At this time, Yang Tian can clearly feel that spaceship is decelerating.

The luminous energy sphere held in his hand, due to the slack of mind, suddenly surged at a very fast speed.

Now, the energy sphere emits stronger energy fluctuations.


Immediately afterwards, the spaceship sounded an alarm.

Yang Tian was shocked, and immediately shifted his attention to the energy sphere in his hand, if this thing exploded, the spaceship would be destroyed, not just Qiguangyu them, even Yang Tian him Oneself, it is possible to die.

Under the control of Yang Tian’s mind, this energy sphere began to shrink slowly.

At the same time, Yang Tian also started to absorb this energy with his body.

Absorbed by Yang Tian’s body, the energy ball is getting smaller and smaller, and soon disappeared.

At this moment, Yang Tian put out a long breath and almost burned himself!

The energy ball formed by this peculiar energy gives Yang Tian a strong feeling, that is, the destructive power of this power is extremely strong. Although he has not experimented yet, Yang Tian believes in his intuition.

“dong dong dong……”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Because the spaceship stopped suddenly and the alarm sounded, Qiguangyu and the others were a little nervous and didn’t understand what had happened, so they hurriedly came to Yang Tian.

“Open the door!”

Yang Tian lightly saying.

With a sound of’chi,’ the metal door of the lounge opened.

It was Qi Guanghao who knocked on the door. After seeing Yang Tian, ​​Qi Guanghao said nervously: “Brother Yang, the spaceship has stopped, and there is an alarm.”

Yang Tian said with a smile: “It’s okay, I made a little movement just now, let Qicai control the spaceship and continue flying!”

“Oh~” Qi Guanghao glanced at Yang Tian with curious eyes, nodded , Turned and left.

When Qi Guanghao left, Yang Tian shook the head, in this spaceship, it really was not a place for cultivation!

When Yang Tian took back the energy ball, the spaceship alarm was naturally lifted, and Qi Cai controlled the spaceship to continue flying.

In the remaining few days, Yang Tian did not study the peculiar energy formed by the fusion of the three powers within the body, but began to absorb a large number of star crystals to grow the dragon ball. Power, and spirit strength.

The flight time calculated by spaceship is very accurate, just after half a month, it stopped and hovered near a huge planet.

Yang Tian’s Black Dragon spaceship is thousands of kilometers away from the atmosphere of this planet. On the periphery of this planet, various spaceships, large and small, are flying slowly. , Grotesquely shaped.

There are 4 huge Yugangs around this planet, which are used to dock the spaceship. Looking at the huge planet displayed on the spaceship screen, Yang Tian has a very excited feeling, because he I knew that after coming here, I was very close to Qin Fei.

This planet is Ketra Star!

Katra Star is twice the size of Earth. From outer space, it is a pale blue planet, which is very similar to Earth and also has oceans. On the land, green plants grow, and the ocean is blue.

The difference from Earth is that in addition to the size of the planet, land occupies most of the area on this planet.

“Brother Yang, do we want to go down?” Looking at the Kaitra star outside the window, Qi Cai turned his head and asked Yang Tian.

Qicai, like Qiguanghao, calls Yang Tian the Yang brother.

Yang Tian nodded, in this half a month, Qi Cai already knows this spaceship well, and Yang Tian can’t compare with her when it comes to manipulating this spaceship.

Qicai does not need to operate with voice control. After getting the consent of Yang Tian, ​​she pressed it continuously on the console, and after a while, she contacted the nearest Yugang.

Qicai sent a docking request, and the other party immediately responded to the docking information, and Qicai immediately turned on the automatic navigation.

It is worth mentioning that in Ketra, spaceships are not allowed to land at will, even small spaceships.

In the case of automatic navigation, spaceship moved towards the nearest Yugang slowly approached.

Katra Star’s Yugang, equivalent to a giant cosmic fortress, very big. Yugang outside the window, soon after, completely covered Yang Tian’s line of sight.

This feeling is like spaceship entering a planet.

Shortly afterwards, the spaceship shook and then stood still.

Qicai turned around at this time and said to Yang Tian: “Brother Yang, spaceship has docked.”

Yang Tian nodded, said: “Then let’s go out!”

The place where the spaceship stopped was quickly closed. Soon, the entire space was filled with air.

Yang Tian opened the door of the spaceship and walked down the spaceship along the gangway.

After paying the 1,000 star crystals, Yang Tian and the four of them went through the special landing of Yugang The device landed safely on Ketra.

Out of the landing station, Yang Tian raised his eyes and laughed happily.

This planet is the planet he imagined, surrounded by bright, tall buildings, one after another, towering up into the sky.

Between these tall buildings, there are wide roads, and countless small aircraft flying close to these roads are extremely fast.

The air is very fresh, although it is surrounded by tall buildings, it feels like being in the jungle.

There are also many pedestrians on both sides of the wide road, walking slowly, just like walking, and it looks very leisurely.

Seeing such a situation, Qiguangyu and their three elder brothers, like Yang Tian, ​​were full of surprises in their eyes. For them, such a world is also very novel.

There are many pedestrians on both sides of the road. Similarly, Yang Tian also saw some people who were grotesquely shaped to him, as if they were in Le Guxing.

The clothes on the people here are more glamorous and their expressions are looser.

Yang Tian followed the road, chose a direction at will, and walked forward.

While the four people walked all the way, they were all glanced around. They looked very curious. When others saw it, they knew that they were the’country bumpkin’ that just came to this planet.

When some people passed by Yang Tian, ​​they still curl one’s lip, they didn’t bother at all.

Yang Tian certainly saw the expressions on these people’s faces, but didn’t care.

Here, Yang Tian did not find many powerful people.

The density of this planet cultivator is not comparable to Le Guxing.

After walking for a while, Yang Tian stopped, turned around and looked at Qiguangyu.

“What’s wrong?” Qiguangyu asked.

Yang Tian asked with a smile, “Living in such a planet, what do you think?”

“This…Of course it’s great!” Qiguangyu was taken aback, then immediately Said with a happy face.

Yang Tian nodded, Qiguangyu is satisfied, but it should be expensive to place them on this planet!

At this moment, a youngster moved towards Yang Tian and they came over.

Under Yang Tian’s gaze, this person came directly to Yang Tian and asked: “Excuse me, you just came to this planet, right? Do you need a smart navigator? This kind of navigator, on this planet, wherever you go, you don’t have to worry about getting lost. You can find it immediately if you want to find a place.”

This kind of tool is exactly Yang What Tian needs now is nodded while thinking that this youngster is pretty good at doing business.

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