Soon, the cultivators knew that they were wrong. Even if they fly into the air, climb the stone wall, or even hide in the big pool, or the passage when the’rhino beast’ comes out, they cannot avoid this strangeness. The beast attacked them.

When some cultivators entered the passage when the’rhino beast’ came out, they traveled less than 100 meters before being blocked by a stone gate.

On this stone gate, it is also full of rune. No matter how you attack it, you can’t leave a trace on the stone gate.

This stone gate can’t be destroyed, how can you dare to stay here, if the behemoth comes back, block them inside, when the time comes, you can’t run.

As for the pool in this underground space, some cultivators also dived in, trying to hide under the water. But they soon discovered that the bottom of the pool was actually paved with red slabs, with rune carved all over it.

These cultivators who dived into the water were quickly ejected out of the water by a powerful force. ,

The way out is also closed…

The person who designed this mechanism blocked all the way out.

This big guy can also fly!

When the cultivators all fly into the air and attack it, even though these attacks fall on it and cannot cause any harm to it, it is also angry.

“ao ~”

The angry’rhino beast’ suddenly opened its mouth, let out a roar, and fell into the air together.

And when in the air, its impact speed is also extremely fast.

No, I can’t say that it is fast, but it is very strange.

After a cultivator flying in the air retracted the circular weapon used to attack the’rhino beast’, he saw the big guy below moved towards and rushed over.

This person kicked hard in the air and wanted to get out of the way. However, when he had just completed this action, it was black before his eyes, and his head was directly smashed by the horns of this giant beast.

This’rhino beast’ has the ability to suddenly speed up whether it is on the ground or in the air.

This is like the Blade Qi controlled by Yang Tian with spirit strength. During the fast flight, he can suddenly speed up and make his opponent completely unprepared.

This is the power of rune!

The cultivator that built this place is definitely an expert using rune.

This’rhino beast’ is simply invulnerable, and it can’t be injured with the super-energy particle cannon. However, its attack power is very powerful.

For a time, the cultivator enclosed in this underground space has become a lamb to be slaughtered, and the shadow of death has shrouded everyone’s head.

I didn’t expect before. After the stone gate was opened, it was not a treasure, but a demon.

The constant-star cultivator has a very powerful attack power. In space, a small spaceship can be destroyed with one fist.

And this underground cave, no, should have been restrained when they encountered the octopus-shaped behemoth before.


When the’Rhinoceros’ unilaterally slaughtered the cultivators, Yang Tian’s Black Dragon spaceship had already completed a short-distance Space Jump.

When the Black Dragon spaceship left, it already recorded the coordinates of the red planet, and the return process was also extremely smooth.

After completing the Space Jump, the red planet in the distance has already appeared on the screen of the spaceship cockpit.

Yang Tian immediately accelerated spaceship, moving towards red planet and flew away.

About ten minutes later, the Black Dragon spaceship entered the atmosphere of the red planet and flew towards the giant sinkhole.

The strange beast inside has been removed, Yang Tian let the spaceship land at the bottom of the pit with confidence.

Three people and a dragon, quickly left the spaceship.

After leaving the spaceship, Yang Tian immediately received the Black Dragon spaceship into the storage bracelet.

The octopus-shaped alien beast killed by Yang Tian before, the body is still lying there, and there are many black pits on the body.

It seems that some cultivators use super-energy particle cannon strikes.

This is obviously a vent of cultivators.

The passage into that underground space has been cleared by the cultivators before, and Yang Tian glanced at it and saw it.

Yang Tian moved towards the passageway, Solli and Qu Yan Guying immediately followed.

After passing the collapsed entrance, and moving forward several dozen meters, Yang Tian and the others were blocked by a stone gate.

On this stone gate, rune is engraved.

Yang Tian came to the stone gate, raised his hand and stroked these runes.

The appearance of Yang Tian looks like observing these runes, but in fact, it is a strange program that records these runes through Yang Tian’s visual system and enriches its runes. database.

After the strange program recorded these runes, Yang Tian took a step back, squatted down slightly, clenched his fists, and suddenly throws a punch.


Yang Tian’s fist hit the stone gate and shook the stone gate with a loud noise.

However, the stone gate just shook, and a few stone chips fell from the top of the passage.

During this process, the rune on the stone gate lit up, and Yang Tian felt that at least 99% of the hitting power was absorbed by the rune above.

Unable to destroy this stone gate, Yang Tian couldn’t help but frowned.

The three of them all know that other cultivators must have entered inside, and then this channel will be closed if some mechanism is triggered.

“The technique of rune is really magic!” Yang Tian shook the head, could not help sighing.

This suit of armor on his body is just added with some runes, the defensive power is increased more than ten times, even the powerhouse in the stellar realm cannot be destroyed.

The previous octopus-shaped behemoth used only a few simple runes, which left nearly a thousand cultivators at a loss.

And this stone gate made of ordinary rock, because it is engraved with rune, becomes indestructible.

There is also the pyramid that brought them to this planet, which is just made of scattered oblivion stones, which can actually resist the power of space annihilation.

Also transferred the array…

Seeing the power of rune, at this time, Yang Tian already had the idea of ​​learning rune.

For Yang Tian, ​​there is a very favorable condition. Because of the strange program in his mind, he can become the best rune teacher.

“zhi zhi zhi……”

When Yang Tian was thinking, the little Qinglong lying on his head suddenly called.

Xiao Qinglong told Yang Tian that he could try it.

“Okay!” After Xiao Qinglong finished speaking, Yang Tian immediately nodded and agreed.

The little green dragon is now a superstar alien beast. With its power, it may be able to destroy this stone gate.

Anything can be destroyed, it cannot be destroyed, but the power to destroy it is not enough.

Yang Tian backed slowly, Xiao Qinglong jumped down from his head.

After landing, Xiao Qinglong shook his body a few times. Every time it moves, its body doubles.

Soon, the little blue dragon became a golden horn blue dragon about ten meters long.

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