feng Beast had no time to deal with Yang Tian and immediately launched a counterattack.

Because the gas within the body is running out, the pillar of fire jetted by the wind beast is not as fast as before.


The little green dragon took advantage of the gap when the wind beast’s attack stopped, and once again slapped the fire beast.

The fire beast is like a hat of the wind beast, which is attached to the surface of the fire beast. The blow of the little green dragon is equivalent to hitting the wind beast, allowing the wind beast to take on a huge force , Some of the air that he had just breathed in was shot by Xiao Qinglong and immediately vented out.

Little Qinglong endured the pain and swung his tail in the air a few times to shake off the blue flame that was stuck in the tail section.

Even if this state is maintained, Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong will continue to spend with the two giant beasts like this, winning is only a matter of time, but the length of time is really unpredictable.

With a way to quickly end the battle, Yang Tian naturally does not want to consume these two giant beasts so much.

“Just now, I used spirit strength to wrap… my own strength and sent it out with a knife. I feel that in this process, this knife also played some role…” Yang Tian Recalling the previous situation, he raised the red knife in his hand and said to himself.

Suddenly have a thought just now, Yang Tian thought about it carefully and felt that it was not that simple.

That knife, Yang Tian did use his spirit strength to fuse into the dragon ball power in the knife body, and then cut it out with a single knife! In this short process, his heart moved at will, controlling the power in the knife to escape from the blade, and rush towards the wind and fire behemoth.

At this moment, Yang Tian still doesn’t know the result of this blade. But after the blade was cut out, the power in the blade really broke away from the blade and flew out, forming a crescent-shaped wind blade.

Curiously, this wind blade is still red.

In the process of red’s wind blade moving forward quickly, Yang Tian’s spirit strength began to dissipate. The farther the wind blade is from him, the faster it dissipates. The result is that the wind blade It became bigger and bigger, and finally became several dozen meters.

What if the distance exceeds 100 meters?

It is estimated that it has disappeared!

“A wonderful way of exerting force!” After listening to Yang Tian’s narration, Qu Yan Guying couldn’t help sighing.

In her opinion, Yang Tian is simply a genius amongst geniuses that she has encountered! Needless to say, Yang Tian’s own strength, even in the spirit strength she is familiar with, Yang Tian is amazing.

Of course, Qu Yan Guying thinks so because she doesn’t know why Yang Tian within the body owns Dragon Ball world.

“One more knife!” In the eyes of Qu Yan Guying worshipping, Yang Tian said excitedly.

The knife just now, the knife in his hand also played a big role, especially when it gave out power, it made Yang Tian feel that this knife was like a part of his body . If it is a knife made of YT and Metal Element, it is absolutely impossible to achieve the effect just now.

The little green dragon fought the wind and fire alien beast for a few minutes, it saw that Yang Tian moved towards the wind and fire alien beast rushed quickly, and immediately turned the body and flew away to the side.

Little Qinglong doesn’t want to be slashed by Yang Tian just now.

In the perception of Xiaoqinglong, the knife that Yang Tian cut out just now was full of dangerous aura…Perhaps, it was because this knife cut the dragon.

Yang Tian moved forward quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he came to a place about 30 metres away from the Giant Wind and Fire.

In the process of advancing quickly, Yang Tian poured a large amount of dragon ball power and spirit strength into the red long knife in his hand.

“weng weng weng ……”

The red long knife in Yang Tian’s hand constantly makes a dragon roar-like sound.

The knife just now, Yang Tian is just an attempt, the dragon ball power and spirit strength poured into the blade are not much, but this time is different, he must at least do his best!

In Yang Tian’s perception, the power of the Dragon Ball is driven by countless small dragons formed by spirit strength, constantly passing his arms and entering the blade.

This is the first time that Yang Tian has poured so much power into the red long knife.

When Yang Tian stood in shape and was about to cut out the second knife, the red knife in his hand actually lit up, and it looked like it was just taken out of the carbon stove .


In a part of Yang Tian’s consciousness perception, he suddenly saw a red space.

It turns out that there is a space in the blade of this knife named’fifteen’!

At this moment, Yang Tian didn’t have time to study this knife. When the Wind and Fire Giant Beast noticed him, he held the knife in both hands again, kicked his legs on the ground, and jumped high. Up.

Yang Tian’s leap with all his strength reached a height of more than a hundred meters.


Yang Tian deeply shouted, slashed out.


a light sound, a red line lights up, and instantly turns into a crescent-shaped red wind blade, moved towards the impact of two giant beasts diagonally below Away.

The wind blade at this time is even redder than the wind blade just now, as if it were condensed from blood.

When this wind blade was issued, Yang Tian felt a huge force of breaking free from the red wind blade.

Yang Tian opened his eyes wide, using his powerful willpower to control this energy to not dissipate immediately, because everyone knows that the more the energy is condensed, the stronger the destructive power!

However, as this wind blade gets farther and farther away from him, Yang Tian’s control over it becomes weaker and weaker.

Red’s wind blade is still growing at a very fast speed.


This process is long, but it only takes an instant. When the wind blade was about to touch the wind and fire giant beast, the wind blade also became several dozen meters long, and it slashed on the body of the wind and fire giant, making a muffled noise and then a roar.

This wind blade sank into the ground after cutting open the wind and fire giant beast’s body. Yang Tian’s mind no longer has any binding force on this power, and the ground cannot restrain this. This kind of power, in the process of dispersing the power of the wind blade, the sand and stone are squeezed and exploded by the force, producing an explosive effect.

At this moment, Yang Tian’s body has not yet landed.

In the black sand and mist produced by the explosion, Yang Tian was surprised to find that this blade actually cut the huge body of the wind and fire behemoth in half.

very powerful formidable power!

Even if this blade was cut out by himself, Yang Tian couldn’t help but exclaimed in his heart.


Yang Tian landed, both feet were on the ground, and both feet were sunk in the ground.

The wind beast’s side has been swirling with an air current. When it and the fire beast’s body were cut apart, the air flow immediately weakened, but it also took away the black generated by the explosion. Sand and dust.

When the black sand dust disperses, what appears in Yang Tian’s eyes is the sphere whose two halves have become gray, and this is the body of the wind beast.

What is different from Yang Tian’s imagination is that the body of the wind beast within the body is not transparent, but gray, and it is filled with bubble-like tissues, each bubble Between them, there are pipes thicker than arms connected.

The wind beast that was cut in half seems to have not completely died. The tubular organs on the surface of the body are constantly squirming, spraying one after another airflow from time to time, making the sound of’puff puff puff’ .

The fire beast on the wind beast has also become two halves, and the blue flame on it has been extinguished.

In the fractured part of the flat fire beast’s body, there are granular organs. After some granular tissues are cut open, a large amount of transparent liquid flows out.

Seeing this slime, Yang Tian guessed that this is the’fuel’ on the fire beast.

Two alien beasts that were cut in half were not at all dead. The fleshy whiskers on the edge of the fire beast’s body were still squirming, and small flesh was slowly growing at the fractured part. The beards, the newly born flesh beards were quickly entangled together. Obviously, if a while later, the two half human bodies of the fire beast would merge together again.

The same is true of the Wind Beast. Its body does not grow any whiskers, but a large amount of translucent mucus flows out on the surface. After the mucus oozes out, the color begins to turn white and becomes dry.

This wind beast is likely to split into two complete wind beasts like a cell.


When the little green dragon saw that the two strange beasts were not dead, he swooped down, moved towards the strange beasts whose bodies were divided into two spit out hot Dragon Flame.

Yang Tian, ​​who had reacted, was running fast, raised the knife again, and moved towards the two giant beasts.

This blade is exactly like the one just now in a cross shape.

The dragon flame of the little green dragon ignited the fire beast’s body again.


Yang Tian this blade, directly cut the two giant beasts still recovering into four pieces.

The wind beast that has become four petals like a watermelon, and the fire beast that has become four pieces, can no longer fight back, letting Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong attack.

Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong know that the body structures of these two giant beasts are very peculiar, and they are not so easy to be killed. When they can’t fight back, it is the opportunity to kill them!

Even if the body is cut into several pieces to survive, there must be a limit, right?

The little green dragon spit out dragon flames continuously, and from time to time it also sent out a flash of lightning.

And Yang Tian also constantly wields the knife, surrounding the two giant beasts, sending out wind blades from different angles…

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