At this time, it has left the scope of the Star Sea image fragment, and a blank space appears on it.

At this time, I listened to Lin Zhu shook the head and said: “On the island ahead, not at all other Star Sea picture fragments.”

After speaking, I will star The fragments of the Sea picture were collected in his storage bracelet.

Yang Tian’s heart moved, this Star Sea picture fragment actually has this kind of function. If you have it in your hand, as long as you encounter other fragments in the future, you can remove it without much effort. turn up.

Lin Zhu looked at the yellow island that was getting bigger and bigger in front, as if he knew what Yang Tian was thinking in his heart, suddenly opened the mouth and said: “Yang Tian, ​​my clan has this The broken image is to find a place to live. Now that it has left the scope of the broken icon, it is of little use to us.”

Speaking of this, Lin Zhu paused. , Turned around, looked at Yang Tian’s eyes and said: “This picture is very useful to you. If you can help us settle down in Star Sea, I will give you this picture, how about?”

Yang Tian is very calm, although his heart is moving, said with a smile: “patriarch, you look at me too high. With my ability, I am afraid it will help!”

If one or two people are okay, but thousands of people, to find a place for them to live in peace for a long time, in this Star Sea of ​​danger lurks on every side, it is too difficult.

Yang Tian didn’t refuse, because he really wanted to get the fragments of the Star Sea picture in the hands of Lin Zhu. In this way, it would be much easier to get the Star Sea picture in the future.

Lin Zhu naturally heard the meaning of Yang Tian’s words, said with a smile: “I have an intuition for you, you will definitely be able to help us. In fact, there is a secret in the Star Sea fragment, If you promise me, try your best to help us, when the time comes, I will tell you.”

Lin Zhu means to let Yang Tian do his best, not a must.

This obviously believes in Yang Tian’s character.

Know that’do your best’, these four words are an excuse for many hypocritical people.

Yang Tian not at all agreed immediately, but carefully considered it.

If he agrees to Lin Zhu, he will naturally do his best to help them, if not, Yang Tian will not give up.

Seeing Yang Tian’s silence, not at all opened his mouth and agreed, Lin Zhu secretly nodded, thinking that he did not misunderstand the person.

“I have a question.” Yang Tian said after thinking it over.

Lin Zhu said with a smile: “Please speak!”

Yang Tian asked: “If other Star Sea picture fragments are like you, put them in storage space In. Can this fragment of your Star Sea picture be displayed?”

After saying that, Yang Tian did not wait for Lin Zhu to answer, and then continued: “I, Yang Tian promised to do something about others. Try my best to do it, so I need to know the secret you said first!”

In this situation related to future plans and self-interest, Yang Tian must also weigh clearly, whether it is worthwhile It is worth the exchange.

“Okay!” Lin Zhu was very refreshing and nodded, and said: “The first question, I actually answered you just now. Although the Star Sea picture can be stored in the storage space, it The symbolic array above can be connected through the breakthrough storage space. As long as the two fragments are separated enough, they will be displayed on the map.”

Yang Tian nodded.

Lin Zhu glanced around, and suddenly reached Yang Tian’s ear, whispered: “On the back of the Star Sea picture, there is an incomplete formation diagram, which is said to lead to Ancient Battlefield. Transmission Array picture, a long time ago, the structure of this World was not like this…”

Yang Tian narrowed his eyes, nodded and said: “Okay! I promise you.”

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Yang Tian felt his body and assumed a responsibility.

If you don’t accomplish this goal, even if you become stronger in the future, you will have regrets in your heart.

The yellow island in front becomes bigger and bigger in Yang Tian’s eyes, and finally, it completely covers Yang Tian’s sight.

This is actually a big island, at least a hundred times larger than Blood Islet.

On such a large island, as long as the environment is good, the clansman can settle down.

However, there are many livable islands in the Star Sea, but there are few islands that are not occupied by the orcs, and the larger the island, the stronger the orcs living on it.

Is this yellow island a livable island? Are there orcs on it?

When we approached the yellow island, everyone was thinking about these issues. Although worried, everyone’s eyes are full of excitement.

When there were still dozens of kilometers away from the island, Lin Zhu gave an order to stop the clansman.

Before landing on the island, I must check it out.

If there are more powerful orcs above, there is still a chance to escape at this distance.

However, those who have landed on the island to investigate, if they encounter a powerful orc, most of them will not be able to return.

“Let’s go!”

Without waiting for Lin Zhu’s order, Li Nan came to Lin Zhu’s mount and asked for it.

Li Nan is Lin Zhu’s most important assistant. Lin Zhu is naturally reluctant, and hesitates: “Go and send the soldiers!”

Li Nan said with a bitter smile : “After the battle on Xueyu, although my clan won, it also suffered heavy losses. I didn’t have much effort. Let me go this time!”

The meaning of Li Nan is very clear, if If you don’t assign him some important tasks, other clansman will gossip.

Lin Zhu helplessly said: “Okay! You have to be careful.”

Li Nan nodded, smiled towards Yang Tian nodded, and flew away from Lin Zhu’s mount, and chose three The warriors of the clan, after getting ready, moved towards the yellow island and flew over.

The distance of tens of kilometers is not a long distance for cultivators and powerful aliens.

However, there is not enough light in the Star Sea and the visibility is weak. Yang Tian not at all saw the four of them on the island from the south.

Next, I just waited, waiting for Li Nan to send back the signal.

This waiting is more than ten hours.

As time passed slowly, Lin Zhu, as well as her clansman, had an expression of worry in their eyes.

This is not the first time this has happened.

If the orcs on the island are too powerful, the clansman who landed on the island would not have time to send a signal and would be killed by the clansman on the island.

It is not easy to find a place in the Star Sea where the ethnic groups can thrive. Every ethnic group that occupies an island has the most importance on the defense of the island, and will not only send fighters constantly. The patrol will also set up some symbolic arrays.

Seeing that Lin Zhu’s brows are frowning tighter and tighter, Yang Tian said: “I will go and see.”

After finishing, Yang Tian did not wait for Lin Zhu to agree and hit Snapped his fingers.

Little Qinglong excitedly jumped from Yang Tian’s shoulders, flew to the front, and turned into a giant dragon, hovering in the air like a demonstration for a few times before stopping.

“I will go to the island to take a look, and I will be back soon.” After confessing to Hui’er Chanchan, Yang Tian fell on the back of Xiaoqinglong.

The little Azure Dragon One swings its dragon tail and moves towards the yellow island and flies away quickly.

(Four more tomorrow)

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