Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 1006: Watch

Chapter 106 Watch

They have already known about Wuhai World's establishment of a space channel with the earth.

They don't understand why Su Qiubai did this, but they must believe in Su Qiubai!

Immediately, the three old men also started to deal with everything on the earth, because all the invaders had been driven away, so that the territory outside China that once belonged to Europe and the Americas and all continents was empty!

So what do you do now?

This matter can be large or small, and it seems that the fairest way is to let all the overseas population return to their land!

But this must not work!

Knowing that the earth has been declared by the Galactic Emperor to be a first-class force, and divided the million planets as territories, it represents that the earth has officially entered a brand new era!

In this era, the past Earth has never experienced before, so any decision is of vital significance!

Since then, the earth has officially entered the universe, the universe, so it faces many problems, and from now on, the outer universe will only have the label of the earth human, not a specific China, or America or the like. s things……

So, what exactly?

In the commanding heart, all three old men were silent, they were thinking, and the cheers outside could not be ignored for the time being!


At this moment, the old driver has met Gu Qingmei and Xiaoqing in Wuhai World!

Everything that I have experienced in Wuhai World is an absolutely unforgettable memory, and Gu Qingtian promised at the beginning that he would bring Gu Qingmei back. Now is the time to fulfill the promise!

The entire Wuhai world has now been completely controlled by Li Youting and is well organized!

After a few words, Su Qiubai informed her about the passage of time and space!

In the room, Li Youting suddenly became excited.

"Earth? Another world?"

"Yes, my hometown!"

Nodded, Su Qiubai answered.

This answer made Li Youting inevitably excited. Su Qiubai's history seems to be an unknown secret to the entire Wuhai world. Nowadays, there will be a space-time channel connecting to his hometown. This is a pretty good thing!

"The contact between the two worlds takes time, don't worry ..."

Then, the smiling old driver whispered to Li Youting.

He needs to arrange and arrange this matter. This is not a small matter for the earth and the Wuhai world. He really needs to be prepared by his great general!

Later, after very patiently informing Li Youting of his arrangements, Su Qiubai stopped.

Although his expression was calm, Li Youting was still very sensitive and felt that something was wrong with him.

"What happened?"

The man in front of you, Li Youting, was very clear about her feelings, and she also knew that she could not express it.

However, this does not prevent her from expressing her concerns.

"Maybe ... I'm leaving soon."

With a smile, Su Qiubai said softly.

This is nothing to hide, because after all he is leaving, so he really needs to inform these old friends in advance.

Hearing here, Li Youting suffocated suddenly, she did not expect Su Qiubai to tell herself such a thing.

I can't tell what it's like in my heart. Some are flustered, some more inexplicable ... Lost.

She smiled, but found her face stiff.

"Where to go?"

"Far away, I don't know when I will be back."

He continued to laugh, Su Qiubai said, his mind was actually thinking, when he came back to the earth, he did n’t know when it had arrived, and probably it was really something wrong ...

"Good luck, I ... we will wait for you to come back."

Finally, Li Youting still laughed.

She looked at Su Qiubai, her eyes were very sincere.

"Wuhai World, it's over to you!"

Nodding his head, Su Qiubai said that he had already considered this matter very early. In the Wuhai world, he only trusted so few people. Xiao Qing and Gu Qingmei also planned to bring it back to the earth. Entrust this to Li Youting!

He nodded as earnestly as the girl took Su Qiubai's words into her heart and made one of the most important decisions of her life!

"Yes, Nika is gone!"

Suddenly, Li Youting said.

Su Qiubai was also stunned, and this reminded me of Nika. At the same time, he frowned and began to use navigation to find the whole Wuhai world.

However, really, as Li Youting said, there is no breath of Nika at all!

If you remember correctly, there is also a woman named Hong Luo in Nika's body. Su Qiubai had planned to take the time to specifically solve this matter. I didn't expect that one or two trips would come down!

Moreover, Nika disappeared.

"I'll deal with this ..."

Taking a deep breath, Su Qiubai stood up.

In this way, after saying goodbye to Li Youting, he took Gu Qingmei and Xiaoqing back to the earth!

Back to the first thing on earth, after Su Qingbai settled Gu Qingmei and Xiaoqing, he immediately rushed to Wuqu Mountain!

According to his memory, the first time he saw Nika, Su Qiubai found that she looked exactly like the earth girl Mu Chunxu!

After that, a strange woman like Hong Luo appeared, and he became more and more certain that there must be an unknown connection between Mu Chunxue and Nika!

It is for this reason that now after Nika disappears, the first thing Su Qiubai thinks about is to find Mu Chunxue!

Wuqu Mountain is still lush, and soon Su Qiubai found Master Mu Chunxue's courtyard.

However, at the first sight of Mu Lizi, he found that the woman was injured and was seriously injured!

Similarly, Mu Lizi here is also incredible to see Su Qiubai!

In less than a year, she knew exactly how high the boy had grown up now, which can be described in terms of horror!

So now when he saw him, Mu Lizi looked excited.

"Mr. Su, please rescue Chunxue, you must rescue her!"

Obviously he wanted to run towards Su Qiubai here, but because of his physical injury, his foot fell to the ground softly.

With a frown, Su Qiubai realized that something unexpected might have happened, so the first two steps in the past helped lift Pear from the ground.

"Mr. Su, please save Chunxue!"

Once again, Mu Lizi said.

"Don't worry, what's going on?"

Su Qiubai first helped her sit down, and then asked.

Mu Lizi also realized that he could not say anything clearly, and then took a deep breath and began to talk to Su Qiubai.

It turned out that one day ago, Mu Chunxue had eaten with Mu Lizi in the yard, but suddenly someone broke in and snatched Mu Chunxue after hurting Mu Lizi!

"That robber ... is exactly like Chun Xue's!"

After speaking, Pear dropped his voice sharply, and the whole person looked extremely dignified, so said his mouth.

Almost she just finished this sentence, Su Qiubai has affirmed one thing!

You can't be wrong, it must be Hong Luo, or Nika came here and took Mu Chunxue away!

That is to say, they really belong to the same person as their initial guess!

This turned out to be a bit of a surprise for the old driver. He wanted to wait for the Earth to end before dealing with it, but now it is too late.

In particular, it involves Nika and Mu Chunxue. Mu Chunxue said that Nika's relationship with the old driver is not ordinary, especially after going through everything in Wuhai World, Su Qiubai's feelings for that girl have long been different. !!

Now thinking of something wrong with her, it is difficult for the whole person to suppress and feel uncomfortable.

In the end, he assured Mu Lizi that he would definitely get Mu Chunxue back and planned to do so immediately.

But at this time, Mu Lizi gave it to him again!

"Hold this!"

It was a black watch, which looked like this on the surface. As for what it really did, Su Qiubai didn't find it.

"This is the one who stayed, he said that one day you can find him through this watch!"

It seemed to be very hesitant, eventually Mu Lizi said.

After listening to this sentence, the old driver seemed a little dazed.

But soon, his eyes suddenly flashed, and the whole man looked dignified.

"You mean ... the one who gave you iron beads?"

Suppressed his voice, Su Qiubai himself was a little excited.

Even in his head, Longaldo shouted.

"This thing must stay, maybe we can find the remaining parts of the super system, and my memory can be complete!"

The reason why it has such a reaction, Su Qiubai was not surprised at all!

You know, at that time he got the core part of the super system from Mu Chunxue, an iron ball!

It was by that kind of thing that he passed the driving test at that time!

After that, Mu Chunxue told him that the iron bead was a person from the future and gave it to her master Mu Lizi, saying that she was looking for someone with a destiny!

Originally, Su Qiubai thought that only iron beads were left by that person. I did not expect such a watch!

Moreover, if Mu Lizi did not lie, he could really find the person from the future through his watch ... Naturally it is possible to discover more about the system!

After thinking about all of this in his mind for a moment, Su Qiubai naturally did not hesitate to put away the watch, and his eyes were still staring at Pear, trying to get some other useful information.

"This watch was sent with iron beads, but I didn't tell anyone, because he said ... one day I will know when to give it to whom!"

This sentence is exactly why Mu Lizi hesitated, and Su Qiubai nodded after understanding.

At the same time, he feels even better about the so-called person from the future!

Afterwards, there were no more stops. After leaving, the old driver left here!

What he didn't know at all was that he didn't know how long he left, and received a message in his brain when he returned to the room.

"The mission is complete, and now it is destroyed!"

In fact, when Mu Lizi heard the news, he felt very at a loss.

She never knew what the task was, let alone what happened now.

As a result, in the next moment, some messy things began to appear in her mind. Eventually, with the explosion of her head, her body was completely turned into a bunch of parts!

That's right, this is a robot, a robot that even Lonado doesn't notice!

It used to be Su Qiubai's most precious super system core component here, and now it is the watch she gave to the old driver!

So, who is behind Pear? Why did this happen?

All these are secrets that no one knows, at least Su Qiubai knows nothing now!

However, Rao is so, this thing is very scary, that feeling is probably every step of Su Qiubai ... It is arranged by someone!

Of course, Su Qiubai has left!

The watch Rondo was tested for the first time, but there is nothing special, it seems that it is really just a simple watch!

The advantage of the old driver is that he doesn't care too much about what he doesn't know, so after throwing his watch aside, he returned to Beidu!

Today's Huaxia does have a lot of things to deal with quickly, so the first time he went to the control of Beidu, and asked three old people to discuss it in detail!

It was also at this time, in the distant Erinka week, a spaceship had just taken off and the target was pointing directly at the earth!

The power of this spacecraft, along the way, makes all the fleets encountered are afraid to avoid it, after all, to be able to fly this level of spacecraft, there must be no powerful warrior!

This is indeed the case. The interior of the spacecraft at this moment is full of powerful warriors, and the front is a man and a woman standing side by side.

If Su Qiubai were here, he would definitely recognize this woman as Yun Jin, the president of the sanctuary, and the man ... but strange to him!

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