Giant cauldron is spraying a lot of yellow smoke, but there is no yellow smoke around, which is very strange.

Based on Yang Tian’s sensitivity to rune energy, even in the case of being so close to the five-color giant cauldron, he did not notice the slightest rune energy fluctuation.

Soon, the little green dragon flew to a distance of about 100 meters from the giant cauldron and stopped.

The ground is full of yellow sand, and only about half of the giant cauldron’s three legs are exposed on the ground. Yang Tian got off the back of Xiaoqinglong, and as soon as he landed, there was a sound of’ka-cha’ at his feet, like something shattered.

Yang Tian waved his hand and sent out a burst of energy to blow away the sand under his feet. What appeared in Yang Tian’s eyes was a layer of broken bones.

It turns out that the sound of shattering comes from bones.

The little Qinglong also swayed its dragon tail at this time, and a burst of guessing air flow rolled up, and a layer of yellow sand on the surface was blown away, exposing broken bones on the ground.

So many broken bones! What happened here…

Yang Tian can imagine that under this vast piece of sand surrounding the five-color tripod, there should be all broken bones.

With so many bones, I don’t know how many lives have been lost here.

Looking at the five-color cauldron as big as a mountain in front of him, Yang Tian suddenly felt that a powerful and mysterious power was shrouded in the sky above this piece of land.

The little green dragon turned into a mini dragon and fell on Yang Tian’s shoulders.

Yang Tian carried the double knives and walked cautiously towards the five-color giant cauldron. Along the way, the sound of broken bones being trampled to pieces came from under his feet, which appeared very loud in the quiet environment.

The closer he got to the giant cauldron, the more careful Yang Tian was, but when he walked under the giant cauldron, nothing unusual happened.

Yang Tian raised his head and looked up, and he saw that there were densely packed dots under the belly of the tripod.

In fact, these small points are all rune protruding from the tripod body, but because they are too far away from Yang Tian and too small, Yang Tian can’t see clearly.

The strange program is extremely eager for rune information. Without Yang Tian’s reminder, it left Yang Tian’s body, flew to the top, and hovered continuously under the belly of the tripod.

More than ten minutes later, the strange program returned to Yang Tian.

“Yang Tian, ​​these ancient rune information, I have collected almost. The rune on this tripod is the most complete, there must be more runes in the tripod belly, if you can get inside , Complete the rune information, I am sure to calculate this huge rune array and completely crack it…”

When the strange program spoke, the voice seemed a little excited.

Go inside?

Yang Tian took a few steps back, and saw the yellow smoke that was continuously ejected from the tripod, and couldn’t help but smile.

But do not go in, let the strange program collect enough rune information, it is obviously very difficult to unlock the secret here.

The five-color giant cauldron looks very rough when seen from a distance, as if cast from pieces of stuff together, but when it gets closer, you will find that the surface of the cauldron is extremely smooth, with various parts There is no gap.

To go up, you can only use flying.


Yang Tian kicked his feet hard on the ground, and his body ejected.

However, when his body catapulted into the air of several dozen meters and was at least 100 meters away from the top of the tripod edge, he was attracted by the sudden strong attraction on the ground. Pull his body to the ground.

At the same time, Yang Tian also felt strong rune energy fluctuations.

This invisible talisman array is wonderfully designed and can only be triggered under certain conditions.

There was another muffled sound of’Peng’, pulled by the powerful attraction, Yang Tian’s body fiercely fell to the ground, and the body was sunk into the bone pile under the yellow sand.

When his body stopped, the attraction added to him suddenly disappeared.

This situation is similar to the situation when Yang Tian just arrived on this island and was pulled down in the air.


Yang Tian exhaled a long breath and crawled out of the bone pile.

Looking at the giant cauldron in front of him, Yang Tian frowned, and it seemed that it was really not an easy task to reach the top of the giant cauldron.

The unconvinced little green dragon, at this moment, ejected from Yang Tian, ​​and flew towards the top of the giant cauldron.

The clever little Qinglong, in the process of flying upward, slowed down.

Because it finds that the faster it rises, the stronger the attraction in the end.

So, slow down?

Little Qinglong does not at all enlarge the body, because the larger the body, the larger the range of gravity.

Yang Tian lifts the head, staring at Xiaoqinglong intently, hoping that Xiaoqinglong can succeed.

Having ascended to almost 50 meters above the ground, the speed of the little green dragon dropped significantly, and at the same time, powerful energy fluctuations radiated from the little green dragon body.

Obviously, after reaching this height, even the small body of Xiaoqinglong received a strong gravitational force.

In order to persevere, the little green dragon, who could not fly up anymore, released a powerful spirit strength. It hopes to use spirit strength to resist the strong attraction imposed on it.

At this time, Yang Tian’s mind moved, and also released spirit strength, holding the little blue dragon to rise.

One meter, two meters, three meters…

Little Qinglong’s body slowly rises again.

But the more you go up, the stronger the attraction, and soon Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong can’t hold on.


Little Qinglong’s body, like a mortal stone falling from in the sky, fell on the ground, knocking the ground out of a bowl The big pothole comes.


Yang Tian put out a long breath again, and sat on the ground.


“ao ~”

Suddenly, a pile of yellow sand exploded, and the huge little green dragon crawled out of the ground. moved towards the five-color giant cauldron let out an angry roar.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon tail of the enlarged little green dragon swung its body, and then moved towards the giant cauldron again and flew away.

At this time, the little blue dragon is more than fifty meters long, and its dragon tail has not left the ground yet, and the dragon head has approached the limit height that Yang Tian jumped to before.

Something strange happened. The bigger little blue dragon, the dragon’s head reached 100 meters above the sky, and was pulled down by a strong gravitational force, hitting the ground, and smashing the ground into a big hole.

This also works?

At this moment, Yang Tian’s eyes were wide open, feeling a little weird.

After getting up from the ground, the little green dragon shook his body and bounced the yellow sand and broken bones on his body. Immediately, he saw his body grow again.

It kept getting bigger, until the body length reached more than 150 meters, Xiao Qinglong did not stop.

Little Qinglong has become so huge, it is the first time Yang Tian has seen it.

The little blue dragon that became huge enough, raised his upper body, and threw himself on the five-color giant cauldron. With the support of the dragon tail, it stuck to the giant cauldron all the way up. Soon, its dragon head Arrived on Dingyan.

At this time, its body suffered a strong attraction again.

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