“ao ~”

Under the strong gravitational force, the little Qinglong let out a painful and angry roar.

At the same time, a gurgling sound came from the huge body of Xiao Qinglong.

This is the rubbing sound of Xiao Qinglong’s body being compressed by strong gravitational force, the skeleton joints of the body within the body, and Yin Hong’s blood suddenly emerged from Xiao Qinglong’s roar.

“small dragon ~”

Yang Tian gritted his teeth and called out, immediately ejected and landed on Xiaoqing dragon body.

At this time, Yang Tian understood the meaning of Xiaoqinglong, and Xiaoqinglong did this to make him climb up along his body and reach the five-color giant cauldron.

The blood in the body has been squeezed out, which shows how intense the pain the little green dragon is enduring at this time.

“What are they doing?”

Although they are far away from the sandbags, Li Nan and others can see the situation in the five-color giant Cauldron. At this time, when they saw that the little Qinglong became extremely huge, climbing on the giant cauldron, while Yang Tian was climbing up the body of the little Qinglong, Li Nan couldn’t help but ask aloud.

Li Nan still stared at Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong, indifferently said: “Looking at their previous and current actions, you can know that going to that giant cauldron is very intolerable, you remember before When we flew to this island, we were caught by a powerful attraction and fell down.”

The man who broke his arm, nodded, said, “This place is too strange, but unfortunately Our mounts are distracted, otherwise, we can help them at this time.”


“Small dragon, if you can’t persist, just give up! when the time comes, let’s think of another way…”

Yang Tian said while climbing up.

At this time, the blood flowing out of Xiao Qinglong’s nose roar has flowed down his body, and Xiao Qinglong’s body has also become a lot shriveled.

Seeing the changes in Xiaoqing’s dragon body, Yang Tian at this time is extremely heartbroken.

However, the stubborn little Qinglong still remains unmoved.

Yang Tian had no choice but to speed up, but after reaching 100 meters in the air along the body of Xiaoqinglong, it became very difficult to take a step forward.

Even, in order to take a step forward, Yang Tian used his strength to tear off a piece of dragon scales of Xiaoqinglong.

If the dragon body formed by Yang Tian can also become as huge as the Azure Dragon One, and at the same time can persist for so long, he must be incarnation as a dragon and climb up in this way. ……

The more you go up, the steeper Xiao Qinglong’s body becomes. At this time, bare hands and feet are not enough.

Yang Tian’s mind moved, and the power of the dragon ball instantly filled his arms and legs, turning his hands and legs into dragon claw.

“puff puff puff…”

A sound of piercing the flesh sounded.

Yang Tian’s dragon claw constantly pierces the scales of the little blue dragon, plunges into the fleshy body, and continues to step up with strength.

On the part of Xiaoqing’s dragon body pierced by Yang Tian with dragon claw, blood spurted out.

Yang Tian’s eyes became blood-red, and his teeth bite so loudly, every step forward, the pain in Yang Tian’s heart strengthened, and he hated the design of this symbol array more and more. People…

They can’t use too much force in the air, they are easily pulled down by strong attraction.

At this time, with Xiaoqinglong’s body as a’stairway’, he can resist a stronger attraction.

When it came to the neck of the little green dragon, and there was a distance of more than 20 meters from the upper tripod edge, Yang Tian opened his eyes wide, and the spirit strength he had prepared for a long time burst out.

Through this powerful spirit strength, and Xiao Qinglong’s body, Yang Tian suddenly speeded up, passed the head of Xiaoqinglong, and landed on the edge of the tripod.

At this moment, the attraction that hung over him suddenly disappeared.

At this time, Xiao Qinglong finally opened a pair of long eyes, his eyes full of exhaustion, but more excited.

Because for Xiaoqinglong, it finally defeated the powerful attraction and sent Yang Tian up.

Little Qinglong knows that Yang Tian should have other ways to get on this giant cauldron, but it stubbornly chose this way…

Yang Tian With a thought, the black giant Battle Armor appeared on him.

Immediately, Yang Tian’s body began to grow bigger, and soon, it changed into a giant with a height of ten meters.

Next, Yang Tian held the dragon head of Xiaoqinglong and dragged the huge body of Xiaoqinglong up.

At this time, the attraction added to Xiaoqing’s dragon body has been unable to compete with Yang Tian’s power, and the huge body of Xiaoqinglong was slowly dragged up by Yang Tian.

When the two front dragon claws of the little green dragon crossed the edge of the tripod, the little green dragon jumped vigorously. With the strong pull of Yang Tian, ​​the huge dragon body quickly passed the edge of the tripod and landed on the edge of the tripod. And the attraction added to it suddenly disappeared.

The tired little green dragon immediately became smaller, fell on Yang Tian’s shoulder, and immediately took out a piece of World Tree leaf from his storage space, and ate it.

Seeing that Xiaoqinglong is fine, Yang Tian sighed in relief.

At this moment, standing on the sand dune and watching this scene, Li Nan and others finally loosened their clenched fists.

The yellow smoke ejected from the giant cauldron is right in front of Yang Tian.


When Yang Tian turned around, a blue giant knife appeared in his hand.

Yang Tian slashed on the edge of the tripod with a knife angrily, the five-color giant cauldron uttered a roar, and trembled constantly, and the upward jet of yellow smoke was affected, and it was distorted.

This is Yang Tian’s anger before venting. If this giant cauldron is not hard enough, he will definitely be chopped into pieces.

The yellow plume of smoke ejected from the cauldron was messed up for a while, and it quickly recovered, as before, it became extremely condensed, straight up, and then covered the sky, and then slowly Landing, forming a yellow’smoke ring’ on the periphery of the island.

Now finally on top of the giant cauldron, next, is to enter the giant cauldron, help the strange program to read those ancient runes.

Although this five-color tripod is huge, its diameter is no more than a hundred meters. If there is no abnormality, the strange program can record all the runes in the tripod’s belly within an hour.

But, is it really that simple?

Yang Tian looked at the yellow plume in front of him, and began to walk around the plume.

“Yang Tian, ​​in this five-color giant cauldron, there should be a huge, special space, otherwise, it would be impossible to spray a plume of smoke all the time…”

The voice rang in Yang Tian’s mind, reminding Yang Tian.

This is similar to what Yang Tian guessed. Although he walked around the yellow smoke column, Yang Tian did not notice the spatial energy fluctuation.

Walking around the yellow smoke column, Yang Tian didn’t see anything, then, in the eyes of Li Nan and the others, he jumped into the smoke column and entered the space of the five-color tent belly.

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