When a large number of cultivators were attracted by the magical power and jumped into the “starry sky” scene, the green ball floating above the head of the talisman began to change in color, first becoming dark green and then changing again Became black.

Green’s orb was originally full of life force, but after it became black, a wave of Death Aura spread from above.

Fuzhu, with his eyes closed, has a faint smile on his mouth.

“Where is this place!”

The cultivator who first entered the starry sky scene, after a brief period of obsession, soon woke up and let out a scream.

Around him, there are sparse, red light dots that look like countless dust particles.

If you look with a magnifying glass, you will find that these small red particles are actually one after another red ball, and they are covered with countless red patterns.

The person’s scream made the small red particles around him tremble.

Agitated by the sound wave, these small red particles suddenly changed. From it, densely packed filaments that are hard to find with naked eye stick out. At the same time, the red light emitted by small red particles suddenly increased many times.

This cultivator was just about to act. Suddenly, his whole body was numb and he couldn’t move even if he wanted to.

It turned out that the filaments extending from the small red particles have penetrated into his body.

This kind of red filament is very weird. It not only absorbs the energy of his within the body, but even intrudes into his energy world. After the red particles begin to absorb energy through the red filaments, they begin to slowly grow larger and brighter.

This man couldn’t even blink his eyelids, and he kept a look of horror on his face.

The filament has to absorb all energy. After the energy cultivated by this person is absorbed and within the body’s energy world annihilation, the next step is his body. His body quickly dried out and soon became a mummy.

At this time, the hundreds of red spheres surrounding this mummy have become fist sized. They didn’t even let go of the dry corpse. After taking back the filaments, they quickly got onto the dry corpse…

In less than ten minutes, such a cultivator of the fantasy realm became scumbag. Not left.

This situation is not only the encounter with this cultivator, but other cultivators also encountered the same situation. It’s just a cultivator with a high level, that’s all for a long time.

Of course, there are some cultivators who are more cautious, do not move rashly when waking up, and temporarily do not “activate” the small red particles, and some people react faster and immediately use the energy within the body. The filaments that extend the small red particles are blocked.

As long as these red filaments do not enter the body of the cultivator, the energy absorption rate will be slower.

Standing at the cultivator on the edge of the crack, you can see the starry sky below, which suddenly brightened many times, and the’earth vein map’ projected in the sky became clearer.

This kind of graphics is obviously fake, in order to attract more cultivators.

This kind of strange scene in the sky can be clearly seen even if it is tens of thousands of kilometers away. More cultivator moved towards here. Not only that, but there are also a lot of strange animals, running in groups, and trembling the ground, which is bigger than ten thousand horses galloping.

The sky’s “earth vein map” can actually attract strange beasts!

When Hei Fujun came out, immediately, he used the Transmission Array to transmit the situation here to Xi Chen Youyou. Hei Fujun, who almost jumped down, was scared for a while. When the people in the three major temples were not paying attention, he urged the rune Treasure Item in his hand to transmit the situation here to Xi Chen Youyou again.

At this time, Xichen Youyou’s entire group is already halfway.


“hong long long……”

The ground shakes, and the herd finally arrived.

The strange beast at the beginning stopped at the edge of the crack, but the strange beast behind came one after another, even if the strange beast in front was not confused by the starry sky below, it was also crushed by the strange beast behind. Next, he fell into the starry sky scene.

In addition to the strange beasts on the ground, in the sky also flew a herd of beasts, which was so dark that the entire sky was covered.

These flying alien beasts circled over the crack for a few times, and were planted one head…

Around the crack, the human cultivator who was not confused by the starry sky scene, before the arrival of the herd , Flew into the air, stayed away from the crack, suspended in the air not far away.

This kind of scene is really shocking.

“We must stop, otherwise, we will lose our balance and it will be detrimental to my temple.”

100 meters in the air, I saw countless strange beasts rushing into the cracks like a tide. Elderly frowned.

The savage nodded, with a solemn expression: “If it is allowed to develop, the number of strange animals will be greatly reduced, and it will be difficult to obtain life crystals in the future.”

The heads are realizing the realm of life, and even higher-level alien beasts rushed into the cracks and disappeared in the starry sky scene. The hearts of the cultivators were dripping blood. To them, those alien beasts were pieces of high-level life crystals! just this.

He said that he wanted to stop, but for a while, there was no other way but to watch.

At this time, a secretary of the Tianyu Temple wearing a white robe flew to the edge of the crack, and moved towards the starry sky scene below with a punch.

The powerful fist strength cuts through the air, produces a harsh scream, and rushes towards the starry sky scene.

However, after fist strength encountered the starry sky scene, the starry sky that came into contact with fist strength suddenly gleamed, and calmness was restored.

Such a simple attack obviously won’t help. A star temple steward wearing a blue robe took out a hexagonal rune Treasure Item, clicked on it a few times, five different colors of rune energy rushed out of this rune Treasure Item, and condensed in the air. A multicolored ball of light.

Suddenly the ball of light burst, and countless sharp rays of light fell like raindrops.

These scattered rays of light, each of them, are stronger than the fist strength that was blasted by the Celestial Temple Secretary before, but when they fell in the starry sky scene, they didn’t react at all.

It seems that destroying this kind of starry sky scene is not that simple.

When the cultivators were frowning, there was a sudden’buzzing’ in the distance, and immediately, the flying alien beasts hovering in the sky, moved towards all around and dispersed.

The sound is a large number of spaceships.

It turned out that Machine Race arrived.

After these spaceships dispersed the herd of animals in the sky, they stayed in the sky around the cracks, and from above dropped silver white metal pillars with a diameter of one meter.

The dense metal pillars fell in the middle of the herd, like throwing sandbags in the flood, one by one was submerged by the herd.

At first glance, these metal pillars seem to have no effect on the galloping herd, but if you look closely, you will find that the speed of the herd rushing to the crack is slowly decreasing.

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