Star Sea picture?

Does Star Sea have pictures?

According to Yang Tian’s understanding, because the islands in Star Sea are constantly moving and far apart, it is impossible to make a map.


Yang Tian just thought of a possibility and listened to Li Nan Dao: “Although the islands in the Star Sea are constantly changing positions, their operation is actually It is also regular. A long time ago, there was a human cultivator, his name was’Yuan Shu’, and he made this his goal in life.

Yuan Shu is the first in the history of Star Sea A human being recognized by the orcs, no matter where he goes, the local orcs know his purpose, not only do not harm him, but also take the initiative to protect him. Because if the Star Sea diagram is completed, it will also be of great benefit to the orcs .

Finally, before the end of his life, Yuan Shu finally completed his Star Sea diagram. It is a symbolic formation diagram made of five colored soft crystals. As long as it is unfolded, it will appear. All the Star Sea areas that Yuanshu has visited. What’s even more amazing is that holding this picture, the position of the person holding the picture will appear on the picture.

Unfortunately, the Star Sea picture It was completed. Soon after Yuan Shu died, this picture was scrambled. A picture that was intact was broken into pieces. The piece that my clan got was part of the black soft crystal…”

After finishing speaking, Li Nan said to Yang Tian: “Why don’t you come with us!”

Li Nan directly invited Yang Tian to go with him.

The reason why Yang Tian is valued by the control beast clan is naturally because Lin Zhu sees the Yang Tian battle strength out of the ordinary. If Yang Tian is with him, he can get help from Yang Tian and control the beast clan There are more opportunities to settle down.

Yang Tian thought for a while, then nodded and agreed.


The beast control clan quickly packed up and gathered in a clearing outside the stone house, ready to set off at any time.

Yang Tian finally saw the Star Sea picture that Li Nan said.

After the Lin Zhu turned into a complete human form, under the gaze of the clansman, he took out a palm-sized black fragment from the storage bracelet.

This fragment is not unremarkable, it looks like a piece of cloth dyed black with ink, lying softly on Lin Zhu’s hand.

Its edge is irregularly jagged, and you can see that it is torn apart.

Basically Li Nan’s description of the Star Sea map, Yang Tian can guess that the whole Star Sea map should actually be a strange rune magic weapon.

And Yuan Shu, who made the Star Sea map, must have a high level of accomplishments in rune.

Yang Tian stood beside Lin Zhu, looking at this fragment curiously.

When Lin Zhu transfers energy to this black fragment, the unremarkable fragment gradually fades and becomes smooth and shiny.

At the same time, a faint rune energy fluctuation radiated from the debris.

Yang Tian guessed right, the Star Sea picture, really is a rune magic weapon.

But can it still be used if it is broken into this way?

Be aware that the rune arrays on the runes magic weapon are generally a whole, with a little missing, the upper rune array will be invalid.

Soon, this fragment changed Yang Tian’s cognition of rune magic weapon, under the constant instillation of energy by the scales, it gradually brightened up, emitting a faint red light.

In the red light, there are many small dots, and one of the green dots is the brightest.

Lin Zhu pointed at the green dot and said to Yang Tian: “This is where we are, our next stop, go here!”

Lin Zhu pointed at a piece of red light Said the blank.

Go here?

Yang Tian looked confused.

Lin Zhu saw the expression on Yang Tian’s face, and said with a smile: “These red dots above are all we have been to, and their environment is better than Xueyu. Unfortunately, all Occupied by powerful orcs. This area is not without islands, but because the star map is broken, it is not displayed.”

Yang Tian nodded, Lin Zhu analyzed well.

“Yang Tian.”

Lin Zhu shouted after receiving the Star Sea picture.

Yang Tian turned his head and looked at Lin Zhu, not knowing what she wanted to say.

Lin Zhu said: “Yang Tian, ​​I know you are going to Divine Realm, but do you know where Divine Realm is?”

Yang Tian shook the head.

Star Sea is too big. If it weren’t for the little blue tortoises, Yang Tian would be more fully prepared before coming to Star Sea.

Although the little blue tortoise is a strange animal born in the Star Sea, it also has inherited memories of the same family, but it is impossible for it to find the Divine Realm in a short time.

The little green tortoise can bring Yang Tian and the others to Xueyu, because the herd where it was originally set out from here to the mainland, and the little green tortoise has a keen intuition about this.

There is another problem, that is, with Yang Tian’s current realm and battle strength, even if he finds Divine Realm, he may not be able to enter.

In addition to Divine Realm, Yang Tian will also help Xiaoqinglong find Dragon Race in Star Sea.

These two things are very difficult for Yang Tian now.

Lin Zhu asked like this because Yang Tian had said this to Lin Zhu.

“Divine Realm is also in the star map. The reason why the star map was damaged at the time was also related to those people.” Lin Zhu said with a sneer.

Yang Tian moved in his heart and asked: “The star map, can it be restored?”

Since the star map is a rune magic weapon, as long as you find other fragments, no! Most fragments can restore the star map with the powerful computing power of the strange program.

Lin Zhu said: “It can be restored, but you need to find other pieces and join them together. However, the star map is divided into at least hundreds of pieces, and it is too difficult to collect them. Unless you have a way to get the orcs with star chart fragments, as well as those powerful cultivators, to actively send the fragments to your hands. Otherwise, you will never be able to repair it.”


After talking with Lin Zhu, Yang Tian already had a care in his heart.

He already understands that if he wants to accomplish two goals, he must get a star map.

Or, in the process of searching for star maps and experience, good luck, meet Divine Realm and Dragon Race.

Lin Zhu gave an order, and the person controlling the orcs set off.

The first one is the alien beast controlled by the control orc tribe. Most of the beast control clansman sit on the back of the alien beast, and a few clansman directly transform into the alien beast to fly.

Yang Tian and Hui E Chan Chan, did not stay on Xiaoqing turtle’s back, but rode Lin Zhu’s mount.

Lin Zhu’s mount is a huge flat monster with a hard surface. The yellow hard shell is like a stone.

When flying in the starry sky, this strange beast stretched out two rows of densely packed soft limbs under its abdomen, swinging continuously, much faster than the little turtle.

Every five or six days before going forward, Lin Zhu will stop the clansman, and then take out the fragment of the Star Sea picture to determine where he is now.

Going forward in the Star Sea, the experience of controlling the orcs is much richer than that of the little blue tortoises, and several times have avoided the dangerous areas that spawned in the Star Sea.

Just keep moving forward like this, after about sixty days, a yellow dot appeared in front of him.

That is obviously an island.

But Lin Zhu took out the Star Sea fragment and found that it was marked not at all.

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