After completing the transformation, Xiao Qinglong began to slowly retreat, and Yang Tian, ​​Solli, and Qu Yan Guying also slowly retreated.

The three of them stepped back about 50 meters, and stopped when they were about to return to the entrance of the pit.

The little Qinglong waved his head at this time, and the dragon horn suddenly lit up with golden rays of light. A strong energy wave was uploaded from Xiaoqing’s dragon body.

Yang Tian felt a strange energy on Xiaoqing dragon body.

This kind of unfamiliar energy is rune energy. Yang Tian in the heart can’t help but sigh that the small dragon’s use of energy has reached a new level. Before the shells came out, I just got some energy seeds, and now they can be used directly!

“ao ~”

The prepared little blue dragon suddenly opened his mouth, roared, and then the body moved, turning into a blue shadow, moved towards the stone gate. go with.


There was a loud noise immediately.

The violent impact caused the whole cave to tremble. In the hard passage, a large amount of rubble fell down, like rain,’peng~ peng~ peng~’ on the ground.

At the same time, there was a burst of red smoke and dust in the passage, which obscured the sight of Yang Tian and the others towards the little Qinglong.

Qu Yan Quartz waved his cane, stirred the airflow with spirit strength, and quickly scattered the red smoke.

At this time, you can see that the stone gate engraved with rune has been knocked out of a large hole with a diameter of several meters by the little blue dragon. The entrance of the hole is full of traces of cracks.

The thickness of this stone gate is almost one meter. The little Qinglong directly penetrated the stone gate through a large hole, which shows how powerful the impact is.

Little Qinglong stayed in front of the stone gate that was knocked out of the big hole by it, and looked at Yang Tian and them with some pride.

The three of them walked forward quickly.

“Small dragon, okay?” Yang Tian came to Xiaoqing dragon body, and asked while checking the two dragon horns of Xiaoqing dragon.

“ao ~”

Xiaoqing dragon’s mouth made a deep cry, telling Yang Tian that it did not use its full strength!

There is no scar on the head of the little green dragon, and there is no sign of loosening of a pair of dragon horns, Yang Tian is relieved.

In this passage, there is not only one stone gate, but after Yang Tian and the others walked forward several dozen meters, the same stone gate stopped in front of them.

Yang Tian does not understand rune, but he has a strong memory. When I look at the rune on the stone gate, I find that the rune on the second stone gate and the rune on the previous stone gate are both subtle The difference.

Aware of Yang Tian’s doubts, Weird Program said in Yang Tian’s mind: “rune countless changes, this is because of the changes in geographic location, rune also needs to make some changes.”

With a distance of several dozen meters, the rune portrayed has to be changed. The cultivator that portrays this rune does not know how strong memory is needed…

Yang Tian just This is how you think, the strange program simply says: “Cultivation rune is the same as understanding the law of energy operation. As long as you master the use of rune, you can naturally portray a reasonable rune according to factors such as time, space, and surrounding energy changes. “

With such an explanation of the strange program, Yang Tian feels a lot easier. If you memorize rune by rote and remember all rune, then you really can’t learn the law.

During the interpretation of the strange program for Yang Tian, ​​Yang Tian, ​​Solli and Qu Yanguying once again stepped back more than 20 meters.

After a while, there was another loud bang.

Little Qinglong once again knocked out a big hole in a stone gate.

“Bang… Bang… Bang…”

Next, every few minutes, there is a violent impact in the passage.

About two hours, a total of 36 stone gates, all of which were knocked open by Xiaoqinglong, the underground space finally appeared in Yang and the others.


Yang Tian they haven’t seen the situation of this underground space clearly. Not far away, a cultivator saw that the exit channel was opened and shouted crazy , Quickly moved towards Yang Tian they rushed over here.

Of course, this person is not going to attack Yang Tian them, but is driven to go crazy by the’rhino’ beast.

After several hours of killing, nearly 800 people came in, and now only 60-70 people remain.

The cultivators that survived are all on the verge of collapse.

This screaming cultivator passed by Yang Tian and they rushed out of the passage.

Immediately afterwards, several people left quickly, and none of them greeted Yang Tian. It is estimated that they only noticed that the passage was opened, and even Yang Tian did not know who they were!

Yang Tian they ignored the cultivator who left, and their eyes were all attracted by a giant beast in the underground space that looked like a’rhino’.

The movement of the little green dragon hitting the stone gate was relatively large. When Yang Tian and the others appeared in this underground space, this behemoth had stopped attacking other cultivators, turned its head, and looked at Yang Tian and them.

“ao ~”

The little green dragon made a low howling sound. In the surprised eyes of the cultivators, the moved towards the’rhino’ beast crawled away slowly.

At this time, the size of the little green dragon is not as big as the’rhino beast’. When it is walking, it shakes its head, and its body seems to be inflated, rapidly becoming larger Times.

Now, Xiaoqinglong’s body shape is finally almost the same size as the’rhino beast’.

The fighting intent in the eyes of Xiaoqinglong is thick. In fact, it can become bigger, but it looks like it has to fight this’rhinoceros’ in a’fair’ duel.

Under Xiao Qinglong’s gaze, this imposing’rhino beast’ actually took a few steps back slowly.

It was forced by Xiao Qinglong’s imposing manner.

Little Qinglong is a super-star alien beast, and this’rhinoceros beast’ is just a permanent Star Domain main-level alien beast, and its level is much different from that of Xiaoqinglong.

However, this hot-tempered guy, after taking a few steps back, stopped, panting heavily, and sprayed two white breaths from his nostrils. .

Then, the’rhino beast’ lowered its head, pointed the sharp horn on the forehead at the little blue dragon, and at the same time used a front hoof to continuously plan the ground, it seemed that it might be facing the little blue dragon at any time Rush.

Two powerful strange beasts are separated by less than 100 meters at this time. If the’rhino beast’ collides with each other, with its strange collision speed, it won’t take a second.

However, neither Xiaoqinglong nor’Rhinoceros’ attacked first, and the imposing manner on them became more and more fierce.

This is like an expert duel, there is always a process of gaining momentum.

“ao ~”

Suddenly, the’rhino beast’ let out a low howl.

This is the voice declaring war on Xiao Qinglong. Before its voice fell, it moved towards Xiao Qinglong and rushed over.

A distance of 100 meters, the huge figure of this’rhino beast’ appears extremely light.

At this moment, the little green dragon also moved, and the two horns emitted strong golden light, the body moved, moved towards the’rhino beast’ and rushed away.

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