In each family, the Hunting Division is a special existence.

It can be said that everyone in the Hunting Department is desperado. The chief executive of the Hunting Department generally rarely shows up.

Like the last meeting of the Chamber, the head of the Hunting Department did not show up. Except for patriarch and a few clan elders, no one knows who the head of the Hunting Department is and his true identity.

A family, the lowest level is the ordinary person class.

Manage the production and life of these ordinary person types is the principal of each region.

In terms of defense forces, the lowest level is the ordinary person class with a certain military force, which can also be said to be a basic cultivator. Yang Tian has just entered the Hui’er family and is such a role. Then there is Small Captain, who manages these people, and Kacha used to have this identity.

This basic defense force is divided into regions, and each region also has a principal.

Then above are the divisions mainly composed of cultivator.

The divisions Yang Tian knows now include the Rune Division, the Hunting Division, the Medicine Refining Division, the Foundry Division, and the Clan Guarding Division… a total of more than ten divisions.

In fact, this has constituted a very efficient ruling institution.

The chief executive of each department is directly responsible to the patriarch, and the status in the family is second only to the patriarch.

It is worth mentioning that all clan elders belong to clan guards. The Clan Guard is responsible for patrolling the security of the clan land and managing the salaries of the clan surname. It is actually similar to the clan mansion in ancient China.

All the divisions, except the chief executive of the Hunting Division, are publicly appointed by the current patriarch.

So, what about the chief of the Hunting Division?

It was secretly appointed by the powerhouse selected by the clansman from the clansman directly by the various families after a cruel assessment.

If the chief executive of the Hunting Department dies, patriarch Huier Baixing, and a small number of clan elders will hold an emergency meeting to select hundreds of thousands of experts from clansman and let them Putting on the mask, holding the “iron walnut” to prevent speaking, and holding the specially assigned standard weapon to begin the assessment.

The assessment process is extremely cruel. Even two people who usually have a very good relationship will meet during the assessment process and kill each other!

The nineteen people who survived, or less than nineteen people, will once again undergo special training and assessment. The most outstanding ones are the chief executives of the Hunting Department.

Others are the principals, or the actions of the principals assigned to other supervisors, and some of them will even be assigned to other families undercover…

The Baiming family There is eyeliner arranged in Huier’s house, and the same is true for Huier’s family.

People in the Hunting Division are actually a group of people living in the dark. Many members of the Hunting Division and their relatives do not know their true identity.

Maybe the young master, the young master who usually molested the good women on the street, is secretly a member of the hunting department!

Almost all of these people are killing!

Although it is walking on the tip of a knife, the rewards for the people of the Hunting Division are extremely generous. After a long time of life and death, their cultivation level has also improved extremely quickly.


For the above, Yang Tian has a certain understanding.

After entering the hunting department, except for special circumstances, they will wear special armor. The previous name was not allowed, and only the serial number was used.

Yang Tian estimates that after joining the Hunting Division, among the members of the Hunting Division, he will know who he is. Because there was Xiao Qinglong by his side, it was difficult for others to know him or not.

Under the guidance of Kacha, accompanied by Hui’er Chanchan, Yang Tian came to the gate of the Hunting Division.

A green stone tablet stands at the door with the word scarlet carved on it.

Yang Tian stood in front of the monument and took a look.

The content of the warning is written on it. It probably explains that after joining the Hunting Department, the death rate will be very high. Any rule of the Hunting Department will be severely punished and so on.

It is the first time that Hui’er Chan Chan has seen the contents of the stele when he grows up so big.

After reading these, she became worried for Yang Tian, ​​and took Yang Tian’s arm and said: “Yang Tian, ​​you still don’t want to join the Hunting Division! This… is too cruel!”


Even though Hui’er Chan Chan is young, he doesn’t know anything.

She knows that according to Yang Tian’s ability on rune together, she can achieve a high position in the family and develop together with the family.

Hui Echanchan didn’t understand Yang Tian’s approach.

Looking at Yang Tian’s appearance, it doesn’t look like an idiot or madman!

How does she understand that what Yang Tian needs is something that Hui’er family cannot provide, and he needs to make rapid progress in a short time…

Dissuade Hui’er Chanchan , Yang Tian just smiled slightly, patted the arm of Huier Chanchan, and walked to the gate of the Hunting Division.

Even the younger sister of patriarch, Hui’erchanchan can’t enter at will. She can only look at Yang Tian’s back, and the little green dragon on Yang Tian’s shoulders, and the panting with rage A foot.


When Yang Tian walked to the door, he was stopped by two people wearing black armors and closed helmets.

Yang Tian immediately pulled out a registration book from his arms and handed it to one of the guards.

Kacha has prepared this kind of registration book for Yang Tian in advance, and has filled in the name.

The hunting division recruits members, there are no restrictions, as long as it is a cultivator, no matter what level it is.

Although there is no’threshold’, everyone knows that if there is no strong battle strength, clever mind, tenacious perseverance, and luck, once you enter the hunting division, you don’t want to get out of it alive. Up.

It is not a college, not a charity, but an organization of desperadoes. There is no friendship, no kindness, only cruel killings, and competition by fair means or foul…

Therefore, even if you are not restricted to the division, there are very few cultivators who want to enter the hunting division. .

After opening the registration book and looking at it, the guard returned the registration book to Yang Tian and gave Yang Tian a please gesture.


When Yang Tian took the registration book that the guard had returned, and was about to walk inside, suddenly, a middle-aged sounded behind him man’s voice.

The person here is Hui’er Baixing.

Follow the side of Huier Baixing, and Huier is wonderful.

Yang Tian turned around, looked at the two, and laughed.

At this time, you can see that the Hunting Division is special. The two guards standing at the gate saw Huier Baixing, who were still motionless and did not salute their patriarch.

“Yang Tian, ​​the old man really doesn’t understand, why do you want to do this.” Hui’er Baixing asked with frowned.

Yang Tian said with a smile: “patriarch, I have already considered this matter, I hope you don’t stop it.”

Hui’er Baixing was silent for a while, indifferently said: “After entering the hunting department, the old man is a patriarch and cannot help you. The old man will not stop you. To thank you for helping my clan build this city, the old man has prepared it for you. A great gift!”

Yang Tian certainly understands that this is the meaning of temporary retention. Hui’er Baixing has come in person, and he is not easy to refuse.

“Then I will come again tomorrow!”

Said to the guard next to him, Yang Tian left the gate of the Hunting Division and came to the front of Hui’er Baixing.

Hui’er Baixing haha ​​smiled, and took Yang ****’s nearest Transmission Formation Plate to walk.

When the blue light in front of the eyes disappeared, what appeared in Yang Tian’s eyes was a luxurious palace.

This is where the Huier family entertains guests.

Hui’er Baixing has been pulling Yang Tian for fear that Yang Tian will run away. After he got here, he let go of Yang Tian’s arm and said to Yang Tian: “Please!”


“Oh, good!” Yang Tian was stunned before he was nodded. At this time, he felt that something was wrong!

Enter the gate, walk around the wall, and walk a certain distance before entering the very luxuriously furnished great hall.

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