As soon as this point was formed, Yang Tian felt that, including its cell nucleus, actually changed accordingly.

Furthermore, this spot is like a lamp. It suddenly lights up and emits nine-color rays of light. This kind of rays of light is not very bright, but it looks like a light. Tian has a very’gentle’ feeling.

After having this power in the cell nucleus, the whole cell exudes a powerful life force in Yang Tian’s sense.

At the same time, Yang Tian can also feel that this cell can also be controlled by his mind.

If the original cell is a house, Yang Tian has only the right to use it, but not the right to transform it. But now, Yang Tian not only has the right to use it, but also the right to transform it.

Under the control of Yang Tian’s mind, this cell split, one split into two, two split into 4…

Each cell has its own Space, split cells, naturally squeeze other cells away. In these split, new cells, there is actually a new force that Yang Tian merged with three powers.

Soon, every cell nucleus that splits out emits a faint halo.

At this moment, the palms of the two days of hands also emitted nine-color rays of light.

This process of division, in Yang Tian’s feeling, is like a new birth, especially wonderful, unconsciously, Yang Tian’s entire palm is occupied by newly split cells.

And Yang Tian’s entire palm is already surrounded by a faint halo at this time, and it looks very mysterious.

However, this kind of division is also limited, because after a cell divides into two, the energy in the cell is only half of the original. If it divides, it becomes 1/4 and eighth. One…

Until the end, this power completely disappeared. At this time, it also means that the number of cell divisions has reached the limit.

When I was controlling cell division and felt strong resistance, I woke up tomorrow, opened my eyes, and looked at my right hand in a daze.

This palm, whether it is epidermal or muscle cells, or skeleton, is formed by newly dividing cells. You don’t need to think Yang Tian knows that these divided cells, full of new power, are more powerful than before. The cells are more quality.

If you weren’t on spaceship, you would slap a palm on the ground in two days to see if this hand has become stronger.

A cell divided by a cell can occupy the entire palm of the hand. Then, if every part of the body is created as before, one primordial cell with strange power can be made All become like the right hand palm?

However, Yang Tian also vaguely felt that the formation of body cells in this way is impossible for a long time, because every cell has lost the ability to divide.

Yang Tian’s right hand palm emits a faint halo, this is because every cell and cell nucleus that make up the palm contains the peculiar energy formed after the fusion of the three forces.

How long did this situation not at all last? For about a few minutes, the palm of his right hand was replaced by normal cells again, returning to its original color.

Because every cell has its own life cycle, and will die when it expires. Or if it loses energy supplement, it will die and be replaced by new cells.

Next, Yang Tian began to study the new power formed after the fusion of the three powers.

In the change and recovery of the palm just now, Yang Tian has a new perception of life, this kind of perception?

But this kind of sentiment cannot be described in words…

Soon, in the cell nucleus selected by Yang Tian, ​​a peculiar fusion of three powers emerged again power.

This time, Yang Tian wants to make this power extremely powerful!

When a light spot appeared in the cell nucleus again, Yang Tian continued to continuously move towards this light spot conveying spirit strength and dragon ball power.

Soon, a wonderful thing happened again. When this force became strong, the nucleus could not be accommodated, and it was passed to the neighboring cells. The neighboring cells could not accommodate it, and the surrounding cells spread towards the moved towards.

With the continuous input of power, every cell in Yang Tian’s body is’lighted up’.

This kind of geometric expansion speed quickly covered Yang Tian’s whole body.

At this time, from the outside, Yang Tian’s entire body emits a halo of nine colors. At the same time, a kind of peculiar energy fluctuations radiated from Yang Tian’s body.

The little Qinglong, who closed his eyes and rested on the side, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Yang Tian with some surprise.

About ten minutes or so, Yang Tian suddenly opened his eyes, picked up the knife placed beside him, cut on the wrist, and a deep hole appeared on Yang Tian’s wrist. A lot of blood poured out.

Under Yang Tian’s control, the cells at the wound site began to divide rapidly, and within one minute, the bleeding wound would recover as before, without any scars visible.

This result is already in Yang Tian’s expectation, and it is not surprising that he is staring at the pool of blood on the ground at this time.

These blood also emits a faint halo, because the blood cells also have that kind of peculiar energy.

Under Yang Tian’s mind, these blood cells began to divide rapidly…

At this time, Yang Tian had a bold idea in his heart, that is, can you let yourself Of blood, forming an organ? For example, one of his own hands and so on…

Under the control of his mind, the blood on the ground actually moved, and after a while, it condensed together.

What makes Yang Tian disappointed is that it can only reach this level. Let these cells divide, re-grow, and form new organs. With Yang Tian’s current realm, there is a kind of heart Feeling of lack of power.

Yang Tian understands that this is because his realm has not reached that level.

But it’s coming soon. The star mine owner is a powerhouse with a constant star rating. After being defeated by that Female Powerhouse, he has been reborn several times… Then, when he has a constant star rating, he will definitely have this Come on!

Since it was impossible, Yang Tian gave up the idea just now, and once again turned his attention to the new power formed by the fusion of the three powers.

This time, Yang Tian used thoughts to spread all over the body, carefully comprehend the whole body, and then sent out thoughts to the whole body.

In an instant, all the cells in his body split out some peculiar energy.

Yang Tian controls this energy and condenses it on the heart of the right hand.

Soon, on the palm of his hand, a multicolored energy ball emitting strong rays of light was formed.

As soon as this energy ball appears, it emits a powerful energy wave. As the energy becomes stronger and stronger, the light ball becomes brighter and brighter, and when it comes out, the energy wave also increases. The stronger.

Even Yang Tian, ​​who created this kind of energy ball, felt that the destructive power of this kind of energy was particularly strong, and it could be described by the word’horror’.

Suddenly, a reminder sounded in the rest cabin: “Detected energy fluctuations in the spaceship, which may affect the spaceship. After 3 minutes, stop the Space Jump flight.”

Hearing this kind of prompt, Yang Tian eyes opened wide.

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