About half an hour later, the herd finally stopped and stayed one kilometer from the edge of the crack.

At this time, in the sky is already crowded with the spaceship of Machine Race, and the’earth vein map’ projected on in the sky naturally disappeared.

At this time, looking from a high altitude, within a range of tens of kilometers around the crack, there are all densely packed alien beasts. The closer to the crack, the denser the alien beasts.

One kilometer around the crack, densely packed metal pillars are inserted. Even the most massive alien beast cannot pass through this steel jungle.

It is obviously not safe to stop the herd. After the herd is blocked, the spaceship in the sky begins to attack the herd on the ground.

Amid the explosion of “hong long long”, the herd scattered.

Although the number of alien beasts gathered this time is more than that of the beast tide, they did not have a unified leader. Machine Race bombed the beast group and dispersed.

After the herd was dispersed, a large number of cultivator moved towards the edge of the crack gathered.

The three major temples gathered several millions of disciplines and let Machine Race transport them by spaceship. As soon as the herd was dispersed, they stepped down from the spaceship, keeping the crack tight.

“Only I Wuji Temple, there are 1 billion religious people, this is just a small part of that’s all!”

Seeing the look of surprise on the face of Hei Fujun, A little arrogant, lightly saying.

In fact, what Heifujun is surprised is not the number of the three major temples, but the strength of these temple disciplines.

Even if it is an ordinary temple discipline, it is in the realm of illusion, which is equivalent to the realm of Black Talisman.

Being blocked by the people of the temple, some people are naturally unconvinced, and they are quickly suppressed by the people of the temple.

After a short riot, finally calmed down.

Suddenly, three rays of light of different colors flashed and flew from a distance, staying above the crack.

Three youngsters came.

The three are wearing black robe, white robe, and blue robe. Hei Fujun looked at it and knew that the three were experts in the three major temples.

These three people didn’t exude a fierce imposing manner, but they gave people an extremely powerful feeling.

“Palace Lord ~”

When Heifujun is guessing who the three youngsters are, the temple discipline, including Kuman and other temple officials, are all one- Knee kneels, bend down and salute.

It turns out that these three young men are the Palace Lords of the three major temples.

“Get up all!”

Black Robe Youngster raised his hand, indifferently said.

The voice sounded very soft, but it spread far and wide, and the temple disciplines who were kneeling and saluting just got up.

Hei Fujun is not a member of the three major temples. He did not kneel and bow. When the temple disciplines were kneeling and saluting, he squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the three of them.

Among them, the young man wearing a black robe is naturally the Palace Lord of the Promise Temple, named Kuoxing. According to Kuman, this person had just taken over as the Palace Lord of the Promise Temple, and was a talent secretly cultivated by the previous Palace Lord.

The temple is like a country. The last Palace Lord will naturally not give the temple to outsiders. Kuoxing is likely to be the son of the last Palace Lord. The Palace Lord’s order cannot be violated. Even if an ordinary person is ordered to take over as the Palace Lord, no one dares to object.

What’s more, Kuo Xing is also in the realm of the ascension, and when he took over, he showed great strength, and he was actually in the realm of the ascension. Greed was born in many hearts, and the clerks who wanted to replace it dismissed the idea.

Waoxing has a shawl with silver hair and a black triangle mark on his forehead.

The young man in a white robe is the Palace Lord of the Tianyu Temple. He has short red hair and his name is Yugui. There is a red cloud pattern between his eyebrows, which looks a little strange.

blue robe youngster is the Palace Lord of the Star Temple, named Zhi Mi, with long purple hair and two purple dots between his brows.

These three people are undoubtedly the powerhouse of the cream of the crop on this continent.

After letting the door stand up, the three Palace Lords lowered their heads and looked down.




Next, three The Palace Lord spoke the ancient language in full view.

“What are the three Palace Lords talking about?”

Listening to the trio’s chuckles, Hei Fujun was very curious. He glanced at the side with a stubborn look, indifferently said. His words are more like talking to himself.

Kuman glanced at Hei Fujun, whispered: “The secret language of the temple used by Palace Lords, only Palace Lord can use this language.”

If Heifu If you can understand the language of the three people, it will definitely startled.

The three Palace Lords are all in the realm of spiritual travel. With their realm, they have been able to restrain their aspirations and not be confused by the starry sky scene below.

After observing for a while, the Palace Lord of the Promise Temple said indifferently: “After waiting for a long time, it finally started!”

“Yes!” The Palace Lord of the Star Temple sighed. Said: “My Star Temple has been replaced by five Palace Lords, and I have finally waited. That guy, really…”

The Heaven Temple Palace Lord Yugui laughed and looked even more mysterious. “This world, and only that person can do it. He thought it was done secretly, but he didn’t know that it was noticed by my three major temples a long time ago.”

“Then let’s start!”

As soon as Yugui’s voice fell, Kuoxing said indifferently.

Although Kuoxing is the new Palace Lord, in front of Yugui and Zhimi, he speaks with even more pride. Because, the strength of the three major temples is still superior, and the strength of the Promise Temple has already surpassed the Temple of Heaven and the Temple of Starry Sky.

The Tianyu Temple and the Star Temple are united, and the Promise Temple is naturally invincible. But separated, it is far inferior to the Temple of Promise.

After Kuo Xing finished speaking, Zhi Mi turned around, indifferently said: “Chan Chan, come here.”


Before it fell, a girl’s voice sounded.

Soon, a girl wearing a blue robe, holding a green tortoise, walked out of the discipline of the Star Temple.

At this time, all the people present focused their eyes on the girl.

This blue robed young lady is Huier Chan Chan.

Kuo Xing looked at Hui’er Chan Chan, shook the head, and then looked at Guan Zhi Mi and said: “Your luck is so good!”

Zhi Mi smiled slightly and looked very happy .

Something strange happened. When he smiled, he saw that the two purple dots between his eyebrows had changed positions. Soon, his appearance changed and he became a woman, looking like Biyu returned. Be coquettish.

“Let your beast pet go down and take a look!”

When Hui’er Chan Chan approached, Zhi Mi said indifferently.


Hui’er Chanchan became worried when he heard the Palace Lord tell him to put the little turtle in the dangerous place below.

Fucked his eyebrows, the two purple dots between the center of the eyebrows changed their positions again and changed back to the man’s appearance. He listened to him in a serious tone: “Chan Chan, do you want to defy me? Order?”

“I…Don’t dare!”

Hui’er Chanchan looked up and saw the serious look of Palace Lord. He was a little scared and said quickly.

But she doesn’t want Little Turtle to take risks!

While Huierchanchan was hesitating, the little green tortoise suddenly jumped, leaping from Huierchan’s hand, and the blue shadow flashed into the starry sky scene.

At this time, Hui’er Chan Chan, who was in communion with the little green tortoise, felt the cheerful mood of the little green tortoise.

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