Hui E Miao Miao and Hui E Bai Xing are both of the same type. For them, personal emotions can be discarded in the face of family interests.

Furthermore, Yang Tian is not an annoying person in Hui E Miao Miao’s eyes, but a little cute. In Hui’e Miaomiao’s opinion, after the two are together, at least they can get along in harmony.

Walking out of Hui’er Baixing’s room, Hui’e thought of the situation in the mine that day.

At that time, Yang Tian was still an unremarkable miner…this matter, Hui E Miao Miao remember clearly. In fact, after Yang Tian arrived at the clan land, Hui E Miao Miao remembered who Yang Tian was when he saw Yang Tian.

After the younger sister left, Huier Baixing thought for a while.

It is undoubtedly the best way to tie Yang Tian to the chariot of the Huier family in the way of’marriage’.

The Huier family has no shortage of cultivation talents. What it lacks is Master Fu, Pharmacist, etc., such professional talents.

Hui’er Baixing predicts that if Yang Tian can steadily help the Hui’er family, the family will surely rise rapidly in the next hundred years, and it will not be difficult to establish an empire in the flame domain.

In addition to valuing Yang Tian, ​​Hui’er Baixing still has some worries deep in his heart.

The design of this Underground City was completed by Yang Tian alone. What if Yang Tian has a bad heart and leaves the back door in the rune system of the clan?

So, when this special Underground City was built and started, it was all completed by a group of people led by Taixing.


As for the computing power of singular programs on rune, Yang Tian has long been used to it, and he doesn’t think it is any surprise.

But for others, it feels completely different.

For example, to build this Underground City, even if the advanced talisman masters of the temple were invited and given them the same time, they could not be so perfect.

Yang Tian is a person who pays attention to perfection.

Most people in the original clan have moved into Underground City.

After Baiming Siyun left Underground City, he did not at all stay away, but waited in the woods behind a hill.

She sits casually on a bluestone in the woods, and there are hundreds of cultivators guarding her all around.

In a short while, an ordinary black robed middle aged man came to the woods.

“How is the investigation?” After the black robed man arrived, Bai Mingsiyun asked lightly.

“Patriarch, I have checked it out. This Underground City is more perfect than we thought. What you have seen before is only the surface of the city. I learned a lot from the rune department ……”

Speaking, the black robed man took out a stack of drawings from the storage bracelet and handed it to Bai Ming Siyun.

Bai Ming Siyun not at all reached out for the stack of drawings, an Elderly not far behind her walked over quickly and took the drawing from the black robe middle-aged man , And then looked through them one by one.

The black robe middle-aged man said at this time: “This is a part of the design drawing of Underground City. Because the drawing is too complicated, I just copied some important drawings.”

Elderly, who looked through the drawings, was obviously a talisman. After he read the drawings, he shook the head and said to Bai Ming, “These drawings are far from enough. It seems that we want to build the same Underground City. Some price must be paid.”

“How about digging Taixing?” Bai Ming thought: “With Yang Tian, ​​Taixing’s position in Hui’er family should be a bit embarrassing. Right?”

The black robe middle-aged man said: “patriarch, this…can’t be done. You may not know that Taixing is too obsessed with Rune Dao, he said, he must stay in the Underground. City, thoroughly studied all rune institutions. Moreover, even if he joined the Baiming family, he could not help us build such a perfect Underground City.

Because Taixing participated in the construction All the processes in Guan Jian, such as some exquisite runes, were personally portrayed by Yang Tian. He is simply a rune machine! I have never seen anyone who can portray rune with such precision… …”

After the black robe middle-aged man said, Bai Ming Siyun frowned and began to think.

“We must not let go of talents like patriarch, Yang Tian.” After a while, I looked at rune’s Elderly indifferently said.

Bai Ming thinks cloud is nodded, and said: “But, how can we make Yang Tian for me to use?”

Elderly said: “This person, even if we don’t use it, Nor can he be used by the Huier family. No, just…kill!”

The black robe middle-aged man said at this time: “As far as I know, Yang Tian doesn’t want to stay in the rune division, he I want to go to the Hunting Department. If this is the case, we will definitely have a chance when the time comes.”

“Does Yang Tian have any preferences?” Baiming Siyun thought for a while and asked again.

black robe middle-aged man said: “This is not quite clear, but there is one thing that patriarch might be interested in.

Yang Tian was born in the Huier family mine , The origin is unknown. When he was a miner, when he first met Hui’e Miaomiao, he once said, “Yes, I want to sleep in Hui’e Miaomiao. Now he is in the Hui’e family,” The wonderful relationship is very close.”

Yang Tian is too good now, his origin, some things he encountered, have long been dug up.

Bai Ming Siyun said with a smile: “It is a normal thing for a man to like beautiful women. Let’s talk about this later! You’ve been out for so long, so hurry back. , So as not to arouse others’ suspicion.”


The black robe middle-aged man gave Baiming Siyun a salute, and left the grove.

After the black robe middle-aged man left, Bai Ming Siyun took out a mirror from the storage bracelet and looked into the mirror to see how he looked in the mirror.

Seeing this situation, Elderly frowned.


In ten days.

The order of Underground City has become well-organized after the ups and downs of Early-Stage. People who live in the city quickly adapt to the new living environment.

Actually, it is more comfortable here than the outside environment.

Fuzhen can adjust the temperature in the city in a timely manner, so that the temperature is always at a temperature that humans feel comfortable.

In the past, the weather was very hot.

The reason why the Yan domain is called the Yan domain is because of the high temperature, especially in the summer, the rays of light in the sky star can almost cook the raw meat.

With the right temperature, the growth of strong valley trees is 20% faster than before. That is to say, the annual output can be increased by 20%.

Yang Tian’s contribution is the greatest. In Underground City, a set of independent small courtyards was allocated.

The small courtyard is located at the bottom of the Underground City. Those who live in the small courtyard now, except for Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong, are a dozen carefully selected nursing homes led by Kacha.

In the early morning, Yang Tian just woke up, he heard a burst of shouts coming from the courtyard.

As before, Kacha asked his men to get up early to exercise.

After opening the door, Yang Tian raised his head and looked up, it was a clear sky.

This peculiar Underground City has been running smoothly. Yang Tian feels that it is time to go to the outside world to experience.

He still doesn’t know much about this World, and he still feels a bit of a slur. The best way is to join the Hunting Division.

“Yang Tian!”

Soon after breakfast, the courtyard gate was pushed open, and the lively Hui’er Chanchan ran in and saw someone walking in the courtyard Yang Tian screamed in surprise, and ran to Yang Tian’s front.

“Yang Tian, ​​you accompany me out to play.” Hui Echanchan said.

Yang Tian shook the head, “I’m afraid it won’t work today, I’m going to the Hunting Department.”

“You are serious!” Yang Tian’s voice fell off, Hui Echanchan He opened his eyes wide and said in surprise.

Yang Tian said with a smile: “Of course it is true! Staying here all the time, I feel that I am getting old.”

As soon as the voice fell, Kacha tape The two came over and said to Hui’er Chanchan with a smile: “Hello, my little lady!”

With a greeting, Kacha said to Yang Tian: “Yang Tian, ​​you can set off.” /p>

Hui Echanchan quickly said: “Yang Tian, ​​I will go with you!”

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