
Looking at the pile of charred wind and fire giant beast corpses in front of him, Yang Tian’s shoulders were undulating, panting heavily, and looked very tired.

Hundreds of wind blades were cut out in a row, whether it was the power of the dragon ball or the spirit strength, it was about to reach the limit of use.

The same is true for the little blue dragon. After the battle is completed, it immediately landed, and the incarnation became a mini-dragon, resting on a black stone next to Yang Tian.

It’s really not easy to kill these two behemoths!

The result is the same as Yang Tian expected. Although these two giant beasts have extremely strong self-healing ability, even if their bodies are divided into several pieces, they can survive, but they are not infinite. They are actually like an earthworm. Cut the earthworm into two or three pieces, and it can turn into two or three earthworms, but if one earthworm is cut into fleshy meat, it will not survive.

The more than one hundred wind blades issued by Yang Tian chopped the body of the wind and fire behemoth into at least a thousand pieces. Naturally, they could no longer survive. They were burned by the little green dragon with dragon flames. Turned into a pile of coke.

When Yang Tian was breathing and resting, Qu Yan Guying came over.

Facing Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong, Qu Yan Guying waved his cane, a peculiar energy enveloped Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong, making Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong feel a refreshing breath , The body is full of vitality instantly.

“This is a healing technique that uses spirit strength. Spirit strength produces special frequency fluctuations, which can be absorbed by organisms…” Qu Yan Guying explained while releasing his spirit strength .

Yang Tian understands, Qu Yan Guying’s so-called therapeutic technique is actually to supplement the cell energy of the organism and speed up the metabolism.

Yang Tian is surprised, didn’t expect spirit strength actually still has this kind of magical effect!

This kind of therapy must be learned! Yang Tian looked at Qu Yan Gu Ying and laughed.

Looking at Yang Tian’s eyes shining, with expectations in his eyes, Qu Yan Guying understood what Yang Tian meant, and immediately explained Yang Tian…

Yang Tian quickly understood that this kind of healing technique actually uses his own spirit strength to supplement the energy of other organisms. Health production is to transform spirit strength into energy that can be absorbed by other lifeforms.

According to Qu Yanguying, this is the method summed up by countless generations of spirit strength powerhouses on Aipaxing.

In only a few minutes, Yang Tian learned.

Under Qu Yanguying’s’treatment’, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong felt their exhaustion swept away, saving a lot of time.

To leave here, you must find the formation.

Now the temple has collapsed, and I don’t know if the formation is buried under the rubble…

Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying look at the ruins in front of them , Frowned, it took a long time to dig out such a large pile of gravel.

After the death of the giant wind and fire, the surrounding temperature dropped at an extremely rapid rate, less than ten minutes, it was like going from a hot summer to a cold winter.

The moisture in the air turns into tiny ice particles and falls on the ground. A new layer of ice begins to quickly condense on the ground. It is estimated that it will not be long before this pile of rubble will be covered by the ice again. cover.

It is not so easy to move these black boulders in this cold weather. Many boulders are too big to be cut into pieces.

When Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying were worried, suddenly, a faint blue light appeared from the gravel pile.

Seeing this kind of blue light, Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying both laughed, what is it?


Yang Tian stepped forward, the leg of a broken corpse under his foot was crushed by his foot, and made a crisp sound.

Yang Tian looked down, and immediately raised his foot.

The corpses left here did not turn into coke because their bodies had not been in contact with the flame for a long time, or they had not been in contact with the flame at all, and their bodies were baked by the high temperature.

Then, in the low temperature, the body was frozen and kept until now.

Fighting with the wind and fire behemoth just now, Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying didn’t care about these corpses, but now they have the mind and time to observe these corpses.

“What is this?” At this moment, Qu Yan Guying looked at an item on the ground that looked like a storage bracelet and said.

After she finished speaking, she immediately leaned down, picked up the black metal ring, and observed it in her hand.

Looking at the black ring-shaped item in Qu Yan Guying’s hands, Yang Tian approached Qu Yan Guying curiously, Qu Yan Guying looked around, shook the head, and said: “It’s not storage The bracelet is just a piece of jewelry.”

Yang Tian took it from Qu Yan Gu Ying’s hand, looked at it, and suddenly his heart moved, pouring a part of the dragon ball power into the dark circle in his hand On the ring item.


Yang Tian’s dragon ball made this ring-shaped item vibrate, making a humming sound, but then, this thing shattered at once Up.

Sure enough, it’s just a piece of jewelry…

Some of Yang Tian’s disappointment throws away the broken metal pieces in his hands, patted the palm of his hand, and his powerful dragon ball energy almost removes this piece The item shook into powder.

When the two were about to step forward and dig out the front formation, suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuations in the space not far from the two, with a large number of item’oh la la’. Appeared in the air and fell to the ground.

There are a lot of items, a lot of them, and they are very messy.

It turns out that this is really a storage bracelet! Otherwise, how can these things appear out of thin air?

Curious Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying came to the messy item pile.

At least half of all these things are water and food.

Water is packed in cylinders. Most of the food is fresh meat. In addition to these, there are also some things like charcoal, several grotesquely shaped weapons, etc.

Yang Tian picked up a piece of rectangular, black charcoal, scraped it with his fingernail, and scraped some black powder from the top, and then opened it hard to see, he guessed it was right , These are indeed charcoal.

Yang Tian The power of running the dragon ball was gathered in the hand, and the dragon flame contained in the power of the dragon ball immediately ignited this charcoal. Once the charcoal burned, it turned red and produced a very high temperature, Yang Tian Throw away the burning charcoal.

The burning charcoal fell on the ground and made a noise when it came in contact with the thin ice.

Next, Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying began to pick them up, hoping to find something useful to them.

After turning over the whole pile of things, Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying only found some grotesquely shaped, multi-colored, fist sized things that looked like ore, and a silver white gold box.

This silver white metal box is only the size of Yang Tian’s palm. It is rectangular and three centimeters thick.

After opening the box, there was something that looked like a smartphone made by humans.

“What is this?” Seeing this item that looks like a high-tech item, Yang Tian opened his eyes wide and couldn’t help muttering to himself.

There is no such high-tech thing on Aipastar, and Qu Yanguying is even more confused and can only shake his head.

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